Breathe Easy All Night on an Adjustable Bed

Asthma and sleep apnea are common conditions among both adults and children in America. While asthma is triggered by an inflammation of the air passageways, sleep apnea is caused by an obstruction of the air passageways. This may occur in the chest, throat, or nasal regions. Each condition causes a restriction of airflow, however, that can inhibit one from obtaining a deep level of sleep. Additionally, it is recommended that individuals with either condition sleep with their torso elevated to increase airflow. Adjustable beds are typically the best means to accomplish such an end, as pillows and other devices lack the stability to maintain an elevation all night long.

Asthma and sleep apnea are common in at least two ways. First, they have the same effect on the body. Each causes a restriction in airflow that has a significant impact on day-to-day life. This impact can become particularly detrimental at night when affected individuals try to sleep. Before we may assess the value of an adjustable bed sleep system, however, we must first evaluate each condition and the ways in which they prevent the normal flow of air in to and out of the body.

Asthma patients experience a restriction in air flow when they engage in strenuous physical activity. Though less common, some asthma patients may experience an "asthma attack" when they are in climates with cold air. In either case, the asthma attack is triggered by an external event. Once triggered, asthma causes an inflammation of the airways that makes it difficult to breath. Depending on the severity of the condition, patients may require a medicated inhaler to reverse the inflammation and breath normally again.

Unlike asthma, sleep apnea is rarely triggered by an external event. Rather, it is a result of an obstructed airway. This usually occurs during sleep but nonetheless produces a restricted airway that impedes the breathing process, much like asthma. A common reason for sleep apnea includes excessive pressure on the chest. Overweight individuals are particularly prone to this type of sleep apnea as they experience a great deal of weight and pressure on the chest when they lie flat.

Adjustable beds provide relief for those who suffer with asthma or sleep apnea because they may help the person breathe easily during the night. For individuals with sleep apnea, it is recommended that sleeping take place at an incline of at least 6 to 8 inches. This helps to distribute weight more evenly across the upper torso and, as a result, the air passageways of the chest are able to expand naturally. This even weight distribution also helps the passageways of the nose and throat to more easily inhale and exhale during the night. Adjustable beds provide a similar benefit to those with asthma, as sleeping at an incline makes it easier for these individuals to breath during the night as well. Adjustable beds provide relief from additional conditions like back pain, arthritis, and G.E.R.D., of which chronic heartburn is a tell tale sign.

In closing, individuals with asthma and sleep apnea may find much needed relief by making lifestyle decisions that minimize the impact of their condition on their everyday life. Choosing to sleep in an adjustable bed is just one such choice, and it has the potential to create a higher quality level of sleep.

Medical benefits of adjustable beds also include and relieving other sleep disorders. For individuals who desire a premium move-able mattress, Leggett Platt beds offer the best combination of quality and technological innovation.

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Adult Onset Asthma: The Unknown Causes

Adult Onset Asthma can appear at the most unexpected times. It doesn't matter if you are 20 years old or you've never had asthma before, if you're having shorter breath, swelling airway lining, frequent coughing, wheezing, and these irritating chest pains? You might be having asthma. The difference between adult onset asthma and childhood asthma is that while the symptoms of childhood asthma may come and go, the symptoms of adult onset asthma may be continuous which may require regular medication to manage the disease. This article deals with all the necessary things that you should know about asthma.

People who have the likelihood of getting this kind of disease include women who are having hormonal changes like pregnant women and women undergoing menopause. It also includes women taking estrogen following menopause, people who just had colds or flu, obese people. People with allergies also develop asthma such as cat allergy, and people who are constantly exposed to environmental irritants like tobacco, smoke, mold, dust, feather beds and perfumes which can work as triggers of this disease. This are causes that we usually ignore when we are adults. We always think that they cause little to our health but in fact it does cause serious consequences especially with the occurrence of it.

The Value of Asthma Education

Knowing its symptoms is necessary in order to prevent damage. Symptoms have to be known for a more effective treatment. The lung airways have to be regularly checked and observed so that medication can adjust to the levels of changes of lung airways activity. Adult onset asthma may cause the lung airway linings to swell, increase the production of large amount of mucus which might be thicker than the normal production, cause the narrowing of lung airway due to muscle contraction.

These physiological changes may cause the shortness of breath, frequent coughing especially at night, a whistling noise while breathing, difficulty in breathing itself and frequent chest pains. Asthma can be diagnosed by taking a medical history since it can be genetically acquired, having the doctor listen to you breathe, performing a lung function test, performing a methacholine challenge test, and having the doctor see the chest X-ray result. Learning about this disease assures you that you won't be doing the wrong things.

Adult onset asthma can be deadly in severe cases. It is indeed important to keep track of the symptoms and have your physician create a care plan called the asthma action plan. Based on your history and the severity of your disease, the action plan can be entrenched from it's characteristics. Your asthma action plan describes your medications- when and how you're going to use them, the procedures that should be executed when your asthma abruptly worsen, and gives you necessary information regarding when and to whom you're going to seek care during emergency. Make sure that you understood your plan and don't forget to ask questions from your trusted asthma care provider. Although this may sound cliche but remember it's true: health is wealth.

Adult Onset Asthma can be prevented or can be treated along if you have the right information about Asthma Facts.

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Investing in a Quality Air Purification System

Good air quality is very important to health. Pollutants and contaminants in the air can affect our breathing and overall well being. Your lungs and eyes can become irritated by air pollution. It can also create conditions such as earaches, asthma and bronchitis or worsen them if they already exist. Many studies have been conducted to determine if there is a long term health effect on exposure to air pollution. We breathe in over 15,000 liters of air daily. If there are high amounts of pollutants in the air, your health can suffer as the pollutants get carried through the bloodstream. The pollutants can then go to various organs of the body such as the lungs, brain and heart.

Determining air pollution levels: The EPA also known as the Environmental Protection Agency, monitors air quality levels throughout the United States. The Air Quality Index, (AQI), provides a daily air quality scale. If the score is 100 or above it indicates the air quality is poor for that particular day. If this is the case, there are numerous precautions you can take to protect yourself. Try to stay indoors as much as possible. The best times to be outdoors is the early morning or late at night when ozone levels are lower. Additionally, outdoor exercise should be limited to avoid breathing in more air contaminants.

Indoor Air Quality: We may not realize how polluted indoor air can also be. In fact, many times indoor air quality can be much worse than outdoor air. The winter months often make the indoor air even more irritating due to weatherizing and heating systems that block fresh air from coming in. Thus the quality is usually worse and seasonal allergies can become aggravated.

Air Purification Systems: Considering all of the contaminants in the air it may be a wise investment to purchase a high quality air purifier for your home. Air filters can be very helpful particularly if you already have a condition such as asthma or allergies. If is fine to use the air purifier year round to help with various seasonal allergies. A good air purifier will clean the air in the home by filtering it and removing the contaminants and returning clean air.

Air Purifiers for Asthma: Asthma sufferers could benefit greatly from a good quality system. Asthma can be a life threatening illness and can eventually lead to serious lung issues. There are over 15 million Americans that suffer from asthma. Triggers for asthma are highly contaminated air which may include irritants such as pet danger, dust and numerous chemicals. Breathing in these contaminants is unhealthy in general but more so for individuals suffering from asthma.

In addition to the obvious things like keeping the home clean, dusting, mopping and vacuuming often, an air purification system can also be very effective. High quality systems can actually remove over 99% of particles found in indoor air. The American Thoracic Society did a review of air purifiers and found those that use a HEPA filter system were the most beneficial for asthma conditions. Unfortunately there is no cure for asthma. However, removing agents in the air that may trigger an attack is certainly a good first step and may be helping many sufferings find relief.

HEPA versus Ionic Systems: The two main types of systems are a HEPA or ionic based system. A HEPA system uses a filter which acts as an air cleaner. An ionic system creates clean air by electrically charging the particles in the air that it filters. This neutralizes the particles which results in fresher, cleaner air. Which one to get depends on what your particular needs are. Again, the HEPA system is best for people who have conditions such as asthma. The ionic system produces ozone which can actually be harmful to an asthmatic or anyone with a respiratory condition as it can be irritating to the lungs. The HEPA system is better at removing allergens while the ionic system tends to be better at neutralizing odors.

If odor is a concern for you, the HEPA system can be equipped with a charcoal filtration device which will neutralize airborne odors. You need to also consider the square footage of the area you are trying to clean. Filters have a system known as the "Clean Air Delivery Rate" or CADR. The systems with the highest number are the most efficient at purifying the air. These are usually HEPA based systems. For maximum results you should choose a system that has a CADR rate that is at least equivalent to two-thirds of the square footage you want to keep clean. Your square footage should be a determinant in how many purifiers you may actually want to purchase. Depending on the size of your home you may need to purchase several units.

Automobile Air purifiers: You can consider investing in a car air purifier as well. Keeping your car clean by dusting and vacuuming regularly will also prevent the proliferation of pollen and dust mites. You will help to circulate clean air through the vehicle and this is a healthy benefit for you.

Choosing a System: With dozens of choices available in the growing air purification industry, a consumer could be left feeling confused and not sure what to purchase. The first step is to look at what your particular needs are for the system. Do you or family members suffer from any conditions that an air purifier could help with? If it is respiratory illnesses then be sure to get a HEPA based system. If there are no specific underlying issues then you would be okay with an ionic air purifier for general air cleaning purposes.

