Treating and Controlling Asthma

Asthma is a medical condition affecting the lungs and the breathing airways, and it's becoming increasingly typical all over the world. Asthma is much more common nowadays than it was half a century ago. Several individuals think this is due to the materials used in buildings and modern day pollution. The causes are not always recognized and the problem is spreading across the world.

Attempts to define asthma are made more difficult by the uncertainty concerning the absolute cause, even though it seems unavoidable that there are different kinds of asthma with distinct causes. Environmental elements are considered to be among the key causes if a specific allergen is not known. One of the proofs that this may be the cause is the fact that asthma sufferers residing in cities is on the rise. Even in rural areas, the air quality is frequently greatly affected and it really is easy to understand why young individuals growing up in a polluted environment are significantly affected.

Many times environmental variables don't cause the attack but it can easily most certainly worsen the problem. This is seen at its most significant with cigarette smoking, as this takes harmful toxins and pollutants straight to where they can impact the breathing the most. Whenever you think that even smokers who don't suffer from asthma are susceptible to cough and wheeze, you can envision the effect smoking will have on those which really have a real asthmatic condition. Stopping smoking and keeping away from smoky surroundings is the first factor in managing asthma.

There are a number of cases of asthma where the symptoms are so severe that they can be life-threatening if not controlled. Having access to the best medications which can be swiftly applied is necessary, which is why a lot of asthma sufferers carry inhalers that can easily dispense Salbutamol and relieve symptoms quickly. Long lasting drug treatments can also lessen the seriousness of attacks when they take place, so make sure that any medicine prescriptions are adhered to rigorously. These medicines are dispensed via the inhalers.

Once you get effectively diagnosed and your treatment methods are begun then the outlook is quite good. Following the recommended treatment solutions are quite essential. Doing such things as quitting smoking is important but can be very hard to accomplish. If techniques for example hypnosis need to be used to complement the prescription medication being taken, this should be done as the circumstance could be serious.

Researching asthma, and learning facts about asthma which can allow you to handle the problem and live as normal a life as you possibly can, is much easier than any other time thanks to the wide range of information which is available on-line. You can find thorough and precise reports of the current diagnosis and treatment of asthma in countries worldwide, including from some well known authorities for example the British National Health Service. This advice can be a terrific help to you, but never let it take precedence over the guidance provided by ones own practitioners, that have first hand understanding of your own case of asthma.

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How To Cure Infant Asthma

Are you looking for a way to cure infant asthma? Does your baby show the worrying signs and symptoms of asthma such as grunting and wheezing at night? Asthma can only officially be diagnosed at the age of 2 years however, this does not mean it does not exist in the young baby. If you have a family history of hay fever, food intolerance, asthma or eczema that your baby may be predisposed to developing asthma.

Infant asthma does not have the same causative factors as childhood or adult asthma. Most of the time, allergies do not play a huge role in infant asthma. In babies, the developing immune system and respiratory system can cause them to be more susceptible to respiratory infections such as bronchitis. The symptoms however are similar as those of an asthmatic child.

So are there any ways to cure infant asthma without resorting to steroids and drugs? Here is a list of some tips that can help your child's asthma.

-Vitamin C has been shown to be deficient in many children suffering from asthma. If your child is old enough, a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables is recommended.

-Lactose intolerance. Check that your baby is not lactose intolerant. This can cause excessive mucus production and can lead to blockage of the sinuses and congestion of the respiratory airways. If your baby is on formula it may be helpful to try switching formulas. Breast fed babies will not have this problem.

-Detergents and household chemicals should be kept away from your babies sleeping and play area as they can irritate a young babies airways and cause inflammation.

-Dust mite allergies are not as common in infants as in toddlers but could be a cause of your child's respiratory problem. Regular dusting will ensure a reduced exposure and may help combat the symptoms.

-Herbal remedies are not commonly recommended for babies and infants. However, Chinese medicine prescribes ginger water for curing infant asthma. Do ensure you get a prescription from a registered Chinese medical practitioner before you prepare any herbs for your babies consumption.

-The Bowen Technique For Asthma is a very popular method used to treat asthma in babies. This is because it is extremely gentle, simple yet effective. This technique works to relax the breathing muscles and help to strengthen the immune system in infants. Whether or not your baby has asthma or bronchitis, this technique targets the cause of the problem and not just the symptoms.

Learn more about the Bowen Technique For Asthma Now!
Visit cure baby asthma for more information on natural remedies for infant asthma.

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Natural Asthma Remedy - What Really Works

If you are an asthma sufferer, then I am sure you have trawled the Internet looking for a natural asthma remedy that actually does what is says and cures asthma. Maybe you are fed up of being stuck on medication and having to depend on steroids and your inhalers all the time or perhaps you are looking for a cure for someone close to you like your child or a relative. Whatever the reason, you have come to the right place. This article lists some natural asthma remedies and will help you in your search for one that actually works.

Asthma is a condition that not only affects the young but also adults and the very elderly. The odd thing about asthma is that it can come on at any time in your life. Although some have always seemed to have had asthma from childhood, most people develop it later on in life and are not born asthmatics. This condition is normally diagnosed when one encounters difficulty in breathing and is subsequently sent to the doctors for a peak flow test. If this test of lung capacity is below average or the norm the person is then labelled an asthmatic and the standard inhalers and if necessary steroids are prescribed.

Here is a list of natural asthma remedies that claim to cure asthma and treat the difficulty in breathing.

1. Buteyko Method works on the principle that the cause of asthma is breathing is too much oxygen and having too little CO2 in the blood. Simple exercises are used to reset the levels in the body.

2. Alexander Technique uses posture and coordinates breathing and movement to create a more efficient respiratory system that works in line with the bodies movement.

3. Herbs are used in both Western and Oriental medicine to prevent asthma attacks and to try and address the allergens that the body is exposed to.

4. Acupuncture realigns the energy in the body and addresses the meridians associated with breathing difficulties, however it is not very popular due to the use of needles.

5. The Bowen Technique For Asthma is probably the most effective natural asthma remedy as it aims to treat the cause of the breathing difficulty and not just the symptoms. This technique rebalances the nervous system to reduce the amount and severity of allergic reactions also relaxes the muscles of respiration. This is one of the main causes of asthma attacks.

Learn more about the Bowen Technique For Asthma Now!

Visit natural asthma remedy for more information on natural cures for asthma.

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Curing Childhood Asthma Naturally

Asthma is a condition that affects children all over the world and in recent years has been seen to be rising in incidence. Are you looking for a method of curing childhood asthma naturally? One in 11 children has asthma and it is the most common long-term medical condition. Amongst all the countries, the UK has among the highest prevalence rates of asthma symptoms in children worldwide. Asthma is the number one cause of school absence in children in the UK.

The exact cause of childhood asthma is not known to the medical profession. The most commonly prescribed medication for controlling asthma in children are steroids and bronchodilators. Unfortunately, these medications are not without any side effects.

This article aims to provide you with some natural ways of curing childhood asthma safely and effectively. One important point to bear in mind when looking for natural remedies is the safety aspect. Many herbal concoctions and remedies claim to cure asthma but can also be harmful if not taken in the right doses. Be sure to check the amount with a herbal practitioner prior to consumption. Here is a list of some herbal remedies that have been used to treat childhood asthma.

Astragalus is a herb used in Chinese medicine. Astragalus strengthens the immune system and is high in antioxidants. This is said to reduce allergic reactions and the severity of asthma symptoms.

Black Cumin is used commonly to treat respiratory conditions. It helps to decrease mucus production and to prevent sinus congestion.

Stinging Nettle is another herb that is used to treat asthma in children. It contains anti-inflammatory properties that help prevent inflammation of the airways and is also helpful in combating allergies.

Apart from herbal remedies, there are also numerous other methods and techniques that have been employed to treat childhood asthma. The Alexander Technique has been taught in many schools where children suffer from asthma and need some form of help. This technique works on posture and aims to relieve breathing difficulties by teaching the body how to move and aid the breathing muscles in carrying out the breathing process.

One popular method of curing childhood asthma is the Bowen Technique. This is a gentle, non invasive technique that works on the principle of re balancing the nervous system as well as relaxing the breathing muscles. The main aim of this method is to treat the cause of asthma and not just the symptoms.

Learn more about the Bowen Technique For Asthma Now!
Visit cure childhood asthma for more natural cures for asthma.

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Recognizing the Symptoms of Asthma in Children and Treatment of Asthma

Definition of Asthma

Asthma is a recurring condition in which certain stimuli cause the airways to narrow for a while so that makes a person having difficulty breathing.

Although asthma can occur at any age, but more often occurs in children, especially in children from the age of 5 years. Some children suffer from asthma until their adulthood. Most children who have asthma can still interact with its environment, except in the event of an asthma attack. Only a few children who are resistant to drugs to prevent asthma and need daily to be able to do sports and play normally.

Asthma Causes

For unclear reasons, children with asthma are usually reacting to certain stimuli (triggers). There are many factors that cause asthma attacks, but on each child usually causes (triggers) is different. Several factors trigger asthma attacks, namely indoor irritants, such as strong odors, irritant fumes (perfume, tobacco smoke); pollution from outside: cold air, exercise; emotional disturbance; respiratory infections due to viruses, and various kinds of substances which make children become allergic, such as animal dander, dust, pollen, and mold.

