Raising Children With Asthma

Parents who have children with asthma will want to know as much about the condition as possible. In fact, there are certain risk factors that may lead to youngsters developing asthma, and parents should be aware of these. When they can spot some of the risk factors and perhaps even obtain an early diagnosis, they will be able to help their children manage the condition and live quite normal lives as they grow older. Many asthmatic children, in fact, with the right precautions, participate in strenuous sports at their local middle and high schools.

If a child is born to a family with a history of allergies, or develops allergies him/herself, then he/she may go on to develop asthma. Tobacco smoke can also be a contributing factor. Children who have trouble breathing during physical activity, or who wheeze quite violently when they play with other kids, may have asthma. Other symptoms may include frequent tiredness after exercise or even headaches that crop up and fade away without warning. Children who lose their appetites may also have asthma. When many of these conditions occur together, a respiratory specialist should be seen.

Inhalers that are filled with carefully prescribed medications can be dispensed to certain children with the condition. If they feel an asthma attack coming on, they can simply take a few puffs on the inhaler, which should help to open up the breathing passageways and get them feeling much better. Young boys and girls who are part of the track team, for instance, should let their coaches know of the condition. The coaches can keep an eye on them and can get their inhaler to them if they happen to need it.

Lung doctors can examine children who are suspected to be asthmatic and can quickly make a professional determination on the case. They will have access to a series of tests that can be used to find out what is going on. Once the diagnosis has been made, a plan of action can be developed. Children, even if they are young, should be briefed on their condition so that they have a decent understanding of how to handle the symptoms. They should also be instructed to inform their parents if the symptoms themselves get worse.

Ultimately, children with asthma can be treated much like other kids. They will have to manage the asthma with an eye toward detail, but should not miss out on any of the wonders of childhood as a result. With the help of their parents and doctors, they can get the medication they need and go on to live their lives in whatever manner they please.

The information contained in this article is provided for informational purposes only and is not, nor is it ever intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice or professional recommendations, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician(s) or other qualified healthcare provider(s).

Author writes about a variety of topics. If you would like to learn more about children with asthma and/or locate asthma articles, visit http://www.lifescript.com/health/centers.aspx.

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Infant Asthma - How To Use An Air Cleaner To Help Your Baby Breathe Easier

Infant asthma, which is a disorder of the immune system, produces an overreaction to a substance that your baby smells, eats, or touches. This substance that causes an allergic reaction can also trigger an asthma attack. Therefore, it is important to monitor your baby carefully and see if there is something in the air that sets off your baby's symptoms. And another tool that can fix it.

One problem with having an ill child is the inability to clearly understand how he or she feels. An infant with asthma cannot come to you in the middle of the night and tell you about difficulty breathing. Instead the condition will continue to worsen while the lungs struggle to expand. At this point your child will feel exhausted.

Asthma is caused by different triggering factors. During this time, the lungs are under attack by many allergens. Because of this, asthmatics usually have severe problems with their environment. The most common triggers are pollution, dust, pollen, and air irritants. To lessen the symptoms and attacks of infant asthma, you can use air cleaner at home or in the nursery.

Air purifiers convert dirty air into fresh, clean air and also free the air from pollutants and contaminants. They are very beneficial for people suffering from allergies and can help alleviate your baby from asthma attacks.

These are the simple steps for using an air cleaner to prevent breathing problems:

Step 1: Test the quality at your home. Environmental studies have revealed that the air inside homes is dirtier than the air outside. People living in congested homes or localities usually live in dirty air. The best way to deal with this problem is to purchase a tester that shows pollen, dander, mold and other possible triggers.

Step 2: Find the right air cleaner. You can also take charge by educating yourself about the condition. Do not waste time worrying if there are better treatments or medications for your child. Find out. Use the medical profession, library and internet to learn about different air cleaners and what they can do for your family. The best prescription is knowledge.

Step 3: Search for an air cleaner to accommodate the size of room. Remember, when considering the expense of buying an allergy relief air purifier, you will need to consider the type of allergen, the size of the room, and the cost of filters. Make sure that you factor this in when you are trying to determine how cost effective the choice is. You should notice huge savings over the year when your child has reduced use of medications to control symptoms. Another option is to purchase an ionic purifier, which does not use filters, thereby giving even greater savings.

Step 4: Monitor your child for improvement. The most common triggers are infections, smoke, dust, pet dander, mold, and pollen. They tend to fill the lungs with foreign particles that your infant's immune system may response to. Once you have fresh air in your home, you can monitor asthma symptoms to see if there is any change in its occurrence. Keep a list so that you can discuss it with your infant's doctor.

Prevention is a very essential part of asthma management. It provides a layer of protection so that your child does not have to suffer unnecessarily with infant asthma. As a parent, you have the power to shield your child from allergens that can set off asthma symptoms. Although these methods seem simple, they can help your child to breathe much easier.

Lynn Versailles is a registered nurse and a life-long sufferer of asthma. She has personally been affected with this chronic respiratory problem and wishes to help others. Through years of research and life experiences, she shares her knowledge on how to properly manage asthma on http://www.safetreatmentsforasthma.com/. To learn more, download The Ultimate Asthma Management Guide. It is a free online guide on medical treatments and natural remedies to properly manage this illness.

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Facts on Signs and Symptoms of Asthma

Shiva is a 10 years old girl who is a frequent user of Advair and sometimes when it is too urgent, Albuterol. She often experiences symptoms like breathlessness/dyspnoea, chest tightness, wheezing. Her condition worsen when she visited highly congested country and thus making her suffering from insomnia due to the frequent attacks of the mentioned symptoms.

Any of the depicted scenario fits your condition?

If any of it fits the picture, then it is either you are one of the victims or might be one of them. Asthma, also know as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD), is actually disease associate with obstruction of the respiratory tract due to constriction of the airway. This is especially very common to young children due to their under developed body system. Something to know further is that it can be categorized into 4 major types:

1.Atopic Asthma - due to allergen
2.Non-Atopic Asthma - due to viral infection
3.drug- induced Asthma - due to consumption of aspirin
4.Occupational Asthma - due to career exposure like wools

Each respective types of asthma has their own causes, but luckily enough to know that their manifestations are almost similar. This indeed helpful in asthma diagnosis from other diseases like emphysema, chronic bronchitis which might give a false positive result since they have a similar manifestation. Nevertheless, sometimes, the benefit can turn out to be harmful as well, where asthma attack treatment can differ from one another based on their grouping. Thus, it is essentially require for us to acknowledge the sign and symptoms of asthma and also their types as for appropriate asthma treatment.

What are the signs and symptoms of asthma?

Here are the MUST signs of Asthma:
· breathlessness/ dyspnoea
· chest-tightness
· cough
· wheezing

Something as a add on is that asthma attack usually happen at night and/or in the early morning or even sometimes based on season like they are more frequent during spring/fall. Furthermore, the severity of the asthma symptoms can be further classified into several classes and it is an important point needed to be noted in the asthma treatment. For example, status asthmaticus(most severe form of asthma) can be FATAL if no adequate immediate asthma attack treatment provided.

Let me emphasize here. Although asthma can be LETHAL and BURDENSOME, please bear in mind that asthma is a reversible and curable disease if proper care is taken. There are many cures for it, ranging from natural solution to medical asthma cure. However, it can be a very broad topic to discuss with and so it will only be continued in the future bit by bit for better understanding.

If any inquiries feel free to ask.


For those who really HATE asthma, perhaps you want to know what are the possible asthma cures that are present at the moment? By natural or medical ways? Here is the good source for your need, which are available at: http://www.asthmafree4ever.com/

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