The Long-Term Effectiveness of Asthma Home Remedies

Medical studies have reported that cases of severe to mild forms of asthma are on the rise. More than 20 million Americans suffer from this debilitating disease, even though scientific research spends billions every year searching for the ideal prescription medication. While these heavy drugs have helped individuals that need to combat many of the symptomatic effects of asthma, certain healthcare providers have turned to natural homeopathic methods and asthma home remedies as a way to circumvent the ongoing problem.

Treating the Disease With Prescription Medications

Many individuals who suffer from the disease take heavy doses of prescription medications every day. At times when these medicines struggle to work, some asthma sufferers need to use an inhaler just to be able to take a deep breath. In reaction to the medicine's ineffectiveness, physicians generally tend to up the dosage or try a more harmful drug in an effort to find something that works for their patient. Every heavy medication an individual takes causes some type of mild to severe side effect. Some of the reactions the body has to the medication can be minimal, doing little damage to the liver or kidneys at the cellular level. Other medications have found to cause severe side effects over time, many of which are irreversible.

The Effects of Long-Term Steroid Use

Individuals who have a history of long-term use of their inhaler typically deal with debilitating side effects, including an increased appetite resulting in excessive weight gain, loss of hair, severe acne, blood glucose problems, and stunted growth. Patients that use inhalers over the long arc of their life can develop severe osteoporosis due to the heavy dose of steroids in the medication.

Is There a Cure on the Horizon?

To date, there seems to be no cure for those suffering from asthma. While the most severe cases of this chronic inflammatory disorder require heavy doses of medications, mild-case asthma sufferers are beginning to search for alternative medicines and asthma home remedies for another way to control their disease. Though every individual case is unique, not everyone needs to take heavy doses of prescriptive medications to manage their ongoing asthmatic condition.

Natural Alternative Treatments

In the last decade or so, many herbal remedies for asthma have been developed. Additionally, many homeopathic physicians are taking an approach that is different from those of medical doctors and are working to treat the root cause of the problem instead of the symptoms, allowing the body to heal itself. Aromatherapy is also used for treating asthma, harnessing the healing powers from the extracted oils found in plant life.

Acupuncture has been used as a tool to control asthma in some patients with surprisingly positive results. Placing needles at certain locations on the skin causes the stimulation of natural chemical reactions in the body. There is a number of asthma home remedies that have proven to manage the disease effectively.

Finding the right solution, through natural homeopathic alternatives, asthma home remedies, oil extracts and herbal remedies, has provided some individuals the opportunity to live an asthma-free life. Until a cure has been found, every avenue should be explored to treat the symptoms of those that suffer from asthma.

Sophia Dillard is a researcher on products for households and a contributing writer on the subject of asthma home remedies. Save time and money by getting a FREE in-depth review of this product, including discounts and best prices, at this blog:

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