All of these triggers produce a similar reaction; certain cells in the airways release chemical substances. These substances cause the airways to become inflamed and swollen and stimulate the muscle cells in the airway walls to contract. Reduce stimulation with chemicals to increase production of mucus in the airways, making the spilling of cells lining the airways, and widen the muscle cells in the airway wall. Each reaction is triggered to the smaller airways suddenly (asthma attacks).In most children, the airway back to normal in between asthma attacks.

Risk Factors

Doctors do not fully understand why some children suffer from asthma, but a number of known risk factors. A child with one parent with asthma has an increased risk of 25% have asthma, if both parents have asthma, the risk increased to 50%. Children whose mothers smoked during pregnancy are more likely to develop asthma.

Children in urban environments are more likely to have asthma, particularly if they come from lower socioeconomic groups. Although asthma affects a high percentage of black children compared with white children, the role of genetic influence in the increase of asthma is controversial because black children are also more likely to live in urban areas. Children are faced with high concentrations of allergens, like dust or cockroach droppings, at an early age are more likely to suffer from asthma. Children who suffer from bronchiolitis at an early age often wheezing with advanced viral infection. Wheezing first sound can be interpreted as asthma, but children are not more likely than others to have asthma during adolescence.

Asthma Symptoms

When airways constrict during an asthma attack, the child can be difficulty breathing, accompanied by his trademark sound wheezing. Wheezing is a loud noise that sounded high when the child breathes. Not all asthma attacks wheezing produce sounds, however. Mild asthma, particularly in young children, could only produce a cough; some older children with mild asthma tend to cough only during exercise or when exposed to cold air.

Also, children with acute asthma may not wheeze because of too little air flow to generate noise. In acute asthma, breathing becomes difficult sincerely, sound wheezing usually becomes tighter, and the child is breathing rapidly and with greater effort, and ribs prominent when the child is breathing (inspiration). With acute attacks, the child gasping for breath and sat upright, leaning forward. Sweating and pale skin or blue.

Children with frequent acute attacks sometimes have a slow development, but their growth is usually chasing another child in adulthood.


A doctor suspected asthma in children who have wheezing repetitive, particularly when family members are known to have asthma or allergies. Children who wheezing events can often be tested for other disorders, such as fiber or gastro esophageal recurrent cysts. Older children sometimes perform lung function tests, although the stout children lung function is normal between relapses.

One of half or more of children with asthma control. Those with more severe disease were more likely to have asthma as a teenager.

Asthma Treatment

Older children or teenagers can recognize asthma often have to use a peak flow meter, a small tool that records how fast a person can blow air-to measure the level of airway disorders. This tool can be used as an objective assessment of the condition of the child.

Treatment of a severe attack consists of opening the airways (bronchodilation) and stops the inflammation. Various kinds of inhaled medications to open airways (bronchodilator). This particular example is albuterol and ipratropium. Older children and teenagers are usually able to use these drugs using metered dose inhalation device. Children older than 8 years or often find it easy to use inhalation with a spacer or buffer room installed. Infants and very young children can sometimes use a spacer when inhaled and infant size masks fitted.

Children who do not use inhalation devices can receive inhaled drugs at home through a mask mounted on a nebulizer, a small tool that generates steam cure using compressed air. Tool inhalation and nebulizer are equally effective at removing the drug. Albuterol can also be used with the mouth, although this activity was not much more successful than inhalation and are usually used only in infants who did not use the nebulizer. Children who are experiencing severe attacks can also be administered via oral corticosteroids.

Children with severe attacks were treated in hospital by providing a bronchodilator in the nebulizer at least every 20 minutes at first. Sometimes the doctor uses an injection of epinephrine, a bronchodilator, in children with severe attacks if they cannot breathe well enough on the steam nebulizer. Doctors usually give intravenous corticosteroids to children who have severe attacks.

Children who suffer from mild asthma, with infrequent attacks typically use medication only during the attack. Children with frequent or severe attacks also need to use drugs even when they are not under attack.

Other drugs used, based on the frequency and severity of attacks in children. Children with infrequent attacks that are not too bad usually use inhaled drugs, such as cromolyn or nedocromil, or a low dose of inhaled corticosteroids daily to help prevent attacks. These drugs prevent the release of chemicals that harm the airways, and reduce inflammation. Preparing to use the old theophylline is an inexpensive option for prevention in some children.

Children with recurrent or more severe also receive one or more drugs, including long-term bronchodilator such as salmeterol, leukotriene modifiers, such as zafirlukast or montelukast, and inhaled corticosteroids. If these drugs do not prevent the onslaught, the child may require inhaled corticosteroids by mouth. Children who experienced great develop during exercise usually inhale a bronchodilator dose just prior to exercise.

To get an explanation of the asthma check this out: Asthma Treatment

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The Bowen Technique For Asthma

The Bowen Technique originated in Australia and is named after its creator Mr. Tom Bowen. Tom Bowen was believed to have trained as an osteopath before inventing the Bowen Technique. Tom Bowen's wife suffered from chronic asthma and was often hospitalised; it was this which led Mr Bowen to develop this part of his therapeutic work, as he searched for some means of helping her. Once he developed the Bowen Technique For Asthma she never had to go to hospital to be treated for this condition again.

How does the Bowen Technique work? The Bowen Technique consists of a series of gentle moves that trigger the body to heal itself. The moves are made on specific parts of the body, such as across muscle on either side of the spine. It is an extremely gentle, simple yet highly effective technique for treating all kinds of conditions and is very successful at treating asthma.

Most of the work can be performed through light clothing, although some therapists prefer to work on skin. Bowen can have very powerful effects on the body and it is extremely important to ensure the body is not bombarded with signals causing confusion and ultimately doing more harm than good. For this reason, the less is more principle is commonly applied when treating clients.

Most patients have positive responses after only one session. Within three sessions even long-standing chronic asthma can be relieved. Some conditions might need to be treated more often, but in either case it is recommended clients return for regular treatments every six to eight weeks to maintain optimum health.

Asthma attacks are usually caused by the breathing muscles and diaphragm going into increasing spasm. The triggers for such an attack range from pollen to respiratory illnesses. As soon as a trigger is detected, the spasm increases. Hence, one of the first signs of the increasing problem can be wheezing, sometimes there all the time.

In an acute asthmatic attack, the patient can breathe in but is unable to breathe out as the diaphragm is in full spasm. This can be illustrated by the fact that the stomach appears to collapse inwards especially in small children and babies. The Bowen Release Move, part of the Bowen Technique for asthma is a highly effective, downwards movement that releases the diaphragm from spasm and an immediate release of air from the lungs is achieved. This move is so simple an easy it is even used by toddlers to relive tightness in their chest.

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Asthma Symptoms

Asthma is a condition that affects the lungs and eventually your breathing. Asthma symptoms include: chest tightening, pain, pressure, wheezing, coughing (especially at night), and breathlessness. Everybody with Asthma doesn't have the same symptoms. Some people experience some of the symptoms but not at one time. Asthma symptoms can also change from one episode to the next.

Asthma attacks occur at different times under different circumstances. Exercise may bring about asthma symptoms and sometimes people only experience an episode that coincides with viral infections such as the common cold. Not all, but some individuals are fortunate enough to go for prolonged periods with no symptoms at all, with only periodic severity called Asthma attacks.

Warning signs of Asthma may come about prior to or at the onset of an attack. In most cases, these symptoms are not severe enough to interfere with your daily life. Paying attention to these signs though, can help keep your condition under control. Early warning signs includes: frequent cough, breathlessness, feeling tired/weak when exercising, wheezing or coughing after exercising, feeling tired, easily upset, grouchy, moody, decrease or change in lung function when measured on a peak flow meter, signs of a cold or allergies, and trouble sleeping.

Asthma symptoms in kids usually occur before age five. Asthma occurs when the bronchial tubes become inflamed due to increased secretions within the tubes. Severe chronic coughing may be the only indication of Asthma in kids. Asthma amongst children is steadily increasing due to unknown reasons.

Asthma attacks are produced when the airways tighten. The lining within the airways swell or become inflamed; the cells within the bronchial tubes produce more and thicker secretions than normal. Other symptoms of an Asthma attack includes: coughing that won't end, rapid breathing, difficulty speaking, chest pain/pressure, and feeling of anxiety. Asthma attacks will worsen with time so seek help immediately! Without immediate medical attention, breathing will become harder, air movement will decrease, and you'll lose the ability to speak, all of which can lead to death.

Some people do not experience common Asthma symptoms. Some individuals have symptoms that most people wouldn't attribute to Asthma but they are. These unusual symptoms include: rapid breathing, sighing, and fatigue, inability to exercise properly, difficulty sleeping, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and chronic cough without wheezing. Asthma symptoms can resemble other condition so it's important to know your body, talk to your doctor and to be educated and aware of both Asthmas common and uncommon symptoms.

Mithul Mistry is writing on behalf of Health Oxygen, a specialist in Breathlessness.

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5 Healthy Tips for Bronchial Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

With the holiday season fast approaching and with added travel and holiday stress, a change in sleeping behavior may affect your asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Here are some helpful tips this holiday season that may help prevent exacerbation of asthma or COPD. The common symptoms of bronchial asthma are nighttime cough, wheezing and shortness of breath. The common exacerbation cause of bronchial asthma is respiratory tract infection, postnasal drip, gastroesophagel reflux disease (GERD) or heartburn.

1. Sleep adequately. You will want to sleep a little longer and go to bed earlier by the start of the holiday season if you feel there will be sleep deprivation on the weekend if you are planning to stay up late. Maybe, if this is the case, you will want to start going to bed a half an hour to an hour earlier from now on so that it helps the immunity and prevents infection.