Replacement Filters and Accessories: When making your selection you should take a good look at how often you need to replace the filter or other components. You should not have to do so that frequently and should look for a unit that has a high quality filtration system and ready accessibility to replacements at a reasonable cost. You don't want to get stuck with a unit where the cost of replacing the filter is too expensive.

You want to also look at an air purifier that has several other features. Sticking with the better known brands is a good idea as they have more credibility and usually better warranty features. Look for a system that will last you a long time and you won't have to worry about replacement costs. The cheaper units sometimes do not have the quality to maintain staying power. By investing more money in a better unit initially, you will ultimately save money over the long haul. A good air filtration system can really improve the quality of the air that you breathe. If you are suffering from any medical condition or are taking prescription medication it is important that you always consult with your medical doctor regarding any air filtration system you may purchase. Clean air is healthier air.

The Issels Medical Center in Santa Barbara, California is a world renowned alternative cancer treatment center. The Issels Treatment is an Integrative Immunotherapy program with a 50 year history. Founded in 1951 by a pioneer in integrative cancer medicine, Dr. Josef Issels, MD., a German oncologist, The Issels Medical Center in Santa Barbara, California treats patients with all natural non toxic therapies for a variety of health conditions including cancer.

If you would like more information regarding the treatments available at The Issels Medical Center in Santa Barbara, California, please call 805-962-2126 or toll free at 888-374-7735. And please visit the website at:

By Tina C. Loren

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Who Can Acquire Adult Onset Asthma

Adult onset asthma debunks the belief that asthma only appears when we are still children. Recent Asthma diagnosis has concluded that even adults, 20 years and above, can have asthma. This type of asthma is more common to women than men. It was also found out that it occurs less than child-onset asthma. This article will provide you the characteristics of this type of asthma.

Many of the known types of asthma are known to develop during childhood. But adult onset asthma manifests when you get older. You develop this asthma when you turn 20 or even beyond 50 years old. This is most common to women, however, this has not been explained why women are the most likely to develop this type of asthma. Although some findings points to heredity and some points to environmental factors, there is really no silver bullet to stop it from happening.

Asthma diagnosis have linked this type of asthma to both allergy and not. About half of adult onset asthma has been caused by ones exposure to specific materials such as cigarette smoke, mold, dust and many more. This means that the environment of an adult can greatly affect his chances of developing asthma. The other half points to non-allergic causes which can be derived from ones genes or caused by heredity or can be caused by your physical changes. This is known to be the intrinsic cause of asthma. It negates the idea that asthma is only caused by your environment.

Women are most commonly known to develop adult onset asthma when they reach 20 years old. Hormonal changes play a major role why women will likely to develop this than men. A woman's hormones will likely to change every now and then. An example for this is during and after pregnancy; women's hormones change inconsistently. A woman's monthly period can also trigger asthma. These characteristics of hormonal fluctuations make it more common to women to develop asthma even for the first time.

Although this is common to women, men can also develop adult onset asthma. Although men have no hormonal fluctuation the same with women, they will nevertheless have the tendency to develop asthma. This is caused by several reasons. Heredity could be the reason; if asthma is predominant to your family, it is more likely that you will have asthma. Aside from intrinsic causes, external factors such as allergy to certain objects could also be the cause. If you are exposed to materials which triggers allergy to yourself, this could led you to have asthma even if you haven't had it when you were a child. Lifestyles can also be the reason; being obese or a smoker can also cause asthma.

Adult onset asthma defies our pre-conceived beliefs if you won't develop asthma if you haven't had it when you are a kid. Asthma diagnosis can help you prepare yourself in controlling this disease. Being able to know that it is common to women makes women careful with it. Having the knowledge that it can be caused by your environment or your lifestyle can help in preventing it. Asthma is not dangerous when we know who can acquire it.

For more information about Adult Onset Asthma, you should visit my website to read more on asthma diagnosis.

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Indoor Asthma Irritants - 5 Indoor Pollutants To Eliminate

Managing asthma effectively means reducing the triggers that cause flare ups. You can raise air quality and your quality of life by reducing these top 5 irritants in your indoor air.

Dust Mites - The presence of these little bugs can lead to the onset of asthma as well as exacerbate an existing condition. No one escapes these little bugs in their home regardless of how good a housekeeper you are.

They thrive in warm, moist, and dark places which makes the bedroom ideal, and more specifically every bed in your home, a perfect target.

Dust - This collection of particles is distinct to each home but generally includes dirt, minute pieces of paper from mail, magazines and other paper products, outdoor particles that get blown in such as pollen and mold and mildew spores, pet dander, and on it goes.

Airborne Chemicals - Unfortunately, these are becoming more prevalent in the products we use for everyday living. Scents from cleaning and personal products, formaldehyde used in building materials, chemicals that off gas from pressed wood furniture, and those used to fire-proof draperies and clothing can really pollute indoor air.

Being vigilant about the products you select to bring into your home can improve your air quality. But often it's difficult to figure out which fumes or combinations are causing the problem.

Smoke - The banning of smoking in public places has resulted in major improvement of air quality in restaurants. But if you live with a smoker who can't stop smoking, or your apartment situation makes you vulnerable to second-hand smoke, you're in a tough spot.

The chemicals, smoke and particles that burning of any kind naturally produce can really cause havoc with asthma. Wood burning stoves and fireplaces can also prove to be irritants and can often push irritant levels to the point of a flare up.

Spores - A natural part of nature, mold and mildew spores as well as seasonal pollens are constantly hitching a ride into your home as doors open and clothes, on packages, in hair, and on pets.

Regardless of how many precautions you take, there is no way to stop some outside air, and all that it contains, from coming indoors.

In fact, the only way to keep all of these airborne triggers continually under control is to filter the air continually with an air purifier that contains filters capable of eliminating both gaseous and particulate irritants.

24 hour filtration is an effective yet non-invasive way to maintain clean air 24 hours every day. And just knowing that the air in your home is not going to sabotage your health provides a physical and emotional haven that you can look forward to enjoying.

See the asthma air purifier recommended by physicians because of its filters that can eliminate both particle (HEPA) and gaseous (carbon cloth) pollutants at

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Environmental Triggers for Asthma

Asthma sufferers often find that an important key to improving their asthma symptoms is to reduce or eliminate the asthma triggers found in their environment. There are a number of different environmental triggers for asthma symptoms. Some people react to just one trigger while others find that there are several triggers that make their asthma more severe. It is important to be able to identify these asthma triggers and to learn how to reduce their effects on your life. Here are three of the most common.

1. Secondhand Smoke

Secondhand smoke is one of the worst asthma triggers encountered because of the number of harmful chemicals and air pollutants released in the smoke. According the Environmental Protection Agency, secondhand smoke contains more than 4,000 different compounds, including several agents suspected of contributing to the development of cancer. The compounds in secondhand smoke can trigger episodes of asthma and increase the severity of attacks.

To reduce the effects of secondhand smoke on asthma sufferers, it is important to limit the amount of secondhand smoke in indoor areas. Eliminate smoking indoors and prevent people from smoking around the doors and windows of the building. You should also install a high quality air filter in the HVAC system of the building to trap any smoke particles that enter the building.

2. Dust Mites

Dust mites are tiny insects that feed on human skin and live in fabric items in the home, such as couches, pillows, mattresses, clothes, and stuffed toys. Although they are too small to see with the naked eye, they can have a large effect on asthma sufferers. Parts of the dead insects and their droppings can be inhaled by asthma sufferers, triggering an attack and increasing the severity of the symptoms.

The issues caused by dust mites can be reduced by taking a few steps to prevent their levels from becoming too high.

Washing bedding and pillows in hot water at least once a week will kill dust mites and remove their droppings from the items.Carpets and furniture should be vacuumed thoroughly every week.You may also want to consider dust proof covers for mattresses, pillows, and furniture items to prevent dust mites from living in them.

3. Mold

Mold is a tiny fungus that lives and feeds on decaying plant and animal matter. Anywhere that moisture is present can be a good environment for mold growth and the molds release tiny spores into the air to reproduce. Pieces of mold and their tiny spores can travel through a building on the air currents, causing asthma attacks and making the suffering more severe.

Controlling the mold in a building can be accomplished by controlling the humidity using the HVAC system of the building and a dehumidifier. All molds seen on hard surfaces should be cleaned up immediately using soap and water or a commercial cleaning product for mold. A high quality air filter can remove particles of mold and mold spores from the air as it travels through the filter, making the building more comfortable for asthma sufferers.

Jim Gates, CAFS, is the brand manager for Quality Filters, Inc. ( ), a leading manufacturer and distributor of high quality home and commercial air filters. The company's products are available online at ( ).

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Dry Cough Home Remedies: Easy Breathing Exercises (Over 90% Success Rate)

Common causes of dry cough

A dry cough does not produce sputum. This is the reason why it is sometimes called nonproductive cough. A dry cough often develops at the end of a cold (infection). It can be a reaction to an irritant, such as dust or smoke. Numerous chemicals are used in medical research to trigger cough in experimental animals.

