Raising Children With Asthma

Parents who have children with asthma will want to know as much about the condition as possible. In fact, there are certain risk factors that may lead to youngsters developing asthma, and parents should be aware of these. When they can spot some of the risk factors and perhaps even obtain an early diagnosis, they will be able to help their children manage the condition and live quite normal lives as they grow older. Many asthmatic children, in fact, with the right precautions, participate in strenuous sports at their local middle and high schools.

If a child is born to a family with a history of allergies, or develops allergies him/herself, then he/she may go on to develop asthma. Tobacco smoke can also be a contributing factor. Children who have trouble breathing during physical activity, or who wheeze quite violently when they play with other kids, may have asthma. Other symptoms may include frequent tiredness after exercise or even headaches that crop up and fade away without warning. Children who lose their appetites may also have asthma. When many of these conditions occur together, a respiratory specialist should be seen.

Inhalers that are filled with carefully prescribed medications can be dispensed to certain children with the condition. If they feel an asthma attack coming on, they can simply take a few puffs on the inhaler, which should help to open up the breathing passageways and get them feeling much better. Young boys and girls who are part of the track team, for instance, should let their coaches know of the condition. The coaches can keep an eye on them and can get their inhaler to them if they happen to need it.

Lung doctors can examine children who are suspected to be asthmatic and can quickly make a professional determination on the case. They will have access to a series of tests that can be used to find out what is going on. Once the diagnosis has been made, a plan of action can be developed. Children, even if they are young, should be briefed on their condition so that they have a decent understanding of how to handle the symptoms. They should also be instructed to inform their parents if the symptoms themselves get worse.

Ultimately, children with asthma can be treated much like other kids. They will have to manage the asthma with an eye toward detail, but should not miss out on any of the wonders of childhood as a result. With the help of their parents and doctors, they can get the medication they need and go on to live their lives in whatever manner they please.

The information contained in this article is provided for informational purposes only and is not, nor is it ever intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice or professional recommendations, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician(s) or other qualified healthcare provider(s).

Author writes about a variety of topics. If you would like to learn more about children with asthma and/or locate asthma articles, visit http://www.lifescript.com/health/centers.aspx.

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Infant Asthma - How To Use An Air Cleaner To Help Your Baby Breathe Easier

Infant asthma, which is a disorder of the immune system, produces an overreaction to a substance that your baby smells, eats, or touches. This substance that causes an allergic reaction can also trigger an asthma attack. Therefore, it is important to monitor your baby carefully and see if there is something in the air that sets off your baby's symptoms. And another tool that can fix it.

One problem with having an ill child is the inability to clearly understand how he or she feels. An infant with asthma cannot come to you in the middle of the night and tell you about difficulty breathing. Instead the condition will continue to worsen while the lungs struggle to expand. At this point your child will feel exhausted.

Asthma is caused by different triggering factors. During this time, the lungs are under attack by many allergens. Because of this, asthmatics usually have severe problems with their environment. The most common triggers are pollution, dust, pollen, and air irritants. To lessen the symptoms and attacks of infant asthma, you can use air cleaner at home or in the nursery.

Air purifiers convert dirty air into fresh, clean air and also free the air from pollutants and contaminants. They are very beneficial for people suffering from allergies and can help alleviate your baby from asthma attacks.

These are the simple steps for using an air cleaner to prevent breathing problems:

Step 1: Test the quality at your home. Environmental studies have revealed that the air inside homes is dirtier than the air outside. People living in congested homes or localities usually live in dirty air. The best way to deal with this problem is to purchase a tester that shows pollen, dander, mold and other possible triggers.

Step 2: Find the right air cleaner. You can also take charge by educating yourself about the condition. Do not waste time worrying if there are better treatments or medications for your child. Find out. Use the medical profession, library and internet to learn about different air cleaners and what they can do for your family. The best prescription is knowledge.

Step 3: Search for an air cleaner to accommodate the size of room. Remember, when considering the expense of buying an allergy relief air purifier, you will need to consider the type of allergen, the size of the room, and the cost of filters. Make sure that you factor this in when you are trying to determine how cost effective the choice is. You should notice huge savings over the year when your child has reduced use of medications to control symptoms. Another option is to purchase an ionic purifier, which does not use filters, thereby giving even greater savings.

Step 4: Monitor your child for improvement. The most common triggers are infections, smoke, dust, pet dander, mold, and pollen. They tend to fill the lungs with foreign particles that your infant's immune system may response to. Once you have fresh air in your home, you can monitor asthma symptoms to see if there is any change in its occurrence. Keep a list so that you can discuss it with your infant's doctor.

Prevention is a very essential part of asthma management. It provides a layer of protection so that your child does not have to suffer unnecessarily with infant asthma. As a parent, you have the power to shield your child from allergens that can set off asthma symptoms. Although these methods seem simple, they can help your child to breathe much easier.

Lynn Versailles is a registered nurse and a life-long sufferer of asthma. She has personally been affected with this chronic respiratory problem and wishes to help others. Through years of research and life experiences, she shares her knowledge on how to properly manage asthma on http://www.safetreatmentsforasthma.com/. To learn more, download The Ultimate Asthma Management Guide. It is a free online guide on medical treatments and natural remedies to properly manage this illness.