2. Avoid junk food. Needless to say, it is very tempting but it may be a good idea to replace junk food snacks with good and healthy foods, thereby preventing bronchospasm, mucus formation, and nighttime symptoms of bronchial asthma. Cookies, pasties, etc., have refined sugar, which cause mucus formation and bronchospasm. Making sure a high-fiber diet is continued during the holiday season so there are normal bowel movements every day in the morning helps to prevent bronchospasm. If one is not getting a high-fiber diet regularly, he/she may help with starting one. Eating lots of fruits and vegetables helps. Apples, pears, grapes, strawberries, carrots, cabbage, and spinach to name a few, are good sources of healthy fiber. Understanding the basics of the diet and what needs to be avoided on a regular basis may help prevent exacerbation of asthma. Avoid dairy products such as cold food, ice cream (produces bronchospasm and mucus), bananas (increases sputum production and chest congestion), cold water or ice water or ice drinks also increase bronchospasm and replace them with room temperature water or drinks. Just like cold weather makes asthma worse, so do cold liquids and drinks which create winter inside the body. It slows stomach digestion, producing bronchospasm. We have seen in our practice that stopping this has decreased the need of a rescue inhaler by more than 50% in about 6 weeks in many asthma patients and in many after only a few months. It may help if one is looking for ideas that help to decrease the need for rescue inhaler use.

3. Compliance with the treatment of bronchial asthma. Continue the regular inhalers, nebulizers and other medication as prescribed by your health care professional. Understand the correct technique of the inhaler or nebulizer. Get familiar with the medication and its normal dose, the maximum dose that is allowed and its common side effects. If you feel that you are getting any of the side effects, let your doctor know about it. Make sure you rinse your mouth after the use of the inhaler or nebulizer to prevent oral thrush. Use the peak flow meter to check the asthma symptoms and keep a log of it. If one is a smoker than smoking cessation is the key to improve health, otherwise bronchial asthma or COPD will not get better and with time it will get worse. Inhalers or medication will not work with ongoing smoking. A person can end up with respiratory failure and be on a ventilator with ongoing smoking if asthma or COPD exacerbation cannot be controlled with nebulizers, steroids and antibiotics. Smoking cessation is key.

4. Exercise. Regular exercise helps to prevent the bronchospasm and chest congestion. In patients with exercise-induced bronchospasm, they may need to take the inhaler prior to work out. This is equally true for the patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease as well as bronchial asthma patients.

5. Yoga and Pranayama. Pranayama are the breathing exercises of yoga. One may learn Pranayama and many other exercises of yoga to reduce stress from a local yoga instructor, which may help prevent bronchospasm, chest congestion, and nighttime wheezing. Yoga exercise is very different from a regular work out or aerobic exercise. After yoga, one may feel more relaxed and calm. Both exercises have their own merits and limitations and based on one's personality one may favor one over the other. The goal is to do one or both than none at all.

In our practice, we have patients with severe persistent bronchial asthma symptoms on round-the-clock inhalers and nebulizers with multiple modalities of treatment and exercise. Yoga has shown such improvement in some patients that they do not need a need of inhalers or nebulizers. The point here is to say that yoga exercise and/or other regular or aerobic exercises do help if one does them regularly and helps the asthma symptoms as well as overall health when done regularly along with medical treatment.

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The Connection Between Food Allergies and Asthma

When you think of the causes of Asthma, you don't automatically link it to food allergies. But, at least in some cases, food allergies are exactly what you should be thinking about.

In the U.S., somewhere between seventeen and eighteen million people are currently suffering from asthma. The degree of symptoms range from mild to severe, with the most severe cases being life threatening. Even worse is the projected scope of the disease with some health organizations predicting that the number of cases in the country will virtually double in the next ten years.

Asthma is basically an allergic condition. It is caused by some trigger stimulating the release of histamine into the body. When histamine is released, a chain reaction of events is set into motion. The first thing that happens is the airways become irritated and also very sensitive. As the irritation continues as more histamines flood into the tissues, the internal body tissues begin to expand.

The histamine also causes mucous to be released, further constricting the air way passages. In a mild asthma attack, this may be as far as it goes. But in more severe attacks, as mucous covers the airways, you may begin to wheeze and cough. And you start to experience shortness of breath.

The more sensitive your airways become, the more prone they are to spasms and the more difficult it becomes to both expel air and breathe in air. Someone in the middle of such an attack can very much feel as though they are drowning.

So what is the main trigger that starts this dangerous chain of events? There are many things that have been identified as possible causes - cold air, strenuous exercising, and even laughing. But the two top suspects are airborne allergies or food allergies.

Airborne allergies are not a surprise as health professionals have known for years that dust mites, mold, animal dander, and the like can trigger an attack. But the fact that food allergies can do so as well, is not recognized as readily. Of the food allergies wheat, milk, and egg allergies are the most to blame. But these are, by no means, the only recognized food allergies.

People who are allergic to any of these foods will have the same experience of histamines being released into their bloodstream with the possible effect of triggering an asthma attack. If you believe that you may be the victim of some unknown food attacks, the best way to rule foods in or out as the cause is to have a food allergy test performed on your body.

For additional information on allergy related subjects such as dog allergy and wheat intolerance symptoms, please visit our website.

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How to Use an Oxygen Concentrator

Oxygen regulates brain activity, the immune system, internal organs and energy levels. Oxygen also helps lower risk of Deep Vein Thrombosis on airplanes. Surplus oxygen is used for conditions like asthma, migraines, and poor circulation.

Oxygen concentrators supply you with oxygen derived from the air around you, so no recharging of oxygen supplies is necessary. They are lighter in weight and less expensive than tanks of concentrated oxygen. If you wish to use one during airline travel, you will need to obtain a unit approved by the airlines that you'll be using for your flights. Contact the airline's information desk to determine their requirements.

Safety is another benefit from the use of a concentrator. Since there are no large, standing amounts of oxygen in the room, risk of fire is minimized. There is also no danger of a leaking or broken tank inadvertently jetting around your home as you could encounter with compressed oxygen.

For oxygen concentrator UK purchases, first check with your doctor to determine what size unit your state of health requires. Then check with your health insurance agency to determine which units are covered by your policy. Concentrators come in larger sizes for home use, providing up to five litres per minute of oxygen, or smaller portable units that give one to three litres per minute. Many portable units also work with a pulse flow or demand flow capability, supplying oxygen only when the patient breathes in. This saves energy and prolongs the longevity of the machine.

The units can be easily purchased online, though care examination of the shipping costs is advised, as the home units are substantially heavy, and may require extra shipping fees. The portable units are easily sent by any of the typical express delivery services. If the outright purchase of a concentrator is difficult for your budget, leasing arrangements can be made.

Using an oxygen concentrator is as simple as plugging it into power, placing the oxygen cannula under your nose, and switching on the machine. Adjustments can made for flow rate, and supply method, whether continuous or on demand. The larger home units can be used for nocturnal or overnight use during sleep, but many portable units cannot, as pulse flow is not adequate for sleep. These are not substitutes for CPAP machines if you have sleep apnoea, check with your physician first to see what your specific needs are.

Oxygen concentrator UK servicing can be coordinated through a local hospital, clinic, or wholesale medical supplies company. Many units have filters and other parts that need regular maintenance, so contact you're nearest servicing company immediately after your purchase to ensure you do not run short of supplies. As a user, you will also have to regularly clean the various parts of your concentrator, but it is a minor task in exchange for the great benefits it will bring to your life.

Mithul Mistry is writing on behalf of Health Oxygen, a specialist in Oxygen Concentrator.

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How Can Osteopathy Help People With Asthma?

Asthma is a long-term disease which usually affects children and can stay with them for the rest of their lives. If not regulated or controlled, asthma can cause a lot of other serious conditions and complications. When you have asthma, your airways become inflamed and become more sensitive than usual to certain substances and particles. This can cause wheezing, which is the noise you produce when you breathe which indicates swollen airways. You also will have thick and more amount of mucous that you can secrete through these airways, too. You can also start coughing and have shortness of breath.

Although asthma has no known cure, the effects and symptoms of this condition, whenever it reoccurs are reversible. You may be able to reverse the effects by consulting to health care providers that can advice you with some medications and treatments.

Practitioners of osteopathy offer natural and non-invasive treatments that may help you with regulating the symptoms of asthma. They will offer to look into your condition in a holistic approach. This means that an experienced and skilled osteopath will look into your whole respiratory system, including parts such as your ribs, diaphragm, spine, and other muscles involved in breathing.

Furthermore, an excellent osteopath will also consider other parts of your body as an excellent osteopath believes that the human body is interconnected and linked all over so there may be a possibility that asthma can be a referred condition caused by other underlying conditions happening at the other areas of your body. Because of this approach, a good osteopath will carefully look into your body structure and try to relax your respiratory muscles, improve the condition of the lymphatic system which cleanses your body, enhance your blood supply, and remove all restrictions within your lungs.

Moreover, an excellent osteopath is also concerned with the overall living condition of people who suffer from asthma. He or she will formulate some exercises and breathing patterns suitable for your condition and capabilities that can help you minimize the re-occurrences of this condition. Also, a good osteopath may also suggest for you to improve your posture, diet, and lifestyle for you to have a better living condition.

All in all, the practice of osteopathy may be of great help to patients with asthma. But you may also want to take into consideration that an excellent osteopath may also collaborate with other health care providers such as a general physician. It is still important for people with asthma to have anti-inflammatory medications if in case a severe attack happens.