In humans, there are several causes of a dry nonproductive cough, such as:

- viral infection (such cough may last more than 2-3 weeks and the symptoms often get worse at night)

- bronchospasm (a dry cough, particularly at night, leads to additional CO2 losses and cause spasms in the bronchial tubes (bronchospasm) due to hypocapnia or low CO2 in the airways)

- allergic triggers (due to pollen, dust, fumes, perfume, various other chemicals and so forth)

- some medical drugs, e.g., ACE inhibitors which contain captopril, lisinopril, and enalapril maleate

- asthma (due to chronic inflammation in airways with accompanying wheezing, shortness of breath, and a feeling of tightness in the chest

- blockage of the airways by an object, such as food, powder, or a pill

Why could dry cough become chronic?

There many negative effects due to chronic coughing or coughing attacks. It reduces boxy oxygen levels due to losses of CO2 in the arterial blood. Traditional coughing (through the mouth) is a form of hyperventilation. As a result, low CO2 levels in the lungs causes more problems with oxygen delivery. Indeed, according to the laws of physiology, when we breathe more air at rest, we get less oxygen in body cells. In addition, low CO2 in the airways causes over-excited states of urge-to-cough receptors since CO2 is a powerful calmative and sedative of nerve cells. High or normal CO2 levels keep nerve cells calm, while low CO2 levels makes them irritable. This means that CO2 losses due to coughing cause more coughing.

Dry cough home remedies

There are several dry cough home remedies (or breathing exercises) invented by Russian medical doctors practicing the Buteyko breathing technique. These exercises have been successfully tested on thousands of asthmatics and other cough-sufferers.

Home Remedy No. 1. Learn how to cough only through your nose (i.e., with your mouth being closed all the time). This exercise will help you to reduce inflammation of airways and bronchospasm, and increase oxygen levels in the brain and body cells.

Home Remedy No. 2. After your mastered the first exercise, learn how to cough with both, your mouth and nose closed. How could this be done? When you get an urge to cough, keep your mouth closed and your nose pinched. You will get more CO2 in airways and increase your body and brain oxygen levels.

Most people can reduce duration of coughing attacks due to these 2 exercises. However, you can achieve even more success, if you use the most effective anti-coughing home remedy that is called "reduced breathing".

Home Remedy No. 3. Sit down in a comfortable position. While having the bout of coughing, relax and at the end of your usual exhalation, pinch your nose and hold your breath (your mouth should be closed all the time) but until you experience mild distress (or air hunger).

After this breath hold, when you get a mild air hunger, take only a small (or short) inhalation (one small sniff) and do it only through the nose. After this small inhalation, you need to focus on relaxation of all body muscles, especially in the upper chest and shoulders. Do not exhale air forcefully. You need to relax the muscles in order to exhale slowly.

If coughing is present, your goal is to restrict the gas exchange to very small inhalations followed by natural and easy exhalations. Then take another short inhalation (a small sniff of air) and again completely relax for the exhalation.

You should maintain medium level of air hunger while relaxing all body muscles. Your breathing pattern can be quite frequent during this reduced breathing exercise (frequent short inhalations and short exhalations), and this is normal.

If you do this exercise correctly, you will breathe about 25-40% less air, while being totally relaxed, and you will notice 2 positive signs:

- Your arms and feet will get warmer in about 1 minutes after starting this exercise (due to improved circulation)

- Your nasal passages will become more open and moist within 1-2 minutes.

This dry cough home remedy can also be used during night sleep since it will help you, in addition, to fall asleep much faster. Just remember to avoid supine sleep: sleeping on one's back is worst for coughing, asthma, heart disease, children, elderly people, pregnant women, and all other situations and conditions tested in clinical trials. In order to achieve success, sleep on your chest or the left side.

Permanent remedies for persistent dry cough

After testing thousands of their sick patients, these Russian medical doctors found that dry cough is possible only in those people who have less than 20 seconds for the body oxygen test. As a result, the permanent remedy for dry cough is to slow down the unconscious or automatic breathing pattern and get more than 20 seconds for the body oxygen test. Oxygen Remedy, Amazing DIY breathing device, and Frolov respiratory device are some of the options to get more oxygen in body cells.

Resources - Web pages from
Cough: Causes and Most Natural Treatment (Over 90% Success)
CO2: Best Natural Cough Suppressant - How and why this "waste" gas can suppress chronic coughing. has hundreds of medical references and quotes, graphs, charts and tables, analysis of numerous respiratory techniques, results of clinical trials, free breathing exercises with lifestyle modules, manuals and techniques, and other resources to augment brain and body oxygen levels and improve health.

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The Real Cause of Asthma and How to Cure It


The disease of asthma is caused by an infestation of the lungs by the larval stage of a common parasite. The name of the parasite is Ascaris. It is classified as a roundworm and it is very common in dogs and cats. It is also found in other types of animals, including the domestic animals from which we get our meat and dairy products. Because Ascaris parasites are so prevalent, they are also commonly found in human beings as well.

Human beings can become infested by at least two (2) different varieties of Ascaris worms-Ascaris lumbricoides and Ascaris megalocephala. I do not yet know which variety is responsible for causing asthma in humans. It may be both of them. It does not matter. They both can be eliminated very quickly and easily and your asthma can be cured.

The following is an explanation of how Ascaris worms are able to invade the human body and how this invasion leads to asthma. Microscopic Ascaris eggs are virtually everywhere in our environment. This is because adult Ascaris live in the small intestines of many animals, most commonly dogs and cats. These adults produce many eggs which exit these animals in their excrement. When the animal excrement dries, the Ascaris eggs get mixed in with the soil. From the soil, the eggs can get disbursed anywhere.

If we get dirt on our hands and then inadvertently touch our mouths, the eggs may get into our bodies. There Ascaris can go through their development stages. Ascaris eggs can also get onto our pets' fur. If we pet our dogs and cats and then touch our mouths, Ascaris eggs can get into us. Ascaris eggs are also in fertilizer. From the fertilizer, the eggs can get onto our vegetables and other produce. There are also Ascaris eggs in our domestic animals, such as meat and dairy cattle. From there they can get into our meat and dairy products. Humans ingest Ascaris eggs quite often, especially if they have pets and virtually whenever they eat produce, meat, or dairy products.

After we swallow the Ascaris eggs, they hatch in our digestive systems, releasing their larval stage. The microscopic larvae then travel through our bloodstreams to our lungs. Here they molt (shed their skins) a few times as they grow. In our lungs, they produce chemicals which have the ability to neutralize other chemicals produced by our immune systems which would ordinarily exterminate them. Thus, they are able to flourish.

From the lungs, the larvae travel up or get coughed up the trachea or windpipe. From there, some of them enter the esophagus and get back into our digestive systems. (Because phlegm from our lungs often contains Ascaris larvae, it should never be swallowed. It should be spit into a tissue and properly disposed of or spit into the toilet.) The larvae then travel to either the stomach or the small intestine where they stay and become adults. The adults shed eggs into our digestive tracts, which are then eliminated from our bodies in our feces.

All Ascaris worms go through a lung stage as part of their development, whether it is in humans, in our pets, or in other animals. It is this larval stage in the lungs which causes asthma. Not everyone who has Ascaris larvae in their lungs develops asthma. However, Ascaris worms always go through a lung stage as part of their development.

Eliminating Ascaris by Starving Them

One of the ways that we can easily eliminate approximately half of the Ascaris worms and their larvae residing in our bodies is to deprive them of the substances they require in order to survive. We can accomplish this by avoiding certain foods ourselves.

Ascaris lumbricoides requires a substance called quercitin. Quercitin is found in undercooked pumpkin and squash, oats (raw or cooked), melons, cantaloupe, kiwi fruit, cottage cheese, cucumbers, maple syrup, ripe papaya, pomegranate, sweet potatoes, yams, and wormwood.

Ascaris megalocephala requires a substance called d-carnitine in order to survive. D-carnitine is found in chicken and turkey, however it is not found in the free-range, organic varieties of chicken and turkey.

By not eating any of these foods, you can eliminate approximately half of the Ascaris parasites and their stages residing in your body. Once their essential foods are gone, many of the Ascaris parasites simply leave. However, it will take a few days for their essential nutrients to be depleted from your body once you stop eating them. The reason that they all do not disappear is because you will probably be ingesting small amounts of quercitin or d-carnitine which are hidden in other foods. These small amounts of quercitin or d-carnitine are enough to allow some of the Ascaris to survive.

Eliminating Ascaris by Exterminating Them

Fortunately, there is another, more effective method for eliminating the Ascaris larvae residing in your lungs and causing your asthma. It is by exterminating them. This method will also allow your lungs to begin producing their parasite-exterminating chemicals again. For maximum effectiveness, you should combine this new method with the starvation method just described.

Our immune systems produce a number of very powerful parasite-killing chemicals. Ordinarily, these chemicals would be able to exterminate any invaders before they would be able to gain a foothold in our bodies. However, the Ascaris larvae produce some strong chemicals of their own which are able to neutralize our defensive chemicals. So the Ascaris larvae are able to invade our lungs and begin growing there.

One of the body's parasite-killing chemicals is called benzoquinone, or BQ, for short. BQ can usually exterminate the lumbricoides variety of Ascaris and all of its stages. Another one of our defensive chemicals is called rhodizonic acid, or RZ, for short. RZ can usually exterminate the megalocephala variety of Ascaris and all of its stages. Unfortunately, the overwhelming number of Ascaris that have invaded our lungs and the chemicals that they make have rendered both the BQ and the RZ made in our lungs by our immune systems ineffective.

