About Childhood Asthma

Asthma is one of the more common long-term disorders of children. It affects the airways in your lungs resulting in it to contract, thereby reducing the passage of air to your lungs. Now asthma in children can be treated in many ways. By managing it, they live as normally and actively as other healthy children.

Being aware of the symptoms of asthma will help in the case of an onslaught of asthma attacks. Many asthma causes are found in our homes, for instance molds, mites, smoke, indoor pets, as well as chemical irritants.

Mildews and molds are typically found on damp areas such as shower curtains, sinks, and tiles. If you happen to find mold, sanitize the area with plain water and soap. The right ventilation in your kitchens and bathrooms really are advised by installing an exhaust fan then opening your windows. Dry all moist places so you can ward off any new growth of molds.

There are small bugs called dust mites that we cannot see with our naked eyes. Usually they live in your pillows, bedding, carpets and stuffed toys. These objects commonly are found in your kids' rooms. Because children spend a lot of time in their rooms, then it's good to make sure the room stays clean. Replace bedding on a regular basis, clean their stuffed toys by hand washing them for they gather particles of dust. It's also recommended to utilize dust filters to make sure the air your child inhales is clean.

Smoke is a big trigger of asthma attacks. If someone is a smoker, then do not let them smoke in your house. If pets are in your home, then take note of your kids' reactions when they are with the pets. In addition, if asthma is set off by the animals' dander, limit your kids' exposure to the pets. Irritants are also found in your home. These can include laundry powder, cosmetics, air fresheners and cleaners. When using these products, be sure your kids are not there and your windows are opened with the exhaust turned on.

Air pollution also triggers attacks. This comes out of the smoke made by vehicles as well as factories. Try to avoid taking your kids outside when the air pollution index is high. When spending time outside cannot be avoided, make your kids wear a dust mask to keep them from inhaling particulates.

Getting your children to participate in any strenuous exercise programs may not be very good, as it can get to be too much for their system and cause asthma attacks. Parents should monitor their kids' physical acceptance of different activities and keep talking to them concerning their condition to keep them aware of what is going on with their body. By doing this, they're able to inhibit exercise-induced asthma.

Certain foods that asthmatics cannot consume because they provoke allergic reactions, eggs chicken, and seafood. Let your children know of the foods that might cause asthma. Asthma may not be curable, but it is preventable with the right knowledge.

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Causes of Asthma

Asthma is considered to be a long term lung inflammation that weakens and contracts the air passages. This type of disease causes the patient to produce a whistling sound whenever they breathe. Victims of asthma also experience chest pains, breathing problems and regular coughing which usually happens late at night or as you wake up in the morning. Asthma may attack people no matter what their age are, but statistics shows that asthma usually starts at one's childhood.

Maybe you are wondering what happens internally when asthma occurs; or maybe you are asking what really are the causes of asthma. Here's an overview on what asthma is all about. When a person is being attacked by asthma, the air passages which are the tubes that handle the air movement in and out of one's lungs gets inflamed which leads to narrowing of the airways. Those air passages gets extremely sensitive to the air that the person breathes plus the microscopic elements that may be included to that air. When these tubes get extremely sensitive and react, the muscles surrounding those get too tight causing very minimal amount of air to enter their lungs. This type of disease may get ever worse and may lead to death when not given the proper care or attention as the air passages may get even narrower. Aside from narrowing of airways, cells in the area may also produce more mucus than the usual. Mucus is a sticky substance which adds to hardening and narrowing of air passages. All these reactions may eventually result to giving off the signs and symptoms of asthma. These symptoms are sometimes mild and may eventually fade off naturally of after you have taken a certain medicine. But some cases get things even worse. So it is highly advised not to take these signs and symptoms for granted since this disease is considered fatal. It is true that asthma cannot be cured. But nevertheless you still need to manage the sickness when it attacks. Asthma can be fatal but a person with this type of ailment may still live a normal life.