Hi. I'm Rachel Berret, a big advocate seeing an osteopath for your health complaints. I have a great osteopath Melbourne that helps me overcome my own aches and pains such as back pain, neck pains and headaches.

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Asthma Action Plan and Natural Remedies

If you suffer from bronchial asthma you're most likely already aware that asthma attacks are usually a truly scary experience for not only you but the ones around you. If you've experienced asthma an asthma action plan is a crucial part of your successful bronchial asthma management. However you should additionally be aware of the natural choices available that will help you prevent bronchial asthma attacks. They are easy to do and don't require taking any additional medication.

Studies have proven that even as medication is without doubt one of the most efficient bronchial asthma therapies however more bronchial asthma sufferers are turning to natural remedies for asthma rather than more conventional medications. You would possibly not be able to totally get rid of the need to use an inhaler; however you could considerably reduce how continuously you use your inhaler with some of the more efficient home remedies. Natural treatments are one thing a sufferer should indubitably consider on every step of the bronchial asthma action plan.

It is in most cases believed that many asthma attacks are reactions to certain triggers so whilst you create your Asthma Action Plan you definitely need to consider some causes that might turn on asthma symptoms. Cigarette smoking is without doubt one of the most significant triggers and must be avoided.

Even if you're a non-smoker, it could be a good suggestion to keep away from places where are people who smoke congregate and ask the smokers that visit your home don't smoke inside or near doors and windows. Certain perfumes or products that have strong perfumed scents have been identified to trigger asthma attacks so keeping off fragrance is an effective way to forestall bronchial asthma attacks.

Dust is a common activator for asthma attacks and even though this could take a little more time than you would prefer, it is worth fewer asthma attacks. So you vacuum cleaning and dusting your home regularly is something that should be integrated in your Asthma Action Plan.

The chilly seasons are usually hard times for the ones with asthma so all the time make sure you take special care to keep your mouth, throat and chest covered and warm during cold weather.

Natural and home treatments are usually made from natural ingredients like herbs or food products which are commonly found in the home. While you may also not necessarily have all the ingredients for the home treatment already, it is possible for you to find them easily at your local grocery store. Here are few home and natural remedies that may be integrated in your Asthma Action Plan:

• Honey is considered by many to be one of the vital effective home treatments for asthma. Many people believe that placing a jar of honey below the nose of someone suffering from an asthma attack can calm the attack within minutes have the person breathing easily again.

• For a really perfect every day bronchial asthma remedy, use a blender to mix honey, lemon juice and radish then cook on low to medium heat for twenty minutes. Taking a teaspoon of this mixture each and every morning reduces the volume and severity of asthma attacks a patient suffers.

• Another great day by day asthma remedy is to mix one teaspoon of pure honey, one teaspoon of olive oil, half a cup of milk and a little bit garlic clove and boils the mixture. Drinking this mix will also help reduce the amount of asthma attacks.

But before you use any natural remedy I would strongly recommend you to do Allergy testing. This way you will find out what substances (allergens) cause an allergic reaction or asthma.

If you want to learn more about Asthma Action Plan and Natural Remedies, and to find various products and treatments that best suits your needs, please visit the following page:

Sinisa Janicijevic Author is and expert in area of various treatments. Please read more about Asthma Action Plan and natural remedies on his web site

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Curing Asthma Naturally

Are you looking for a method of curing asthma naturally that does not involve the use of steroids and drugs? More and more asthmatics are turning away from the use of pharmaceutical drugs to control their asthma and are looking for more natural alternatives. This article lists some remedies that aim to cure asthma the natural way.

Asthma is a condition that can have a serious impact on your quality of life. Many children who suffer from asthma are pulled out of school for long periods of time and are not able to take part in school sports and activities. This can have a huge psychological effect on a child and can lead to depression and worsening of health problems.

Here is a list of some natural remedies that you may find helpful in treating and controlling your asthma. They are divided into herbal remedies for consumption, breathing techniques and holistic approaches to treating asthma.

Herbal remedies - The most popular herb being used for treating asthma is Adhatoda also known as the Malabar Nut which works as a bronchodilator. It increases airflow in the lungs and is also a mild expectorant to get rid of excess mucus and phlegm. Another herbal remedy is Anise seed tea. This tea is an antihistamine that reduces inflammation and helps to open air passages and relieve wheezing.
A less well-known herb is Asclepias Tuberosa. Known as a vasodilator, it relaxes the muscles surrounding the bronchial passage and is very soothing.

Breathing Techniques - Pranayama is a breathing technique used in yoga. These exercises should be practiced depending on what usually triggers the asthma attack. Another popular method is the Buteyko method. This method believes that hyperventilation is the reason for asthma. Buteyko is based on techniques to normalise breathing patterns and reduce the extent of hyperventilation.

Holistic Treatments - Acupuncture is a whole body treatment that aims to unblock any meridians (energy lines) that are contributing to asthma. This method involves the use of acupuncture needles and may not be for everyone! Another method that is gaining in popularity is the Bowen Technique. This is a very gentle technique that aims to treat the cause of asthma. It re balances the nervous system thereby reducing the reaction to triggers and allergies. It is also very effective at relaxing the breathing muscles surrounding the chest making it easier to breathe during an asthma attack as well as reducing the symptoms of asthma such as wheezing and coughing.

Visit curing asthma naturally for more information on natural cures for asthma.

Discover the most popular method of curing asthma Now!

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Tips To Stop Wheezing

Do you suffer from a respiratory condition that causes wheezing such as asthma or bronchitis? Here are some useful tips to stop wheezing using purely natural methods.Wheezing is a common symptom of the narrowing of the airways and is associated with many respiratory conditions, the most common of all being asthma. Another symptom that goes hand in hand with wheezing is bronchial breathing which can me mistaken as wheezing. This is a harsh sound as opposed to wheezing which is more raspy in nature. Bronchial breathing is associated turbulence in the airways.

Here is a list of some common natural remedies to stop wheezing.

1. Steam inhalation - This method of clearing the sinus passages is often used when someone is suffering from a respiratory infection. The inhalation of steam can aid in unblocking the nasal package as well as reducing the amount of mucus build up in the bronchioles. This can help stop you from wheezing.

2. Salt pipes - Salt pipes originated from the use of salt caves in Poland. The salt content in the air that you breathe in helps to reduce the thickness of mucus. In asthma sufferers this can aid in reducing wheezing. Salt inhalation can also help if you are suffering from bronchitis. By reducing the thickness of the mucus, it becomes easier to cough up and expel.

3. Ginger and honey tea - This remedy may sound simple but it does work very well to soothe any itch in the throat that may be associated with wheezing.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar - Vinegar has long been known and used for its anti inflammatory properties. Apple cider vinegar is especially good for treating inflammation in asthma that can cause wheezing and coughing. The best way to consume it is neat, however mixing it with some water makes it more palatable.

5. Acupuncture - This ancient Chinese remedy is used to clear the energy pathways that can get blocked and result in ailments such as asthma. This method is extremely popular in China, however less so in Western society because of the use of needles.

6. Bowen Technique - The Bowen Technique originated in Australia and is a relatively new therapy that has been used to treat all kinds of ailments. This technique works on rebalancing the nervous system and treating the cause of wheezing as opposed to the symptom of wheezing itself. It is gaining in popularity due to its effectiveness as well as its ease of use with children.

Learn more about the Bowen Technique For Asthma Now!
For more information visit how to stop wheezing.

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Asthma Facts Everybody Ought To Know

Are you aware of the asthma facts that one must take into consideration? One important asthma fact is that it's not only a disease found in children but it is also a respiratory condition in most adults. Some may neglect this asthma fact thinking that one is no longer susceptible to asthma as he gets older. Well, you thought wrong.

As people grow up, they become more open to harmful elements from the environment and the ones with asthma are no exception, they are even more prone to having asthma attacks. The environment is only one factor that people with asthma need to look out for, there are still many and one's lifestyle is one of them. Most people differ on how they live their lives and as one ages, the body's defense decreases which makes it easier for asthma to create more damage to the body. One's lifestyle may be hard to change but if he is trying to get rid of asthma, he must choose a lifestyle that will help relieve his condition and not make it worse. If one does not know how to properly handle asthma, life may be difficult for him and worst, he might not survive at all.

Asthma is common in children, but others get a hold of it at a later stage due to exposure to allergens. Having asthma is not easy so it is essential that people will remember a main asthma fact and that is asthma can develop depending on one's life conditions. Choosing to live life the healthy way may minimize occurrence of asthma attacks. In order to do that, one must be careful in choosing what he eats and drinks. Furthermore, one requires ample rest and sleep. If one refuses to have a healthy lifestyle, then asthma may progress and may cause more negative effects. Most people easily get tired of having to deal with asthma episodes especially when it keeps them from doing things they love to do.

One must also keep in mind that asthma doesn't have a specific treatment. Even though it can be considered as a respiratory disease that one can manage, according to asthma facts, it can be controlled by having the right diet and by making exercise a habit. It will also be wise to have regular visits to the doctor so that the condition will be monitored. One must also take note of foods that may cause allergies. There are times that allergic reactions will further result to serious conditions for those people with asthma so it is necessary for one to be aware of things that he needs to avoid.

A healthy way of life is the perfect solution to asthma attacks. Even with the presence of allergens in the environment, things will be properly dealt with through a healthy lifestyle.

Visit my website for more information about asthma facts. You can see a lot of information about tips on asthma and how you can control it.