However, there is a method for reintroducing both BQ and RZ back into our lungs. The method consists of ingesting facsimiles of both BQ and RZ. By taking these facsimiles a few drops at a time, a number of times a day, in a short amount of time all of the Ascaris larvae residing in your lungs will be exterminated. Your lungs' immune system will also begin producing its own BQ and RZ again and begin warding off any future Ascaris larvae invasions. (You would never want to ingest the actual chemicals BQ and RZ themselves because our bodies only make very minute quantities of them and you would surely ingest too much. However, the equivalent amount of the chemicals in the facsimiles is very small and taking them is perfectly safe. It is similar to taking homeopathic remedies in which minute amounts of substances are ingested.)

For more information on how to quickly, easily, safely, and inexpensively cure your asthma, go to Asthma

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Can Your Asthma Diet Cause You Asthma?

Every asthmatic person knows how difficult it is to keep up with the strict asthma diet because it simply does not allow you to eat all the fatty processed foods that are not only easy to cook but delicious to eat too. Well, since asthma is a respiratory disease, it is important for asthmatic people and their families to understand its possible triggers that could lead to the swelling of the person's airways causing them to have difficulty breathing. The food that people who have been diagnosed with asthma should be well picked and chosen to ensure that they are healthy and that they will not trigger an asthma attack.

There is no denying that a person's choice of food and drinks speak so much of the kind of lifestyle that they are living. Sadly, those who choose to eat foods that are rich in fat and cholesterol are those who are likely to develop asthma and other respiratory disease or even a heart problem. A person's diet plays a big role in his survival. In an environment where anything can happen, if a person wants to be healthy and live a normal life for a long time, it is important that he eats all the right kinds of foods. An asthmatic person's diet includes all the healthy and nutritious foods like fresh fruits and vegetables.

Did you know that asthma as a respiratory disease is actually a product of the body's allergic reactions to the food intake of the person of the environment he is exposed to? Sadly, unlike other diseases, asthma can lead to the development of more small and big health problems that pile up as a person gets older. What kinds of foods do you eat? Are you allergic to any food or drink? If you do not have an idea of the foods that you may be allergic to, it could cause a lot of trouble for asthmatic people because the moment that they eat foods that they are allergic to, they experience difficulty in breathing and the problem could elevate to something that could be worse or perhaps even fatal.

How much of the food that you are eating is healthy? You might have a hard time answering this just like everybody else because you know that you are not eating as much vegetables or fruits and that all you have been eating are processed foods. No one could blame you considering the working hours that you have to keep and the lack of time to prepare delicious yet healthy meals and you just have to settle with the foods serve in fast food chains. Although this may be true and perhaps even forgivable, this kind of diet is not helping you because you are asthmatic. In fact, the kind of diet you are keeping is filled up with fatty foods and processed meat that is totally not good.

If you want to overcome your asthma or you want to limit the possibility of having attacks, then now is the right time to change your asthma diet. Include all the foods that need to be there like vegetables and fresh fruits and exclude all those that contain fatty acids and cholesterol. When you do this, not only are you saving yourself from asthma but you are saving it from all the other terrible diseases that could put your life in great risk.

For more information about asthma diet, you can visit my website at to read more information about asthma.

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Psychological Causes of Asthma

To be honest, the asthma attack isn't over, and it's been going on for two months. It's better, but not under control. At first, it was blamed on a severe sinus infection, but that's been cleared up for weeks. No, the answer isn't just my lungs. It's also my emotions.

About five months ago, our eldest daughter, aged 26, disappeared. As she's an adult, very little can be done to find her, as most officials state that she's of an age to do what she wants. That's true. It's also painful. I was warned of the possibility of my asthma going out of control, and it sure did. Hopefully, what I've gone through can help you.

1) Know of the possibility. That has probably saved my life. If you know that an event or emotional problem is likely to create physical problems, prepare. Make sure all your needed prescriptions are up to date...and know where they are. After four years with zero attacks, I couldn't even find my old inhaler. That's probably good, as these things do expire.

2) Know the symptoms: I have never had an attack like this one. The cough seemed to be coming from my toes. Mostly, I just get chest tightness and a strangling sensation. Ask your doctor if the symptoms are likely to change or intensify, and what to look out for. The sooner you realize what's wrong, the faster you can get it under control. The longer you wait, the harder it will be.

3) Know When to Get Help: Your doctor can help you with this. A peak flow meter can be a good guide, but there are also symptoms to watch for. If your skin, lips or nails start to turn blue, you need immediate help. If you are coughing so much it's hard to breathe, you need immediate help. These are emergencies. Any time you find it difficult to breathe, it's time to be concerned.

4) Understand your Inhalers: You have to follow the instructions on your inhalers exactly. Your rescue inhaler cannot be used more than a certain number of times per day, usually limited to two puffs twice a day. If you need to use it more than twice a week (let alone twice a day), your asthma is not under control.

Your maintenance inhaler has to be used exactly as prescribed. It won't help you during an active attack, its job is to keep you from developing one. If you don't use it properly, it won't do you much good.

Asthma is a serious disease that can have deadly consequences. If you've been diagnosed with it, you need to learn as many facts as you can about it. Talk to your doctor, especially if you have questions. He or she can help you avoid further problems.

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Capsaicin and Your Asthma

Asthma appears to be increasing in numbers and severity, despite new drugs and treatments. As a result, many people are now becoming more involved in their own health care and are turning to old time, natural treatments such as capcaicin.

What is capsaicin? Well, it has been around for hundreds, if not thousands of years. How is this amazing substance helping numbers of people?

First, let's review some basics of asthma.

What is asthma?

Asthma is a disease characterized by hyper-sensitive airways, or breathing passages in the lungs. Such passages constrict, along with the muscles (through nerve transmission) around the passageways, to cause a narrowing of the openings which impede normal breathing. Mucus is also excreted during this inflammatory process which makes breathing difficult in the more severe attacks. Steroids and bronchodilators have been the hallmarks of conventional medicine. But many people are not obtaining adequate control or relief in acute attacks.

As a result, people are seeking additional help and relief from the old time remedies as capsaicin.

What is capcaicin?

Capcaicin is the fiery hot substance that gives red pepper their burning hot, flavor. It is successfully being used by large numbers of people to obtain relief from the wheezing, coughing and congestion that accompanies asthma attacks. Many factors seems to contribute to asthma: heredity, environmental and personal risk factors. Despite the outpouring of new asthma medication and steroid use, many people find that their disease is poorly managed. The result is that people are turning to natural plant substances to obtain relief. The results have been impressive.

Research has shown that capcaicin helps to reduce the symptoms of asthma in an unexpected way: initially, in smaller doses, it acts on nerve endings which then sets off a chain reaction of inflammation in the body. As the dose increases, over a period of time, capcaicin desensitizes the same nerves, thereby reducing the inflammation. It also helps in flushing inflammation causing chemicals,such as histamine, out of the body. It is also important to drink plenty of water to aid the body in this process and to thin out secretions in the lungs.

In summary

The successful treatment and management of asthma requires a dual effort of modification of modifiable risk factors: such as smoking, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, stress management and medication. Many times this combined efforts can tip the scales in the favor of successful management despite the challenges of heredity.

Sherl Wilsher is a nurse who is dedicated to writing about natural health and beauty topics. As the numbers of folks is growing who are tired of the adverse effects of chemicals, preservatives and drugs on health, these individuals are looking for sources of reliable information in educating themselves on important health topicss.

For more information on health and beauty, please visit:

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Asthma Action Plan: Choosing the Right Diet

Each time asthma action plan is mentioned, most people think about the type of diet that can help them minimize asthma episodes and allow them to have a regular breathing pattern. It is expected for people to correlate asthma action plans and diets because many doctors say that most asthma episodes occur when people do not eat the right types of foods. Thus, many medical practitioners believe that in order to have better outcome, people with asthma must have a diet comprised of the right kinds of foods so that their condition will be under control and they will feel better.

Most asthma action plans fail to work because people will tend to feel they are being deprived from eating what they want and so they just give up and not continue with the asthma action plan laid out to them by their physicians. This reaction is normal but asthma diets usually work by minimizing asthma episodes so perhaps it will be worth to try it out and make it work. There is an asthma diet plan out there that will suit you and make you feel better.

Asthma often stops you from doing all your daily activities that you wish to do but it is still possible to for you to participate in activities that you love if you find the right asthma diet plan. Try something that will allow you to eat fine and healthy food and at the same time will ease the pain you feel from asthma episodes. Take it as a challenge that you can finish successfully.

Asthma diet plans seem the best thing to do if you wish to counter asthma but before having one, it might be wise to think about the things that actually causes your asthma. Perhaps it is caused by the types of food you eat or some medications you have taken. One may develop allergic reactions from food but it will not be a problem if your immune system is strong enough to defend you from asthma attacks.

Don't just start an asthma diet plan, you need to stick with it and make it work because it is the best way for you to achieve a healthy body and a healthy life. It is not easy to survive an asthma action plan but the outcome will greatly affect your life as well as your lifestyle so it must be worth the try.

