Reduce Asthma Flare-Ups - 3 Effective Ways To Manage Asthma

Asthma cannot be cured but it can be effectively managed. Here are 3 strategies you can use to reduce flare-ups and make it possible for you to enjoy your life despite this condition.

Identify The Triggers - This is easier said than done. Often it is not just one thing that triggers flare up but a combination that can be directly affected by your physical condition. One of the best ways to hone in on what things cause your symptoms that range from aggravating to a full-blown attack is to keep a journal.

Make a note of time of day, location, your overall health at the time (i.e. tired, coming down with a cold, unusually stressed) and any things that you came in contact with prior to symptoms developing. You may not see a pattern from moment to moment, but after keeping the journal for a month or so, a pattern is likely to appear.

If your asthma is severe, you may not have time to wait to make these kinds of observations, but keeping a journal like this can greatly help you and your doctor to identify the likely causes and develop a management plan that will help to reduce the number and severity of symptoms and flare ups.

Avoid The Problem - This solution sounds terribly low-tech in the midst of our technologically savvy world; but it still works. If you avoid the things that you know will trigger problems, you will hopefully be able to live life more fully.

The obvious problem is that you are not always in control of the air you breathe either indoors or out. Learning about the triggers can be a big help. For example, if seasonal pollens are an irritant, knowing when they are at their peak and avoiding the outdoors on those days can help. Use what you learn to pick and choose activities that will offer the most distance from irritants.

Reduce The Number of Irritants - Outdoor air is pretty much beyond your control. But indoor air is different. With the right kind of air cleaner you can effectively and continually remove 99,997 out of every 10,000 particulates as small as .3 microns.

This type of filter that is able to do this is called high efficiency particle arresting filter and is often abbreviated as HEPA. Since many asthma triggers are particles like household dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pollen, pet dander, bacteria, and viruses this is an essential part of any asthma management plan.

Since gaseous pollutants such as smoke, chemicals from household furniture and carpets, and scents from personal and household cleaning products can also cause problems, a cleaner that contains a filter that can remove gaseous pollutants should also be present in the air purifier.

These 3 strategies can greatly reduce the effect that asthma has on your life. And can literally help you breathe easier..

Get relief from asthma 24 hours a day by eliminating the triggers. See the air purifier specifically designed to eliminate particulate and gaseous asthma irritants at

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