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5 Tips For Caring For a Child That Has Asthma

An estimated 300 million people worldwide suffer from asthma, many of them children. Asthma affects the bronchial tubes, or airways, causing them to become inflamed and to produce thick mucus. The airways are also overly sensitive, or hyperactive, causing the smooth muscle of the airways to tighten. The combination of tightness and inflammation narrows the airways, making it difficult for air to pass through. Asthma symptoms may be mild and occasional, or so severe that they limit a child's activity level and lung function. Although asthma is a chronic condition, it can be treated and controlled. Managing asthma symptoms can allow a child to maintain health and an active lifestyle.

All children diagnosed with asthma should follow an asthma control plan prescribed by their physician in order to control symptoms and flare-ups. Caregivers can help children manage their asthma symptoms by following several steps:

Identify and Control Asthma Triggers

Caregivers can work to identify triggers that lead to an asthma flare-up. Triggers may vary with the seasons and change as kids grow. Some common asthma triggers include allergens such as dust, pollen, mold, animal dander, foods, and medications; viral infections including the common cold and flu; irritants such as smoke, air fresheners, paint fumes, hair spray, and perfumes; exercise; weather changes; and breathing in cold air. Learning to identify triggers can take time; but once identified, triggers can be avoided.

Anticipate and Prevent Flare-Ups

Children with asthma may have increasing airway inflammation, but can't feel it. Their breathing may sound normal, even when airways are becoming inflamed and narrow. A doctor may instruct a caregiver to use an instrument called a peak flow meter to monitor their child's airways. A peak flow meter measures how much air a child is inhaling and exhaling. A drop in peak flow indicates inflammation that precedes an asthma flare-up. Identifying this drop allows caregivers administer treatment early.

Take Medications As Prescribed

Work with the child's doctor to develop an effective medication plan for controlling their asthma. Follow the doctor's instructions, and keep track of your child's symptoms. It may take some time and experimentation to find a medication plan that works.

Follow the Asthma Plan

A combination of doctor-prescribed medication, observation, and patient education can allow a family to control asthma flare-ups by beginning treatment early. A doctor provides a written, step-by-step plan outlining exactly what to do between flare-ups, how to recognize when to treat early, and when to call the doctor for help.

Learn More

Patients and caregivers who learn the most about asthma are the most successful in controlling it. Many organizations can provide information about asthma, educational resources, and access to support groups that help kids and caregivers cope.

Britney Fuller is a writer who enjoys sharing her knowledge and advice with readers. For more on asthma, Preemie Twins Blog offers readers information on a study that associated asthma with premature birth.

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Find Out What Is the Best Way to Lose Weight?

The Methods that are NOT the Best Way to Lose Weight

The best way to lose weight is simply not going to be found with a fad diet, a magic pill, or with surgery. Surgery and prescription pills are for desperate people that have gotten to a very unhealthy point. If you are still able to move, then you don't need to use an expensive and risky surgery or pill to help you lose weight.

Fad diets are a horrible choice and they are more about marketing the product to you than actually giving you a method that works. You need to know what the best way to lose weight is and it has nothing to do with any of the methods that seem way too good to be true.

The Best Way to Lose Weight Period!

The best way to lose weight is simply with proper diet and exercise. This is something nobody wants to hear, but it is very true. If your diet is balanced with the right nutrients and you exercise enough you will lose weight. Most people that are trying to lose weight or actually need to lose weight can find the problems within their diet.

A natural diet is the best way to go and sometimes you do need a few supplements to help with this. We will get to those a bit later, but for now let me explain what having a natural diet means.

In our world we can buy products in a can, bag, box, frozen, or fresh. Fresh is always best and frozen is the next best choice. These are the forms that contain the most nutrients and anything that is not processed is best. This does not mean you have to only shop in the organic section or you are not allowed to have anything you like.

This does mean you should avoid anything processed. It is best to go with fresh vegetables and fruits because they are better for you than anything from a can. Nuts, yogurt, cheese, lean meats, and seafood are also very good for you. If you love sushi, then you are on the right track because this is a very good source of protein and many other minerals.

You can still have a few sweet things and things that are not so good for you, but you have to keep this to a very small amount. Instead of eating a huge slice of cake, go with a smaller piece and stop. Sweets, especially refined sugar, are the worst thing you can put in your body because they turn into fat and they will make you crave more of them.

You can substitute things like fresh berries, dark and natural chocolate, celery with peanut butter, or natural vanilla ice cream. These can all help you with your cravings and the more you avoid refined sugars the less your body will crave it.

Track what you eat for an entire week and you will have a great starting point. You want to pay attention to calories, sugar, sodium, fat, and protein. These are the main things you are probably going to want to adjust. Once you know how many calories you are taking in on a daily and weekly basis you can start making adjustments.

Here is an example of what you can do:

If you find you are taking in 2,000 calories a day and you want to lose 10 pounds, then cut your diet down to 1,750 calories a day. This is not a huge adjustment, but it is enough to help you shed a pound or two each week, which is healthy. You are not going to lose the weight in a day or two, but it will come off over a few weeks in a healthy way.

Also, when you are looking at what you eat taking in large amounts of sodium and sugar is not good at all. Sodium can make you feel bloated and tired and sugar will become fat. You want to have a good amount of protein in your diet and you do need some fat, but avoid as much sugar as you can.

The other part of the best way to lose weight is to exercise. This is a great way to offset some of the calories you put in your body every day. If you currently are not exercising try to add 10 minutes of aerobic exercise into your daily routine 4 to 5 times a week. Increase this time by 5 minutes every week until you reach 30 minutes a day 4 to 5 times a week.

This can be swimming, running, jogging, a brisk walk, or anything that gets your heart rate up. If you do this you will lose weight faster and you will be able to burn more calories over time than if you don't exercise at all. For those that are currently exercising increase your exercise a little each week to burn more calories.

Supplements to Help With the Best Way to Lose Weight

Many people get it mistaken and they believe a weight loss supplement is all they need. This is a myth and they always say on the commercials and packaging that diet and exercise are important. The supplement is an aid to help speed up the process and make it easier to shed the weight you are trying to get rid of. Here are two supplements that work great with diet and exercise.

Caralluma Actives - Caralluma has been used for years to aid in weight loss. It is a 100% natural appetite suppressant without any caffeine. This is a great way to aid your body in shedding the unwanted pounds you currently have.

Acai Berry Actives - Another choice is to take an Acai Berry supplement. This will help to increase your metabolism and your fat oxidation. Another great benefit from Acai Berry is the increase in energy. Combining this supplement with a good exercise routine and diet can help you get rid of the fat for good and get the body you have always wanted.

The unfortunate part about these two supplements is they are not readily available in your department store or drug store. Sure there are some Acai Berry supplements, but they are never a high enough concentration to actually give you the full benefit. However, you can pick them both up online.

It is not recommended that you add both supplements in with the best way to lose weight, but you can pick one or the other to add. If you are interested in Caralluma Actives you can read a full product review here: Caralluma Active Review

If you prefer to discover more about the benefits of Acai Berry, then you can read a full product review here: Acai Berry Actives

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Learn the Symptoms of Asthma and How to Control It

Asthma can be treated with the proper medication. Millions of people each year are affected by this disease and when treated properly it can be controlled. Asthma is a condition that restricts the airways and can make it difficult for you to breath. What can happen is your chest get tight and it makes it hard to breath normally. It can be best to avoid areas where people are smoking because this can bring on the symptoms of asthma quickly.

You will find that there are many thing that can cause asthma symptoms. You have to be careful during the spring time when so many flowers are in bloom. The pollen gets into the air and if you spend time outdoors it can cause you some issues as well. It is best to try to avoid being around garden areas where the symptoms may get worse. You will eventually learn what your body can tolerate as far as exposure to flowers and other elements that may cause your asthma to flare up.

When you experience an attack and do not have medicine or an inhaler you need to go to your doctor. They can help you by using a breathing machine so that you can reduce the attack. It is so important to make sure that you always are aware of your asthma so when it strikes you know what to do. In some extreme cases you may have to go to the hospital if you have a severe case and the medicine that you take is not working properly.

There is no real cure for asthma so make sure you know how to treat it when it comes on. There have been many advancements when it comes to asthma treatments so make sure that you visit your doctor regularly and see what new medicines are available for you. Asthma may not be a curable disease but you can make the symptoms a lot less when using treatments such as inhalers. It is smart to always bring your inhalers when you are exercising and it can be as simple as being out for a walk. The relief you can get from a few shots can help you breathe and get through a potential attack.

Remember that asthma is no fun at all but using the current medicines and inhalers that are available you can reduce the attacks that you get. Make sure that you and your doctor have a good relationship so that when you need to ask a question about something related to your asthma you feel comfortable calling them. Your health is important and when you learn the symptoms of asthma and how to control them you will be able to live a more normal life.

Get: Free Asthma Remedies

Find: Best Asthma Treatments

Bryan Burbank is an expert in the field of Health and Well Being.

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The Main Cause of Asthma

According to the recent estimates, 300 million of people affected of asthma worldwide and more than 22 million in the United States. Although people of all ages suffer from this disease this will usually begins in childhood, currently affecting 6 million children in the United States. Asthma kills about 255,000 people worldwide each year.

Environmental Issue
Allergic reactions and asthma symptoms are often the result of air pollution inside the mold or fumes from cleaning products and paints. Other environmental factors associated with asthma are indoor nitrogen oxides from gas stoves. In fact, people who cook with gas are more likely to have symptoms such as wheezing, shortness of breath, asthma and hay fever. Sulfur dioxide, ozone Pollution, nitrogen oxides, cold temperatures and high humidity are all shown to trigger asthma in some people.