I write a lot of detailed information about Asthma Action Plan and how to have a proper Asthma Diet Plan for you to help in treating your asthma condition.

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Guide to Portable Oxygen

For those with respiratory problems, the idea of breathing the air that most people breathe is something that is simply not going to cut it. This is why those with these problems are more times than not recommended to use portable oxygen in their everyday lives. One of the best things about these portable units is that they are small enough that the person is not going to have to rearrange their life or their home in order to accommodate these machines. They are going to find that these units usually have wheels on them for even easier ways to move them. They are not going to have to worry about hauling the machine with them since they can simply roll it. And they are going to find that in the car, the machine is going to fit nicely on the passenger seat so it is very portable.

When looking at the types of machines that the person is going to have in order to find one that is portable, there are two main types. The cylinder version is basically an aluminium tank that the person can refill with the O2 whenever they are running on empty. Usually the doctor that prescribes this regiment is the one that is going to refill the tanks or at least point the person to the company that will refill the tank. The other option is the liquid O2 tanks. This works basically on the same principles as the cylinder tank. However, it converts the gas into O2 for the user. So, which is best? There really is no best option, the doctor may have a preference, as well as the patient, and this is what is going to determine which the person receives.

What else should the person is looking for when they are searching for a portable oxygen tank? They should keep in mind that they are going to find that most tanks are between one and two feet in height, and they are going to weigh around two to eight pounds. However, the person that cannot handle this can find tanks that are even smaller. Or there are those that a larger for those that may be able to handle more weight. You should also be looking for a portable tank that has a regulator on it. This is going to help the person to regulate just how much of the O2 that they are using. They are going to find that this is going to allow the person to conserve what they have and spend less money in the long run.

Mithul Mistry is writing on behalf of Health Oxygen, a specialist in Oxygen.

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Asthma Symptoms And Prevention

The term 'asthma' is actually the Greek word for 'panting'. Asthma is a chronic, inflammatory disease which attacks the respiratory system that is indicated by the tightening of the airway. People suffering from this condition often feel that his/her airway is inflamed and filled with mucus. Common asthma symptoms include wheezing, coughing during nighttime, shortness of breath, as well as pressure, pain, and the feeling of tightness around the chest area. However, the severity of these symptoms varies from time to time, one sufferer to another. They can be mild now, but they can get more severe in the future. Asthma attacks can be caused by genetic and external factors. Some people suffer an attack when they are in cold climates, while some others might get it after doing heavy workouts or sports. Mild asthma usually lasts for a while and subsides within a matter of minutes. On the other hand, more severe condition might need serious treatment.

If not treated immediately, early symptoms can lead to acute asthma. Therefore it is essential to have the knowledge about asthma symptoms in order to prevent an attack from happening. Early symptoms among others are frequent coughing during nighttime, wheezing and coughing especially after doing exercises, trouble sleeping, and shortness of breath. Other warning signs include the feeling of tiredness or weakness even when you are doing light activities, and decreased lung function (which can be checked using a peak flow meter). Common cold and allergy symptoms such as cough, headache, sneezing, nasal congestion, runny nose, and sore throat also indicate that a person is prone to asthma.

Do not wait until too late to treat these early symptoms of asthma. Given that this condition cannot be cured, you need to learn how to prevent it from reoccurring too often. The very basic step of asthma symptom treatment is by controlling the environment. Healthy environment makes healthy people. You can prevent the accumulation of dust and other asthma-triggering agents by not keeping furry or feathery pets, keeping the humidity of the house low, replacing upholstery and carpets with non-fabric materials, and using air conditioner instead of fan. You should also wash your bed sheets, pillow cases, and mattress pad using hot water at least once a week. Also consider replacing conventional bedding materials such as foam rubber, kapok, or down feathers with synthetic ones. Covering mattress, box springs, and pillows with dust-proof wrap will also effective to prevent dust from accumulating.

Asthma symptoms can lead to an acute asthma attack if left untreated. To avoid this from happening, learn more about asthma symptom treatment from our website.

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Effective Natural Asthma Cures

Is there a natural asthma cure that works effectively to control and treat asthma? In this day and age of advancing technology and the amount of information available on the Internet, more and more asthmatics are becoming aware of the side effects of taking drugs on their bodies.

If you are an asthmatic or know of someone who is then I am sure you will be familiar with the medications commonly used to treat this condition. These are normally bronchodilators, commonly known as the reliever inhaler and steroids also known as the preventer inhaler. Most asthmatics are extremely dependant on the inhalers and cannot leave home without them!

Wouldn't it be lovely to not have to depend on medication and drugs? Here is a list of techniques and tips that have been used to successfully control and treat asthma in a purely natural way.

Food intake - It has been documented that many asthma sufferers are Vitamin C and Vitamin E deficient. This can be increased by consuming more fruits and vegetables in your diet. Antioxidants also play an important role in asthma by reducing inflammation.

Herbs - Both Traditional Chinese Medicine, Western herbalists and Ayurvedic medicine advocate the use of herbs to treat and control asthma. These herbs differ amongst the different practices but one herb that is recommended by all three is Gingko Biloba. This herb is thought to decrease inflammation in the airways and reduce muscle spasm allowing for easier breathing. However, this does not take place immediately and requires at least a month of consumption before any results are obvious. As with any herbal remedy it is extremely important to get a prescription from a qualified herbalist before consuming any herbal natural remedy.

Acupuncture - This is an ancient form of Chinese treatment based on the philosophy that energy flows through the human body in opposing "positive" and "negative" forces, yin and yang. Asthma represents an imbalance and a blockage in the flow of energy along certain pathways called meridians. Needles are used to stimulate these points and clear the blockage eventually restoring balance in the body. As with herbal remedies this is not a quick fix solution and it takes at least 10-20 treatments for any effects to be felt.

Bowen Technique - The Bowen Technique is a popular technique to treat asthma that originated in Australia. It works on the principles of re balancing the nervous system of the body as well as relaxing the breathing muscles, which are often the main cause of asthma attacks especially in children. This is one of the most effective natural remedies for asthma as its effects are almost immediate.

Find out more about the Bowen Technique For Asthma Now!

Visit natural asthma cure for more information on natural remedies for asthma.

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Learn About the Symptoms and Treatment of Asthma

Asthma is a chronic disease of the lungs in which the airways are blocked or narrowed, obstructing the flow of air. It is a common condition that has affected people from all around the globe. Be it infants or the elderly, it affects people of all age groups. In asthma, lumens (passageways in the lungs that allow air to flow) of the airways decrease, which is the body's reaction to allergens and other irritants.

Asthma is closely linked to allergies. Though not all,it has been found that most of the people with asthma also have allergies. Many people suffering from asthma have an individual or family history of allergies, such as hay fever or eczema, for example. Common asthma triggers include pet hair or dander, dust, mold, pollen, change in weather and many more.

Asthma patients suffer from attacks that make breathing difficult.Treatment requires decreasing the symptoms of asthma:that can be done through proper control of exposure to the irritant. Some of the common symptoms that trigger visits to the emergency room include shortness of breath, coughing (with or without phlegm), wheezing, face and lips turning blue, rapid pulse rate, tightness in the chest,to list just a few.

People with persistent asthma should undergo allergy testing in order to identify the offending allergen; other test scan include chest x-ray, lung function test, peak flow measurements and blood tests to measure eosinophil (white blood cells, important in the immune system) counts and Immunoglobulin E (IgE).

In order to avoid the onset of an attack to the maximum extent possible, it is extremely essential to take all proper precautions, starting with a regular exercise regimen. Daily morning walks and exercise are extremely good for your system, as fresh air in the morning can do wonders for asthmatic lungs and your respiratory tract. An asthmatic patient should eat simple and nutritious food. You should eat small and frequent meals and avoid heavy meals as much as possible.

People suffering from asthma should completely avoid smoking, including exposure to second hand smoke. Smoking fills the respiratory system with toxins that produce major irritants to the respiratory tract and put unnecessary pressure on the system that an asthmatic patient may find difficult to handle.

In order to conduct an effective treatment for asthma, it is necessary to identify triggers, such as pets, dust mites and others; and minimizing exposure to them. The main portion of treatment is to keep away from the substances that activate your symptoms and control inflammation of the airways.

Asthma treatment requires two basic kinds of medication: first, asthma-control drugs to prevent attacks and the second, quick-relief drugs for use during attacks. Asthma control drugs control your symptoms if you have do not have mild asthma. You must take them on a daily basis for them to show effect. However, quick-relief drugs work speedily to control asthma symptoms.

Dr. Narendra Punjabi deals with problems caused by asthma and other disorders of the immune system in Austin Clinic, Punjabi Medical Clinic. So if you are located in Austin and wish to get rid from prolonged allergy, asthma, rhinitis, eczema, and allergic reactions to drugs, foods and insect bites then consult Dr. Punjabi for a precise diagnosis and multi-pronged treatment approach. - Austin Asthma Clinic

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7 Health Tips for Keeping Asthma Under Control

Living with asthma may not be the easiest thing for anyone to live with, regardless of their age. However, by educating yourself on the illness, you can get a better understanding of how it affects your body and how to control it. The following are 7 health tips to help you keep your asthma under control:

1. Learn to Recognize the Symptoms
For many people, asthma attacks seem to sneak up on them and before they know it, they are in a situation that seems out of control. By carefully monitoring your symptoms, you will have a better idea of when an attack is going to happen.