What are the causes of asthma? Well, the main cause of asthma is not really known. Medical researchers say that asthma is lead by some of the genetic factors and some environmental contributors. Some of these are the following:
Allergic reactions which a person might have inherited. This is called atopy.Asthma usually attacks people whose parents are also asthmatic.If a person has a respiratory or pulmonary inflammation in their childhood.If a person gets in contact with airborne allergensIf a person gets exposed to some viral inflammations during their infancy or during the time when their immune system is still under development.

Who is most likely to have asthma attacks? Anyone may be a victim of this fatal disease; although, children who usually have lung inflammation or respiratory problems are most likely to suffer from asthma in the future. Other factors include being attacked by several allergies, skin asthma and parents who also suffer from asthma. Statistically speaking, record shows that among children, more boys suffer from asthma as compared to young girls. But in adults, there are more women than men who are being under attacked by this disease. But still there is no particular explanation how gender hormones contribute to asthma attacks.

There are several signs and symptoms of asthma which you need to be aware of since these symptoms may continue to get worse. Signs and symptoms include:
Coughing that usually attacks in the dawn or late at night. This cough attacks usually make it hard for you to experience a relaxing sleep.Whistling sound whenever you breathe.Chest pains that feels like someone is seated on your chests making it so tight.Breathing problems which make it hard for you to catch your breath. It feels like you are running out of air to breathe.

Not everyone who are asthmatic experience all and the same signs and symptoms. At the same time, not all who are experiences such signs and symptoms are considered to have an asthma disease. So it is highly recommended that you go and seek a doctor's advice when you experience any of these things.

Please visit http://causesasthma.org/ for more information on the causes of asthma.

Kinji, - causesasthma.org

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Top-Rated Allergy Air Purifiers - 5 Features That Make Them Work

Most physicians will confirm that an allergy air purifier is an essential part of an effective management plan for those whose condition is triggered by airborne allergens. But in order to be effective it should have the following 5 features.

Filter For Particles---Many of the irritants that trigger airborne particles are found in the air. Seasonal pollens, dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, and pet dander can trigger symptoms and even a flare up for those who have allergies.

HEPA or high efficiency particle arresting filters can successfully eliminate airborne particulates that are as small as .3 microns in size. This includes all of the triggers listed above. However, many of these solids can be eliminated by filters with bigger openings and that are far less expensive.

Pre-filters are made of a cotton ball sort of material and can trap the bigger particles in the air that can be seen with the naked eye. Having these filters as part of the filtration system can prolong the life of the HEPA which will save you time and money down the road.

Filter For Gases---Gaseous pollutants can also cause problems. Things like smoke, fumes from household personal and cleaning products, chemicals that off-gas from carpet, pressed wood furniture, and paint can all cause flare ups.

Carbon cloth in a purifier is invaluable. Originally designed by the British Military as a response to chemical warfare, this type of filter offers dual benefits. Because it is made of carbon it can effectively eliminate gases, odors, and chemicals. And because it is woven like cloth, it gives additional protection against particles.

Canister of Filters---The more filters present in a unit, the more filtration you receive. This seems like a no-brainer, but there are cleaners with no filter or just one filter. It seems reasonable to assume that a purifier with a canister of filters will last longer and require less maintenance than one with one filter or no filter.

Produces Oxygen Only---There are many types of technology on the market that claim to provide clean air. Ozone and ionization are 2 technologies that remain controversial. What everyone agrees about is that oxygen as a by-product is the safest way to go. In fact, HEPA technology is the type used by hospitals to insure clean air.

24 Hour Filtration Capability----One of the best ways to manage allergies is to avoid the trigger. So if your cleaner can filter the air continually, it can drastically reduce the amount of allergens in the air. Breathing air that has fewer triggers means you stand a better chance of reducing the number and severity of flare ups. And that's the whole purpose of an effective air purifier.

Manage your allergies by drastically reducing your exposure to the particles and gases that cause problems. See the cleaner that is top rated again and again now at http://purerair.com/allergy_machine.html

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