During periods of high air pollution there are tend to be increased of asthma symptoms and hospitalizations. Smoggy conditions releasing destructive ingredients known as ozone, which causes coughing, shortness of breath and chest pain. The same conditions emit sulfur dioxide, which also leads to asthma attacks by constriction of the airways.

Climate changes have also been known to stimulate asthma attacks. Cold air can cause respiratory congestion, bronchoconstriction (narrowing of the airways), secretions and decreased mucociliary clearance (another type of inefficiency of the airways). In some populations moisture can cause difficulty breathing.

Risk Factors for Children
Asthma is the most common chronic disease among children - especially children who are underweight at birth, are exposed to tobacco smoke and grew up in an environment with low income. Most children first produce symptoms about 5 years, commencing generally frequent episodes of wheezing with respiratory infections. Additional risk factors for children include having allergies, allergic skin condition eczema or relatives with asthma.

Boys that are young are more likely to develop asthma than girls, but this trend was reversed in adulthood. The researchers speculate that this is due to the small size of the airways of a young man from the airways of a young woman, leading to an increased risk of wheezing after viral infection.

Tobacco Smoking
Tobacco smoke has been linked to increased risk of asthma and an increased risk of death from asthma, wheezing and respiratory infections. In addition, children of mothers who smoke and other people exposed to secondhand smoke have a higher risk of asthma. Teen that used to smoke has also been associated with an increased risk of asthma.

When a mothers smoke during her pregnancy their children have lower lung function. This can cause additional risk of asthma. The study also showed that premature birth is a risk factor for developing asthma. Babies born by Caesarean section have a 20% increase in the prevalence of asthma compared with babies born by vaginal delivery. It is possible that the immune system, alter the exposure of bacteria during cesarean sections are responsible for this difference.

People That Are Stressed
People who are stressed have higher rates of asthma. Part of this may be explained by the increase in asthma-related behaviors such as smoking that are encouraged by stress. However, recent research has suggested that the immune system is altered by stress too.

Read more information about the main cause of asthma on my website to gain more knowledge on how to manage and control it. Get the most effective asthma tips for yourself.

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Asthma Anger

Could it be that Asthma is anger that is socially acceptable? Too simple? No. In most cultures getting angry is frowned upon and the culture helps suppress us. Getting really angry is worse. Worst of all is getting really angry in public. Such shame, such humiliation. So wrong! Our clever and ever-pleasing unconscious mind may opt to have us show up with a physical problem that looks a lot like asthma so we don't have to suffer the embarrassment of displaying our anger publicly. Sound crazy? Read on.

Anger is hot, inconvenient, shunned and powerful. Rather than us getting inflamed, our unconscious minds can inflame another body part. The easiest one is our airways. We are running so hot and seemingly out of control in our emotions that the larger part of our mind (the unconscious) makes a decision to expand, inflame and thicken the breathing passages. Why? It very effectively stops us from being angry--because we're busy gasping for air! Instead we suffer a potentially life-threatening (but much more socially acceptable) event. We have an asthma attack. Wow. Let's file this under: "messed up"!

Do you recognize anger when you see it? Movies make it plain. Faces get red. Veins on foreheads pulse. There is cursing, shouting and wild action, right? Yes. That's one type of anger. That's it in expression.

Can you spot anger in suppression? This may take you a while to recognize it in yourself and those you love. Anger in suppression makes for short, shallow breathers. It makes for stuffed feelings and bloated bellies. It comes in the form of "the nicest people you could possibly meet suddenly losing it" one day. It comes from tight faces and hard jaws. It shows up in seething comments, venomous slurs and sharp, harsh laughter.

When I tell clients that the nicest people they know are probably the angriest they ALWAYS disagree, at least initially. Nice people never get angry. They get discomforts and disorders of the body INSTEAD of dealing with the anger that fuels them. Everything you thought was black might be white when it comes to your "nice" friends.

Are ALL nice people angry? No, of course not. Only those that pride themselves on "never getting angry" or "never having a harsh word about anyone". This is NOT what we were taught in school or society. If you watch angry folks (expressors) and "nice" folks (suppressors) it's quite an education. There is a middle way, however, that reaps the best of both polar extremes. Neither extreme nets any real gains but just prolongs the problem and the inevitable suffering. In a nutshell, stuffing anger or shouting it both prolong and promote difficult breathing and asthma attacks.

We CAN learn to let go of our anger before it becomes discomfort, disorder and eventually disease. It is a learned skill. No one in our culture teaches this to us as children. The easiest and fastest way to learn to let go is to observe angry feelings without acting on them...until they let go of you. It sounds easy. It's not at the beginning. It, like all good things, requires practice. It can be done and you can learn to do it on your own without any outside help.

Until that time you might want to use the powerful FREE TOOLS FOR ASTHMA on my website that are available to you without any strings at: They are available to everyone.

Copyright 2011 by Rudy Hunter. All rights reserved.

Rudy has spent nearly 30 years helping dogs & people back to health and happiness using essential oils and energy work. He works long-distance helping people & pooches; often getting great results where other techniques have failed. His website, has lots of FREE healing resources for both species.

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The Different Types Of Breathing Disorders

There are a lot of breathing disorders that people can suffer from. Some of these breathing problems can be caused by smoking. One of those disorders is emphysema. This disease is primarily caused by smoking and can cause shortness of breath in people who suffer from this disorder. The cigarette smoke can cause the alveolar sacs in the lungs to become damaged, which means they cannot function properly. These sacs are where the transfer of oxygen and carbon dioxide occur. Since there is trouble with the transfer of carbon dioxide, it makes it harder to breath, which is where the shortness of breath comes from. Carbon dioxide is a waste product, and if it is not expelled from the blood then it can cause some problems to whoever suffers from this disorder.

Another breathing disorder that smokers can suffer from is chronic bronchitis. There is another form of bronchitis, which is acute bronchitis. This disorder is not usually seen in smokers, because it is usually caused by a virus. Chronic bronchitis happens to smokers because they are constantly abusing their lungs, so it makes it difficult for the lungs to heal. The best way to treat this disorder is simply to quit smoking so that your lungs can heal. Some of the symptoms of chronic bronchitis is coughing accompanies by mucus, shortness of breath and sometimes fever, chest pains and fatigue. If you feel that you are suffering from either form of bronchitis it would be a good idea to go to a doctor and get checked out so you can treat it properly.

One of the breathing disorders that non-smokers suffer from is asthma. Sometimes this disorder can be caused by the environment. For example, if you are someone who does not respond well to dust in the air, you can get an asthma attack from dusty surroundings. The same can be said about people who have problems with animal hair. Other people can have asthma problems due to genetics. Some of the people who have problems with asthma will use an inhaler when they have asthma attacks, and also before an asthma attack in order to prevent them from happening. Some of the symptoms of asthma is coughing, wheezing and having a hard time breathing. This breathing disorder is decently common around the world.

One more breathing disorder worth noting is rhinitis. This is more commonly known as a stuffy nose. Some people may find it surprising that this is classified as a breathing disorder, but it does impede people's ability to breath. A reason why sufferers have a hard time breathing with this disorder is because of nasal inflammation. The airways in the nasal cavity become constricted, which makes it harder to breath. This can cause forced breathing, which is very annoying. This disorder can be caused by a virus, bacteria, allergens, or it can even be hormonal. It is difficult to treat because there are so many causes that rhinitis can be from. If you suffer from any of the breathing disorders, it is a good idea to schedule an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible.

Garrick Breaux has more resources about sleep disorder such as snoring, sleep apnea, asthma, anxiety or any of the disorders named in this article, please visit this site at Also, when you visit the site you can get a Free Breathing Test.

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Asthma Relief - Top Tips To Help You Fight Asthma

Asthma, with its resultant wheezing and shortness of breath, is a distressing condition. At worst it can be fatal, so asthma attacks should be taken extremely seriously, with sufferers and their family doing everything possible to reduce the incidence of these frightening attacks.

Adult on-set asthma is often caused by environmental or dietary factors, so when seeking asthma relief it's important first of all to address these factors in your life style.

The most common food allergens to avoid are: eggs, wheat, dairy products (including yoghurt), yeast, fish and citrus. Others thought to be implicated include: corn, peanuts, carrots, prawns, colas, red meat (especially pork), salt, spinach, chicken, turkey, sunflower seeds, soya products, yeast, goat's milk, kidney beans, sugar, blackcurrants and food additives - particularly tartrazine (E102), benzoates (E210-219) and metabisulphite (E220-227).

Common environmental triggers include animal dander (minute scales shed from an animal's skin, hair or feathers), chemicals, drugs, house-dust mite, goose feathers, fumes, mould, grasses, pollen, tobacco smoke or environmental pollution such as fumes from paint, adhesives, industrial or dry cleaning chemicals.

Other triggers to avoid include: adrenal disorders, anxiety, changes in temperature or weather, excessive exercise, extremes of dryness or humidity, low blood sugar, emotional stress such as fear, and - oddly enough, even laughing in some sufferers,

Dietary Recommendations: Identify and avoid food allergens, see list above for those which are most common. Ideally aim to eat about 1lb (400-500g) of fresh fruits and vegetables daily. Include nuts, seeds, oatmeal, brown rice and wholegrains. Follow a diet that maintains a steady blood sugar level (small regular meals) and is relatively high in protein and low in carbohydrates.

Include garlic and onions. They contain quercetin which has been shown to inhibit an enzyme that aids in releasing inflammatory chemicals. Include 'green, chlorophyll, drinks'. A juice fast including lots of lemon juice for three days per month can help rid the body of toxins and mucous.