2. Educate Yourself on Your Medications
A lot of people who are treated for asthma simply follow their doctor's instructions for taking their medications. The fact is that you might be on several medications and each one is going to get a different result. For example, you may have one medicine that is used for prevention, while another, like a steroid, is to be used for a more serious episode.

3. Keep a Journal on Your Symptoms
Every person diagnosed with asthma should keep a journal on the symptoms, as it can lead to great discoveries on what is actually causing the attacks. Each entry should include what symptoms you are feeling, as well as any reading from your peak flow meter.

4. Learn What is Triggering an Attack
For a lot of asthmatics, understanding what triggers an attack is how they are able to keep such great control over this illness. Simple weather changes could affect your breathing ability and understanding this could help you to know when the right times to take your medications are and which ones to take.

5. Plan a Diet that Includes Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
As many fruits and vegetables are considered to be antioxidants, it is important to add them into the diet. Vitamins C and E are well known for their anti-inflammatory effects and can actually help to reduce irritation or swelling in the lungs.

6. Keep Your Weight Down
Being overweight can easily cause more asthma attacks in the individual. By keeping your weight down, you can reduce the number of symptoms that you experience. Even just losing a few pounds will make a difference.

7. Schedule Consults With Your Doctor
The biggest and most important tool you have to help fight your asthma is your doctor. Their experience and education will play a vital role in how well you are able to reduce your symptoms. Regular visits with your doctor can help determine what triggers an attack and they can advise you on how to get it under better control.

Lexi Davis is a writer who enjoys writing on a number of different verticals. For more on asthma, Preemie Twins offers readers information on studies about premature births and asthma.

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Benefits to Oxygen Therapy!

There are a few ways to get oxygen therapy. The first way to through portable oxygen devices. These devices can include a nasal cannula, face mask, and a re-breathing mask. The second way is through an oxygen concentrator. The oxygen concentrator allows the person to move around the house with their oxygen. The third way is through oxygen bars. At oxygen bars the oxygen is sold to its customers. The oxygen usually has a nice aroma to make the experience more enjoyable. The last way is through compressed gas. The compressed gas helps to avoid any waste of the oxygen.

There are several benefits to oxygen therapy. The first benefit is it can relieve headaches. This is because it increases the blood flow to the brain. The second benefit is increased clarity. This is because it allows the sugars in the body to be turned into energy. The second benefit is that it boosts the immune system. This is because the immune system must strengthen itself in order to handle all of the oxygen that is entering the body. The third benefit is that it can relieve nausea. This is because the oxygen can clean out your lungs. The fourth benefit is it can prevent heart failure. This is because it gives the person oxygen to the heart and lungs.

The fifth benefit is it can decrease a shortness of breaths. This is because it helps to supply the much needed oxygen to the body. The sixth benefit is less asthma attacks. This is because it supplies oxygen to the lungs. The seventh benefit is it can promote healthier lungs. This is also because it supplies oxygen to the lungs when it is needed. The eighth benefit is can increase a person's productivity. This is because it can give a person the energy it needs to get work done. The ninth benefit is it can improve a person's memory. This is because it helps to calm a person's mind and lets them think better. The last benefit is it can relieve muscle pain. This is because it can remove lactic acids from the muscles.

Using the oxygen therapy methods can help to improve a person's life for the better. It may even save a person's life in a bad situation. The benefits of oxygen therapy can go on and on because of what it can do for a person' body.

Mithul Mistry is writing on behalf of Health Oxygen, a specialist in Oxygen Therapy.

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Diagnosing Children With Asthma - Why Is It Complicated?

It is always a very complicated task to diagnose someone with asthma but diagnosing a baby is much more difficult than an adult. Most of the doctors almost never diagnose asthma in babies under 2 years of age because they can't do any scientifically proven tests which could confirm this diagnosis. Only some advanced medical institutions carry out that kind of tests but most of them still have experimental status.

The methods of diagnosing your child will be different depending on how old he is. If your child is still an infant then prepare yourself for a lot of questions about his and your medical history as well as his symptoms but if your kid is more than 4 years old then it is easier to make a more precise diagnosis by the help of different tests.

There are some asthma specialists who can try to diagnose babies with asthma even if they are under 1 years of age. Even though an infant is not able to tell us about how he feels, most of the usual symptoms are clearly noticeable such as wheezing and coughing, however, there are a few problems:

Babies have small and weak airways, so they often suffer from respiratory illnesses which have very similar symptoms to asthma;
The symptoms are not the same in all asthma cases - you can even have this disease without wheezing which is usually considered as the most common sign of asthma and also you can experience wheezing without having asthma.

In short, besides the lack of testing methods, there are a lot of other factors which make this whole thing more complicated, so that is the reason why you should trust the task of diagnosing your baby to a doctor who specializes in childhood chest problems. By taking a look at the symptoms, doing physical examination and analyzing family's medical history the specialist should be able to make a precise diagnosis. In some cases it may not be possible but you have to accept that and make sure you do everything to cure your baby's health problems regardless if he has asthma or some other respiratory disease.

The usual methods that are used for diagnosing asthma are peak flow and respiratory tests but, unfortunately, it is almost impossible to successfully undergo these tests for children younger than 4 years of age. As your child grows older he will be able to take more precise lung function tests which can confirm if the earlier diagnosis was correct, so diagnosing asthma in pre-school children is much easier than in infants. If your child is already around 6 years old then you shouldn't worry about a possible inaccurate diagnosis anymore.

Miks is a 22 year old student and he loves writing articles about different health topics. You can take a look at his latest article about asthma in babies if you are interested in finding out more about the usual symptoms, triggers and treatment options.

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Natural Alternatives for the Relief and Management of Asthma or Allergies

The Canadian Lung Association says asthma is a chronic disease that cannot be cured, only managed.

Asthma is a disorder that causes inflammation in the airways, which then makes for difficult breathing.

The condition causes wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness and coughing. Allot of times those that suffer from asthma also suffer from allergies, it's like they go hand in hand. Now with allergies you can add in red, itchy eyes, and sinus congestion.

235 Million People globally suffer from asthma. Children with asthma account for 47% of hospital visits every year! I personally was shocked to hear that stat, and having two of my own children diagnosed with asthma, that concerns me.

What causes flare-ups?

There are quite a few "triggers" for an asthma onset such as;
Tobacco SmokeCold to Warm Air TransitionsChemical IrritantsPet DanderOutdoor Environmental Allergens i.e. Pollen & Moulds

But probably the largest contributor to asthma, and allergy flare-up's is dust mites.

These microscopic creatures live in our homes, and are almost impossible to get rid of! They are best friends with the dust bunnies, living in the carpets, under the beds, in the sofas and any virtually any nook and cranny! They live happily mating, laying eggs, defecating, and feeding off dead skin cells. The dust mites waste droppings, are what causes the allergy and asthma reaction.

Dust mites thrive in warm and humid conditions and have a preference to live in beds. They aren't just seasonal visitors either, they stay all year long!

Since we spend about a third of the day in bed, this is where we are being exposed to dust mites the most and where those with allergies and asthma start reacting.

What can you do?

Besides running a vacuum constantly? You try to do the best you can to keep the dust under control. I think because we are spending so much of our time in bed that's where the focus should be. Since I'm an advocate for natural alternatives, I'm going to recommend wool and sheepskin bedding products.

Create A Healthy Sleep Environment

Sheepskin is our gift from Mother Nature!

Not only is sheepskin a natural, sustainable product, but dust mites hate it! There is no humid, moist condition for them to live and breed. Sheepskin and wool products are unique, in that the fibres allow for constant air circulation. The fibres also wick moisture away from our bodies, (we lose approximately a liter each night) and release that moisture into the air. You are then experiencing a hypoallergenic, dust mite free sleeping condition, and have taken a step in managing asthma and allergy flare-up's. offers an array of authentic sheepskin products.

At HolySheep Skin, we are passionate about the health benefits sheepskin offers, and want to share the knowledge we have gained, and continue to gain about those benefits.

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Understanding Nebulisers

Being prescribed the correct medicine is only half the battle, it is equally important to use the correct method to administer the medicine. Respiratory diseases such as asthma, cystic fibrosis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are best treated by using a nebuliser. A nebuliser is a devise used to administer a fine mist in to the lungs through using a combination of oxygen, compressed air and ultrasonic power in order to break medicine down in to small aerosol droplets that can be easily inhaled in to the lungs through a mouthpiece. In order for the medicine administered by a nebuliser to have its desired effect it is essential that the droplets are no larger than 1-5 micrometres otherwise they dissolve in the mouth and fail to penetrate in to the narrow branches of the lower airways.