Avoid wheat bran, sugar, yeast and gas-producing foods such as beans, broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage. Don't have ice cream or iced drinks as they may shock the bronchial tubes into spasm.

Flax oil seeds or capsules are a good vegetarian source of essential fatty acids (EFAs) that are necessary to produce anti-inflammatory prostaglandins. If using seeds, grind them or drink with plenty of water.

As a qualified nutritionist I strongly recommend adding a good supplement program to a good diet.

Nutrient Recommendations: A multi-vitamin/mineral complex with selenium and zinc will boost your immune system - in particular, vitamins A, C and E are antioxidants that protect your mucous membranes. B-complex is helpful (particularly vitamin B6) as it also supports the immune system and vitamin B5 helps beat stress. CoQ10 counters histamine. HCl (Hydrochloric acid - found in the stomach) and pancreatic supplements should be considered if you need help digesting protein. In one study, 80% of asthmatics were found to have low stomach acid (HCl). If this isn't corrected, the shortage may make allergies worse. Magnesium is a mineral that has also had good results and in several scientific studies Ginkgo biloba has been found beneficial. Pau D-arco reduces inflammation and acts as a natural antibiotic.

As with all complementary therapies, if you are being treating for a particular condition by your medically qualified practitioner, do not make any changes to your treatment without his or her approval.

Joy Healey is a qualified nutritionist. For more detailed understanding of asthma and for help with safe, natural asthma remedies that actually work, visit her site:

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Asthma and Some Interesting Facts About It

Asthma is a chronic lung disease that narrows and inflames the airways (the tubes that carry air in and out of the lungs). These blocked airways cause breathing difficulty resulting in wheezing, shortness of breath, coughing and chest tightness.

Asthma is basically divided in to two groups- allergic asthma and non- allergic asthma. The allergic asthma's symptoms are usually triggered by an allergic reaction. This type of asthma is the most popular one. The factors that trigger the allergic asthma symptoms are dust mite allergen, pet dander, mold, pollen, etc.
The non- allergic asthma is the less popular one. It is not associated with an allergic reaction, instead it is triggered by factors such as stress, dry air, cold air, anxiety, exercise, smoke, hyperventilation, viruses or other irritants.

Some interesting facts and statistics about asthma:

There are around 300 million people with the disease in the world, 20 million of them in the United States.There are around 7.4 million children with asthma, which is more than 9% of the children in the world.Workplace conditions are responsible for around 11% of all this disease cases in the world.Estimates show that the number of people suffering from it will grow by 100 million until 2025.Asthma was responsible for over 3000 death in the US in 2005, which means that more than 8 people died from the disease every day.In the past 10 years asthma rated among colored children has increase by 50%.Women are more likely to have it than man, but boys are more likely than girls.Asthma accounts for nearly 15 million school days missed each year and 25 million missed work days.If one of the parents has asthma there is a 30% chance that the child will also have asthma, if both parents have asthma the chances grow up to 70%.Asthma is estimated to cost Americans over 16 billion dollars every year.

Unfortunately traditional medicine has not yet discovered a cure for asthma. Instead there are ways to control the symptoms of asthma. Generally there are two types of asthma treatments- Long term asthma treatment and quick relief medications. The long term treatment is used to control asthma symptoms on a day by day basis while the quick relief medications are used whenever a flare-up occurs.

As I said traditional medicine has not yet developed a cure for asthma, but another type of medicine called homeopathy claims to fight the disease in its roots. It is not yet fully proved that it can help but there are more and more encouraging studies on the subject.

This is an article containing general information on asthma and some of the interesting statistics about it. For more on how to treat asthma follow the link in the resource box

Thank you for reading and good luck!

Stanimir Sotirov is the owner of the Body and Spirit health blog, which has been dedicated to providing tips for a healthy life since 2007. For more information on asthma treatment you can check out his Asthma Treatment Guidelines.

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Relief in the Cupboard: Asthma Home Remedies

If you have asthma, you probably have medications to treat it. On the other hand, you might be the type of person who chooses to treat the condition naturally. That is your right. Interestingly enough, there are asthma home remedies that you may not be aware of that can help asthma attacks and reduce symptoms. This article is intended for information purposes only and is not a recommendation for asthma treatment. Proper medical care is needed, and that can only be obtained from a licensed physician. Despite this, these asthma home remedies often work very well.

The Power of Tea

One of the first drugs used to treat asthma was theophylline. It is actually still used, though rarely. Theophylline comes from tea (camelliea sinensis). Both green and black teas contain this compound and can relieve the symptoms of asthma quickly. Many people find fast relief with a large cup of hot green tea. Only high-quality tea contains enough theophylline to make a difference, so generic tea bags won't necessarily work as asthma home remedies.

Coffee Comes to the Rescue

One of the most popular beverages in the world is coffee. It has a high content of caffeine, which is another compound that can relieve the symptoms of asthma. Caffeine is found in certain over-the-counter asthma remedies along with theophylline, which is mentioned above. This is a handy asthma home remedy that most people have on hand at all times.

Herbs and Spices Are Secret Remedies for Asthma

Would you believe that there are asthma home remedies in your spice cabinet? Common herbs and spices used in cooking can relieve asthma symptoms. In fact, they have been used for centuries for this purpose. These herbs and spices include oregano, thyme, basil, ginger, cumin, anise seed, cloves, mustard seed, mint and cardamom. It is best to use these herbs fresh, but dried herbs will do the trick, too. Just steep a tablespoon in boiling water for 10 minutes and drink it. Oregano, thyme and cumin are probably the best. It may not taste wonderful, but it can work in a pinch (not a serious emergency).

Other Asthma Home Remedies

Some people know about standing next to a very hot shower to relieve the symptoms of an asthma attack. If you don't, here is the surprise: If you have nothing else, go into your bathroom, close the door and stuff a towel underneath the door gap. Turn on the shower to the highest heat level and open the curtain. Sit on the edge of the tub or on the toilet (closed) and breathe in the steam that builds up for as long as you can stand it. It works in most cases. If it does not, dial 911.

Another home remedy is to boil mint leaves in a pot of water and breathe in the steam with a towel covering your head down to the top of the pot. The menthol fumes can open up the bronchi. Again, please note that these methods are not recommended as a cure or treatment. If symptoms worsen, seek medical attention.

Sophia Dillard is a researcher on products for households and a contributing writer on the subject of asthma home remedies. Save time and money by getting a FREE in-depth review of this product, including discounts and best prices, at this blog:

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Eliminate Prescription Medicines Using Asthma Products That Work

Due to the many environmental changes, asthma is quickly turning into a major health problem, affecting millions of people all around the world. Most asthma cases are caused by allergens that afflict individuals by narrowing their airways to the lungs, making it difficult to breathe. A person of any age can acquire asthma, and the disease can leave the body as spontaneously as it arrived.

Medication-Aided Treatments

Though it is a chronic disease, it is highly treatable with prescription medications for those who suffer from severe asthma. Treatments such as homeopathic and natural asthma products are used for individuals with mild cases. Those with severe cases generally require strong medication to manage their disease on a daily basis and use corticosteroid inhalers at times when it is impossible to take a deep breath. Although only used in emergencies, the inhalers instantly open the airway, providing the user a way to breathe normally. These bronchodilators are prescribed for very short-term relief, only to be used in the direst of circumstances. Though described as a relief medication, this broad term offers no long-term solution, but only treats the symptoms.

Mild Cases of Asthma

Individual suffering from persistent mild asthmatic attacks are typically reacting to environmental allergens caused by plants, dust, reactive chemicals or other environmental toxins. Medical physicians generally treat these cases with Leukotriene modifiers, mast cell stabilizers and low-dose glucocorticoids, which have been known to manage the symptoms by regulating toxic reactions at the cellular level.

The Dangers of Long-Term Side Effects

Most of these medication treatments offer only a temporary reprieve and never address the root cause. There is a fine line between how strong of medication any individual should use versus how well it works, due to the many side effects caused by the daily use of the medicine. Some of these noticeable side effects of these asthma products can include depression, impotence, dizziness, liver damage, fatigue, kidney damage and more. Because the body is already in a weakened state and is reacting to environmental or genetic conditions, any heavy steroid use or other intensive medications only weaken it more.

Alternative Methods of Treatment

In response to the alarming reactive side effects to heavy pharmaceutical drugs and inhalers, many patients with asthma are choosing natural asthma products and homeopathic treatments as an alternative. Natural organic medications have proven to have restorative and reparative properties that can eliminate many of the ongoing asthmatic symptoms without having to experience any devastating side effects.

Should an individual work under harsh environmental conditions, surrounded by reactive chemicals, animal proteins, flour, natural rubber latex and certain enzymes, they should look to guard themselves against the harmful effects these items cause. Seeking out the help of management to provide a healthful work environment will not only improve the individual's wellbeing but will also improve work output for the company.

Supporting the body's natural ability to heal itself, a positive approach would include basic nutritional supplements and good diet habits. By eating only organic foods grown without the use of toxic chemicals and fertilizers, you eliminate the need for the body to filter out poisons through the liver and kidneys. Taking daily supplements, vitamins and minerals also provides the body with all the vital nutrients it needs to maintain good health. Starting a daily regimen of good food, healthy exercise and asthma products that work can make a positive, life-altering change for individuals suffering from asthma.