The most commonly used form of nebuliser used today is the jet or compressor nebuliser. These are also known as 'atomizers' and are generally used to treat patients in hospital who are suffering from serious cases of respiratory disease, or severe asthma attacks. One of the major advantages to using a Jet nebuliser is its low operational cost, which is particularly appealing when treating patients who need to inhale medicine on a daily basis. One of the major drawbacks however, is the noise that it creates and that it can be rather heavy. Several of today's leading manufactures have managed to lower the weight and design portable jet nebuliser

Ultrasonic nebulisers offer a convenient, functional and portable alternative to the jet nebuliser. Ideal for home use, these nebulisers work by generating a high frequency ultrasonic wave which causes the mechanical vibration of a piezoelectric element. This vibrating element is in contact with a liquid reservoir and its high frequency vibration is sufficient to produce a vapour. Given these nebulisers work by creating an ultrasonic wave they operate virtually silently and weigh a good deal less than nebulisers that rely on a heavy air compression unit. The development of ultrasonic Vibrating Mesh Technology (VMT) in 2005 was a significant innovation in the nebuliser industry as it successfully reduced the amount of liquid waste and undesired heating of the liquid medicine which prior to this was a common concern.

Unfortunately, not all nebulisers currently available today are capable of delivering the level of performance required to achieve their desired outcome. It is therefore, vital that you find a manufacture who can guarantee the level of quality that your health demands.

DeVilbiss Healthcare is a market leading manufacturer of nebulisers

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Does Chlorine in Drinking Water Cause Asthma?

The causes of asthma are complicated. A combination of allergies to things like chlorine, structural differences in the lungs and upper respiratory system, chronic inflammation and coexisting conditions may be involved. Genetics may also play a role.

• Risk Factors

Numerous risk factors have been identified as causing an increased risk of becoming asthmatic. For example, exposure to cigarette smoke during infancy and childhood can cause "asthma-like" symptoms. If exposure ends, the symptoms typically resolve and the risk of developing severe asthma problems is reduced.

Poor air quality of any kind increases the risk, particularly during childhood. Children who live in heavily polluted environments are more likely to have symptoms. The condition is more common in urban than in rural communities due to vehicular traffic or other issues.

• Another Issue for City Dwellers

Another factor that may explain why the condition is more common in cities is the use of chlorine or chloramines to disinfect public drinking water. In areas with large populations, there are more bacteria in the water. Because of that, more disinfectants must be used to prevent outbreaks of waterborne illnesses.

• Respiratory Irritation

Chlorine, chloramines and other chemical disinfectants are respiratory irritants. Chlorine gas is toxic. It can quickly cause lung damage. Continuous exposure to the fumes may be accompanied by an increased risk of asthma during childhood and adulthood.

• Asthma Trigger

The gas is also known to trigger the asthmatic response. In other words, brief exposure to the fumes, even at low concentrations, can cause wheezing, coughing and other symptoms. Bleach and other cleaning products cause a similar response. When you use chlorinated water and cleansers that contain bleach, you further increase your risk of attack. While a person's first thought may be that keeping the house cleaner will reduce the risk of attacks, the opposite may actually be true.

• How Chlorine Causes Lung Irritation

Chlorine reacts with moisture in the lungs to form hydrochloric acid, another irritant that can be lethal. The gas was one of the first chemical weapons. It was used in World War I by German forces. The concentration found in the air of a home due to chlorinated tap water is not high enough to cause death from hydrochloric acid, but it can and does cause asthma problems and irritates other respiratory ailments.

• Another Problem

• Chlorination leads to the production of disinfection byproducts like trihalomethanes (THMs). Exposure to THMs increases a person's lifetime risk for several kinds of cancer. The more exposure, the greater the risk. For example, a person who swims frequently in chlorinated water, showers in chlorinated water and drinks chlorinated tap water is said to have an "unacceptable" risk.

• What to Do

Swimmers don't want to stop swimming. Public treatment facilities cannot stop disinfecting tap water. People cannot stop showering. Drinking bottled water does not necessarily address the issue. Some bottle water brands contain chlorine.

The best way to reduce your exposure to chlorine is to keep it out of your home. In my next article you will learn how removing chlorine from tap water may help asthma. You'll also learn how to accomplish that feat. It's not really that difficult.

Thank you for reading this article. I am sure you will agree that you are more informed now about the effects of chlorine in drinking water may have on asthma. I would like to invite you to visit for FREE Instant Access to more detailed facts on How Removing Chlorine From Tap Water May Help Asthma

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Cold Weather and Asthma

With the onset of winter and cold weather conditions, asthma sufferers should ensure that they are well prepared and take extra care throughout the colder winter months. This is because cold weather can be a trigger for a large percentage of the 5.4 million asthma sufferers in the UK according to health charity, Asthma UK.

Asthma symptoms are often made worse if you catch a cold or flu and we also see a marked increase in hospital admissions for asthma sufferers when the temperature goes down. However, if you take extra care and manage your asthma condition properly you should be able to withstand the rigours of the winter weather and the associated asthma symptoms and thus avoid a full-blown asthma attack.

Make sure you visit your doctor or designated asthma nurse in your GP surgery and they will review your medication and make any necessary changes. This is known as a personal asthma action plan and contains important information to help you take control of your asthma, including details of your asthma medicines, key warning signs to tell you when your condition is getting worse, what to do about it and emergency procedure should you have an asthma attack. If you have not had a review in the last year, it is advisable to contact your doctor surgery and book an appointment as soon as possible.

The following are 5 tips to help you avoid asthma attacks in colder weather.

· Always use your regular prevention medicines as prescribed by your doctor, even if you do not feel you need it. Prevention medicines are designed to be used daily to prevent an attack.
· If you are already aware that the cold weather triggers your asthma it is a good idea to take 1 or 2 puffs of your reliever inhaler before going outside.
· Always make sure you have your reliever inhaler with you at all times.
· Wear a scarf over your nose and mouth when you go outside as it will help to warm up the cold air before you breathe it in.
· Be sure to warm up for at least 10 minutes before doing exercise outdoors in cold weather and it is a good idea to take 1 or 2 puffs of your reliever inhaler before you start exercising.

Having an asthma attack

If you notice that you are experiencing shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing, feeling tightness in the chest and finding it difficult to speak, then you may be having an asthma attack. It is important to stay calm, sit down and try to take slow, steady breaths. Take 1 or 2 puffs from your reliever inhaler immediately.

When should you dial the emergency services?

If there is no improvement, continue taking 2 puffs of your reliever inhaler every 2 minutes. You should take up to 10 puffs. If your symptoms have not improved after 5 or 10 minutes and you have become too breathless to talk, you should call for emergency assistance. If you are worried about your attack at any time you should contact the emergency services. If an ambulance has not arrived after 15 minutes then take 1 or 2 puffs from your reliever inhaler while you are waiting.

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The Difference Between CPAP and BiPAP Machines

A CPAP Machine is the most often prescribed machine to those who suffer from sleep apnoea. The abbreviation CPAP stands for continuous positive airway pressure. This type of machine is used for obstructive sleep apnoea. Obstructive sleep apnoea is caused when the muscles in your upper airway relax during sleep. The CPAP pushes air into your upper airway causing the naturally relaxing muscles to stay open during sleep. Obstructive sleep apnoea suffers often snore very loudly due to narrow airways during sleep.

These machines are often small and compact, easy for the patient to carry around. They are often very quiet so you can't hear the humming of a machine pumping air while you are trying to sleep. There are several choices of masks if you need to use a CPAP Machine. Most are full faced but you don't have to have a monster attached to your face. You have the choice of gel, plastic, silicone, full face, or simple ones that cover your nose and mouth.

Sleep apnoea causes abnormal pauses in breathing, or shallow breaths while asleep. These episodes often will cause people to not breathe for a few seconds to minutes. The mixture of lack of oxygen and snoring often leaves people fatigued and tired upon waking the next day. They will find themselves falling asleep or very tired throughout the daily activities.

There is another type of PAP machine called a BiPAP machine. This is used for more severe cases of sleep apnoea. Many times doctors will use these machines in the ICU to help patients be extubated early, and even to help prevent patients from being intubated. Since the BiPAP machines development it has helped neonates with underdeveloped lungs as well as many people with respiratory diseases breathe easier. Masks for your standard machines will be full faced and you won't have as many choices as with a CPAP machine. This is due to the required amount of air pressure being supplied to help your breathing.

The CPAP and BiPAP Machines are completely different in nature but help people with breathing difficulties alike. They can range in price from a couple hundred dollars to a few thousand. You cannot obtain either machine without the prescription of a doctor. Sleep studies are used to diagnose and discover what type of machine will suit you best. A sleep study is done overnight, at a clinic and you are monitored all night. They check your heart rate, sleep depth, oxygen levels, and for various other ailments like restless leg syndrome.

Mithul Mistry is writing on behalf of Health Oxygen, a specialist in CPAP and BiPAP Machines.

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Asthma Relief - Dealing With Bronchial Asthma

The bronchial asthma refers to the reversible airway obstruction which is caused by an inflammation of the airways. In susceptible individuals this inflammation causes recurrent episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness and coughing, particularly at night and early morning.

Acute bronchial asthma in adults
The application of the guidelines on the treatment of acute bronchial asthma assumes you have been diagnosed with asthma after excluding other differential diagnosis in pathological situations such as:

1. COPD exacerbation;
2. congestive heart failure;
3. pulmonary embolism;
4. mechanical obstruction of the airways;
5. laryngeal dysfunction.