Sophia Dillard is a researcher on products for households and a contributing writer on the subject of asthma products. Save time and money by getting a FREE in-depth review of this product, including discounts and best prices, at this blog:

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Yoga in Your Asthma Action Plan

An asthma action plan is often a written program that lets you know how to reply to bronchial asthma signs. The aim would be to avoid flare-ups with good every day control and recognizing signs and symptoms of the flare-up earlier. Additionally it is essential to accept proper medication on the proper time. You do not need to discontinue for the medication you've been using but should you choose some all-natural stuff you can enhance your bronchial asthma and you might not need to take those medications.

Yoga is probably the most beneficial healing methods theoretically as well as in practice and it needs to be included in your Asthma Action Plan. It generally includes several unique breathing routines with meditation. Yoga has been practiced more than 5000 years. What exactly is special about these yoga exercises is they could be used by anybody, no matter creed, age, color or religion. Yoga promotes enhanced breathing. The breathing exercise in yoga shows you proper breathing together with your complete inhaling and exhaling mechanism. Your energy is increased through the improved breathing.

The main element to deep breathing exercises is by using the abdomen, not mainly your chest. Breathe in a deep breath using your nose (to the count to 4) and after that push the stomach out. Doing that in effect pulls the diaphragm all the way down. Your diaphragm is really a powerful body muscle, which has the effect of pulling down the lung area, which allows air traveling deep-down to the lung area. Whenever you breathe out using your mouth (to the count of four again), you have to do the reverse by sucking inside your abdomen, with your abdominal. The effects of puling your abdomen in forces your diaphragm to move up and efficiently forces the strongly exhale the lung area.

Within the ancient training of yoga there's a method of inhaling and exhaling exercises which is called pranayama. The term pranayama comes from the word 'prana', which means vital oxygen. In wider terms the word prana suggests for the life which is obvious in all of the vital activities of the living being. Prana is the life force that stays in action up until the time a living being is alive.

The goal of breathing exercises would be to relax the chest area muscles which are overworked and to teach a person to leave the routine of utilizing the chest area muscles for breathing and begin utilizing the stomach muscles and also the diaphragm. For understanding the appropriate utilization of diaphragm and lower chest the asthma sufferer should begin focusing on breathing out instead of breathing in. If you wish to increase your asthma and breathing use this inhaling and exhaling exercise. Include it within your Asthma Action Plan and practice it on regular base.

In order to find out more about Asthma, Asthma Action plan as well as other natural cures please visit:

Sinisa Janicijevic Author is a specialist in area of various natural and alternative treatments. Please read more about Asthma Action Plan and natural and alternative remedies on his web site.

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A Guide to Green Lipped Mussel Powder Use for Asthma

Only someone who has experienced an asthma attack first hand can truly appreciate the fear and suffering it can cause. There are various treatments for asthma from prescription drugs to medicated inhalers to help you breathe. If you have asthma, you most likely are familiar with these various treatments. Read on however, if you haven't yet been exposed to green lipped mussel powder use for asthma.

If you are unfamiliar with this disease and think you may be experiencing symptoms of this disease, here are some basic facts for you to consider.

What is Asthma

Asthma is caused by the tightening of the muscles around your airways. At the same time, the lining of the airways becomes inflamed and a thick mucus is produced. These cause the person experiencing the attack to have difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, along with coughing and wheezing.

What are Symptoms of an Asthma Attack

Below is a listing of some symptoms of an asthma attack:

Chest pain or pressureVery rapid breathingUncontrollable coughingBlue lips or blue fingernailsWheezing when breathingPaleness in faceSweating and/or anxiety

In order to keep this disease manageable and under control, it is important to recognize and treat even mild symptoms of an asthma attack. Asthma is not to be dismissed as a temporary inconvenience. Often these attacks will not prevent you from doing you daily activities, but asthma can escalate rapidly, so do not disregard these symptoms.

What Does Green Lipped Mussel Powder Have to Do with Asthma?

Green lipped mussel extract is a natural alternative that actually interacts with the body's metabolic pathways to decrease the number of inflammatory compounds present. The mussel contains an inhibitor of an enzyme (lipoxygenas), involved in the trigger of an asthma attack. Reducing the levels of inflammatory leukotrienes in the body is the key to the green lipped mussel anti-inflammatory action.

Commercial drugs, known as leukotriene modifiers, are available for the treatment of asthma. They also reduce the production of leukotrienes in the body. The problem is they often have a long list of side effects. On the other hand, green lipped mussel side effects are rare and minimal.

It is important to note that green lipped mussel powder for asthma is not as quick acting as a medical inhaler. Therefore it should not be used as a primary treatment for asthma. However, when used on a regular basis, it will help control the symptoms of asthma. It may also help people reduce the dosage of their medication and thereby reduce the symptoms from side effects.

As a natural alternative therapy for asthma, using green lipped mussel supplements for arthritis has many benefits. By controlling symptoms and reducing the dosage of asthma medications, the quality of life can be enhanced for an asthma sufferer.

Green Mussel Powder that is manufactured from the mussels of the --- Sound in New Zealand, by a proprietary process, retain the most natural nutrients of any supplement. Be sure to check out our free e-book guide for more information on quality green lipped mussel powder supplements.

Gloria Daniels has worked in the health insurance field for 15 years. She now is committed to helping people find natural remedies for common ailments. Visit Green Lipped Mussel Info for more information on this amazing product.

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Treating Asthma With The Bowen Technique

If you, like me, have a child that suffers from asthma then you know how terrifying it is when your child has an asthma attack and cannot breathe. It is extremely frustrating as a parent to watch your child struggling to breathe and not being able to do anything about it. I am sure just like me you have tried all kinds of different remedies and gained numerous second opinions from doctors.

After trying every remedy out there from acupuncture to herbs I was getting even more desperate when my little girl stopped responding to her inhalers. Her allergies were getting worse and she was constantly being pulled out of school. The hospital visits were regular and she was getting worse and worse.

In May 2009, we visited the Allergy show, held yearly in London. This trip alone was a trek for the whole family as Shawna had been ill the days before. On perusing the stalls, we cam across a stand for the Bowen Technique. None of us had ever heard of this therapy before and we were understandably very skeptical. Nevertheless we decided to give it a go.

On her first visit to the Bowen therapist, Shawna was just recovering from another bout of asthma and was feeling quite weak. Her wheezing was quite bad and she also had a cold. We watched as the therapist treated her and were both quite surprised as to how gentle and simple the moves were. The whole treatment lasted 20 minutes. At the end of it, to our amazement, Shawna jumped off the treatment table, grabbed her doll and started chasing her brother around the room. Her wheezing had stopped and she seemed to have regained colour and strength.

We were told to book in for another treatment in a weeks time. The week following the 1st Bowen treatment, Shawna seemed back to her normal self. By the second treatment she was only using her inhaler once a day (normally at least 4 times a day) and he wheezing had not come back. One of the most amazing things about this technique is that Shawna was taught how to use a move called the 'Release Move'. This is one she uses on herself and is amazingly effective at releasing any tightness in her chest.

Overall, I have to say that we are very pleased with The Bowen Technique and I have since learnt the Bowen Technique For Asthma to treat Shawna whenever she needs it which is about once in 5 months now!

Learn more about the Bowen Technique For Asthma Now!

Visit Bowen For Asthma for more information.

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Some Relief For Canadians Suffering From Asthma

There are about three million Canadians living with the effects of asthma. It is treatable, but can be severely disabling in the worst cases. Every year, 500 people in Canada die from the consequences of an uncontrolled asthma attack.

Asthma is a chronic inflammation of the airway passages of the lungs. It may be mild, moderate, or severe, even in the same person from flare up to flare up. The causes are not understood. There is often a family history of asthma or respiratory disease. The symptoms of asthma can vary from person to person. Most commonly, wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, and a sensation of tightness in the chest are experienced.

An asthma attack may be triggered by any number of things. When that happens, the lining of the airways gets inflamed and irritated, causing the muscles surrounding them to spasm. An excess of mucus may be produced, as well. It becomes difficult to breathe and, in the worst attacks, can become impossible, leading to an emergency situation. In an asthmatic, the airways are almost always inflamed to some extent, so that when exposed to a trigger they react quickly.

The most frequent triggers are allergens such as pollen, dust, and animal dander. Cigarette and fire smoke can also be triggers. Exercise, because you are asking the airways to process more air may lead to an attack. Cold air can trigger an attack because it is irritating to already inflamed tissues. Even stress can be a trigger for some people.

Despite the fact that asthma is a treatable condition, cases of disabling asthma have risen in recent decades at a disproportionate rate relative to the prevalence of asthma in the population. The reason for this is not fully understood. Some researchers believe that it is because more time is now spent indoors, where allergic and non-allergic triggers can concentrate while the sedentary lifestyle contributes to a decline in health.

The financial impact of living with disabling asthma can be considerable. The cost of medical treatment and medications, as well as lost wages from sick days, or from not being able to work at all, can all contribute to a strained money situation. In that case, any sort of financial help can be of great value to asthmatics and their families, enabling them to live more comfortably.

Asthmatics with a significant impairment in two or more aspects of daily life, and with marked impairment in one aspect, may qualify for the Disability Tax Credit. The other main requirement is that the condition must have been, or be expected to be, present for a duration of at least one year. The tax credit can be taken by a supporting family member, if the disabled does not make enough income to pay taxes.

It is critical that the paperwork be complete and accurate. Denials are often the result of an error or omission to the documentation, when the applicant would otherwise have qualified. For this reason, it can be of benefit to have the filing prepared by an experienced professional.

If you have a severe case of asthma and would like to find out if you qualify for the disability tax credit, please visit

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