The asthma exacerbations (acute asthma) are a marked, often progressive worsening of asthma symptoms and bronchial obstruction, which appear in the space of hours or even days and can last up to weeks. The goals of treatment of asthma attack are:

1. The answer to the bronchial asthma as soon as possible.
2. Plan for preventing future recurrences.

The severe asthma attack is a potentially fatal situation. Therefore, once diagnosed, treatment should be started as soon as possible. The therapy differs depending on the severity of the crisis and therefore it is necessary to advance a rapid assessment of severity, which is essential for detecting a range of symptoms and signs, and some objective parameters of respiratory function and oxygenation status of the patient. The assessment of respiratory function by measuring the PEF (peak expiratory flow) is easy to perform and can be made by the patient at home. The management of asthma attack should include:

1. Early intervention: It is important that the patient be educated to recognize the severity of asthma in early action at home and seek medical attention when necessary.

2. Appropriate drug treatment: The cornerstone of treatment of asthma attack are as follows:-

o Repeated administration of rapid acting beta2-agonists
o Early introduction of systemic corticosteroids
o Correction of hypoxemia

3. Monitoring the patient's condition and response to treatment. Monitoring must be done through assessment of symptoms and objective parameters (repeated measurement of lung function).

Home treatment of asthma attack
The home treatment is possible for the less severe asthma attacks, defined by level of symptoms and possibly as a reduction of PEF below 20%, presence of nocturnal awakenings, and increased use of beta2-agonist bronchodilators in the short duration of action.

Action Plan
Each patient must have a written action plan based on symptoms and possibly also on the measurement of PEF, which determines how to recognize signs of deterioration and to assess the severity of the crisis, when to modify or improve the treatment and require specialist care when appropriate. This allows you to initiate appropriate treatment for early signs of deterioration with a greater chance of success.

The first use of drugs are fast acting beta2-agonists: salbutamol spray 2-4 puffs (200-400 mcg) every 20 minutes for the first time with a spacer (or salbutamol 100/150 micrograms / kg max 5 mg in 2 - 3 ml of saline via nebulizer). At constant dose, the use of a pressurized aerosol with spacer (if the patient is able to use it) is able to achieve the same improvement as with the nebulizer.

After the first hour, the dose of rapid-acting beta2-agonist depends on the severity of the crisis: 2-4 puffs every 3-4 hours for one or two days in severe asthma and in the most serious crises it can take 6-10 puffs every 1-2 hours.

If the patient improves rapidly and if the PEF values increased to above 80% predicted or personal best and improvement persists for at least 3-4 hours, no other therapy is needed. Otherwise, you may want to add oral corticosteroids for 4 to 5 days to expedite the resolution of the crisis. It is a careful patient monitoring and prompt delivery to the hospital in case of no response.

Directions for immediate hospitalization
The patient should be hospitalized if:

1. Patient is at high risk for fatal asthma.
2. The exacerbation is severe (the patient has significant symptoms, does not improve after the first dose of medication, PEF is below 60% predicted or personal best after treatment with beta2-agonists).
3. The response to beta2-agonists is not quick or sustained for at least 3 hours.
4. There is no improvement after 6 hours of treatment with systemic corticosteroids.
5. There is further deterioration.

If you need more asthma related help then visit our asthma relief website. Learn about different types of asthma and what are the most effective treatments available for them today.

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How To Stop Wheezing Naturally

This article is about how to stop wheezing naturally and effectively without the use of medication and drugs. More and more people are turning towards more natural means of treating ailments. The side effects of medication and drugs can have detrimental effects which in the long term can actually contribute to more health problems.

Wheezing is defined as the harsh, raspy sound made when breathing is restricted due to narrowing or constriction of the airways. This symptom is normally associated with respiratory conditions such as asthma and bronchitis. If you suffer from any of these conditions then you will be well acquainted with the sound and feel of wheezing.

Here are a couple of methods that are used to treat wheezing naturally. Some are old remedies and some are more recent techniques and methods.

1. Natural ingredients include honey, cinnamon powder and fresh ginger which can be taken as a drink or herbal concoction. You can easily find these remedies in health food stores.

2. Arachidonic acid is found in certain foods, such as egg yolks, shellfish, and meat. Eating less of these foods is thought to decrease inflammation and asthma symptoms as well as to treat any allergic reactions.

3. Ayurvedic herbs such as Boswellia are meant to decrease inflammation and aid in decreasing irritation in the airways. This is no a common herb but can be found in herbal medicine stores and normally prescribed by Ayurvedic practitioners.

4. Alexander breathing technique to help improve posture and open up the airways. This breathing technique is becoming more and more popular as Western medicine is identifying with the link between posture and breathing.

5. Buteyko breathing technique which consists of shallow breathing exercises that are designed to help people with asthma breathe easier. This technique works on the principle of reducing the amount of oxygen dependance in the body and resetting the carbon dioxide response level. In essence this method is of the belief that the body takes in too much oxygen and this is the cause of many breathing problems.

6. The Bowen Technique is one of the most effective methods of treating wheezing. It is an extremely gentle and simple technique that can be learnt to treat and cure your wheezing naturally.

One of the most important things to bear in mind when deciding which natural remedy to try is how the remedy works to cure wheezing. To really stop your wheezing you need to treat the cause of the wheezing which in some cases is due to asthma.

Visit how to stop wheezing for more information on treating wheezing naturally.

Find out how to stop wheezing naturally and effectively now!

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The "Stigma" Of Asthma

In 2011, 5.4 million people in the UK are receiving treatment for asthma of which 1.1 million are children and 4.3 million are adults. This equates to one child in eleven and one adult in twelve. I don't know about you, but personally I find this figure quite staggering and this makes asthma the most common long-term medical condition. The UK has the highest rate of asthma symptoms amongst children in the world which is not a statistic of which we can be proud.

In school classrooms in the UK, on average you will find there are two "asthmatic" children, i.e. children who suffer from asthma. However,my 6 year old son has asthma and there are at least 3 other children in his class at primary school who are fellow sufferers. As an asthma sufferer myself and a parent to an asthmatic child, I completely understand how distressing it can be to watch your child wheezing, coughing and even struggling to breathe. I am also eternally grateful for the existence and widespread availability of inhalers and preventers which make normal life possible 99% of the time.

Many people today would not think of asthma as a killer, but you would be wrong as even with modern day medical and social advances, asthma can kill. In the UK in 2009 over 1,100 people died from asthma of which 12 were children aged 14 or under. The good news is that asthma is treatable though and for the most part, deadly asthma attacks are preventable.

If one or more parent has asthma, the child's chances of developing asthma are approximately double that of a child whose parents do not suffer from the condition. Unfortunately children living in homes where damp and mould are present are 1.5 to 3 times more likely to experience the coughing and wheezing associated with asthma. This would suggest that the poorer members of the population living in sub-standard accommodation are possibly more susceptible to developing asthma.

In some children, albeit a minority, a child's asthma is severe enough to prevent them from attending school resulting in days, weeks, even months of absence which of course brings a whole new set of problems with children falling behind with school work and being excluded from activities because of their wheezing and breathlessness. A survey suggests that about a third of children under 8 years old feel that they are often excluded from sports activities at school because of their asthma and a considerable number of parents do not feel confident enough that sports and PE teachers know how to deal with an asthma attack. However, the availability of modern asthma inhalers and preventers has made a huge impact on the ability of children and adults alike to live normal lives and not miss out on sporting and social activities.

Modern day inhaler devices are completely portable, readily available from doctors and highly effective for the majority of asthma sufferers. In recent times there have been highly publicised "confessions" by high profile, famous sports personalities such as the footballer David Beckham, who admitted being an asthma sufferer and using an inhaler thus helping to remove the "stigma" of asthma, particularly for children.

Are you or a family member an asthmatic? If so, read more at

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What Is Asthma?

It often starts in childhood and it can stay for the rest of your life. Because of this, you will be having re-occurrences of coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and chest tightness, which often occurs in the morning and at night. This condition often affects more than 20 million Americans. Asthma is a condition or a disease that should not be overlooked and should be monitored so it does not develop into more serious conditions.

People who have asthma have inflamed airways. The airways are the pathways in your lungs which allow oxygen to pass into your body and the carbon dioxide to exit. When the airways become inflamed and swollen, these become more sensitive to different substances and susceptible to allergies. When your airways react negatively to these substances being inhaled by the body, it tightens up the muscles around the lungs and makes it narrower. Cells in the lungs produce more mucus than normal which can cause more narrowing in your path ways. These processes and reactions produce the symptoms people feel when they have asthma.

There are two kinds of asthma: extrinsic and intrinsic. Extrinsic asthma is caused by allergens or antigens like dust, animal fur, and other particles. These particles may be just regular substances to some people but other people may seem to be more sensitive to these particles than other people. Because of this, their immune system produces the antibodies that fight bacteria and viruses. This type of asthma can be regulated with the use of inhaled steroids that seem to calm the immune system. On the other hand, intrinsic asthma is caused by anything but allergic reactions to substances and particles. This type of asthma is caused by exposure to chemicals and situations such as smoke form vehicles and cigarettes, stress, too much laughter, cold air, food preservatives, sweets, and other things that can trigger inflammation. It is hard to know what the exact causes of this type of asthma but the most effective way to control this is to avoid the things that can trigger the inflammation.

Asthma is a long-term disease, in fact, it is incurable. If you are diagnosed with asthma, what you can do is to consult your health care provider for medicines or treatments that can control or regulate the re-occurrences of asthma. Furthermore, avoiding people who smoke, vehicles that produce smoke, and avoiding using things with strong odours might do the trick.

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