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Facts on Signs and Symptoms of Asthma

Shiva is a 10 years old girl who is a frequent user of Advair and sometimes when it is too urgent, Albuterol. She often experiences symptoms like breathlessness/dyspnoea, chest tightness, wheezing. Her condition worsen when she visited highly congested country and thus making her suffering from insomnia due to the frequent attacks of the mentioned symptoms.

Any of the depicted scenario fits your condition?

If any of it fits the picture, then it is either you are one of the victims or might be one of them. Asthma, also know as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD), is actually disease associate with obstruction of the respiratory tract due to constriction of the airway. This is especially very common to young children due to their under developed body system. Something to know further is that it can be categorized into 4 major types:

1.Atopic Asthma - due to allergen
2.Non-Atopic Asthma - due to viral infection
3.drug- induced Asthma - due to consumption of aspirin
4.Occupational Asthma - due to career exposure like wools

Each respective types of asthma has their own causes, but luckily enough to know that their manifestations are almost similar. This indeed helpful in asthma diagnosis from other diseases like emphysema, chronic bronchitis which might give a false positive result since they have a similar manifestation. Nevertheless, sometimes, the benefit can turn out to be harmful as well, where asthma attack treatment can differ from one another based on their grouping. Thus, it is essentially require for us to acknowledge the sign and symptoms of asthma and also their types as for appropriate asthma treatment.

What are the signs and symptoms of asthma?

Here are the MUST signs of Asthma:
· breathlessness/ dyspnoea
· chest-tightness
· cough
· wheezing

Something as a add on is that asthma attack usually happen at night and/or in the early morning or even sometimes based on season like they are more frequent during spring/fall. Furthermore, the severity of the asthma symptoms can be further classified into several classes and it is an important point needed to be noted in the asthma treatment. For example, status asthmaticus(most severe form of asthma) can be FATAL if no adequate immediate asthma attack treatment provided.

Let me emphasize here. Although asthma can be LETHAL and BURDENSOME, please bear in mind that asthma is a reversible and curable disease if proper care is taken. There are many cures for it, ranging from natural solution to medical asthma cure. However, it can be a very broad topic to discuss with and so it will only be continued in the future bit by bit for better understanding.

If any inquiries feel free to ask.


For those who really HATE asthma, perhaps you want to know what are the possible asthma cures that are present at the moment? By natural or medical ways? Here is the good source for your need, which are available at: http://www.asthmafree4ever.com/

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How Doctors Accurately Diagnose Asthma

The diagnosis of an asthma patient can depend on the symptoms presented, a detailed medical history, the physical examination done by the doctor and the laboratory tests done to confirm the diagnosis. For the most part the diagnosis of asthma can be fairly easy once the results come through; however, the diagnosis has an involved process before the eventual results are determined.

For asthmatic patients symptoms can include problems related to breathing such as difficulty taking a breathe, wheezy respiration, labored breathing during activities that require exertion, chest tightness and any obstruction of airflow. A true indicator for asthma can be seen when the person gasps for breath with a wheezy sound, which is a characteristic picture of asthma. In addition, having a detailed medical history that includes any history of allergy, family history of asthma, persistent coughs, cold and seasonal allergies can be contributing factors for asthmatic patient.

After the diagnosis process has begun laboratory tests are usually ordered to confirm that the patient has asthma and can include blood tests for ESR and eosinophil counts that could give indication of any allergic reaction or chest infection, as these are also contributory factors. The chest x-ray confirms the expansion of the lungs as well as any infections or other abnormalities in the lungs that can contribute to asthma. The groups of tests performed to diagnose asthma are Pulmonary Function Tests, otherwise known as Spirometry. In this test the degree and access of airflow obstruction is measured along with the confirmation of its severity. These are otherwise termed FEV1, FVC, and FEV1/FVC. The assessment of the reversibility of asthma can also be done through these tests. Carrying out tests of allergen detection through skin sensitivity tests is also a form of testing. These tests are of prolonged duration by which time the person has a fully established asthma. Still, if the allergens detection is accurate and the person needs to stay away from certain allergic substances, then asthmatic attack is preventable.

One of the most experienced symptoms of asthma is a wheezing sound as air enters the respiratory system. Many other chest diseases can present the same types of breathing problems as asthma; hence an accurate diagnosis is very essential. Spirometry is the confirmatory lung test for asthma. Once the diagnosis is made, the options open to the patient vary in range from no prescription, for very mild cases of asthma, to a full course of asthmatic preventatives to help those patients who have a severe asthmatic problem.

People who have asthma should always keep up-to-date on the newest asthma treatments and other preventative measures for asthma attacks, such as air purifiers and leukotriene modifiers.

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Things to Know for Asthma Sufferers While They Work Out

It's possible for asthma sufferers to be able to carry out an exercise program. But just what will people with asthma have to be watchful of when exercising? The answer is: if you exhibit caution you can and should carry out nearly any exercise program. With appropriate treatment, almost everyone with asthma can enjoy the physical and mental benefits of regular exercise.

Asthma is the chronic inflammation of the air passages that lead to the lungs. Its characteristics are sudden attacks followed by periods of moderate or no symptoms at all. This inflammation will be triggered by external factors, and when a person with asthma becomes exposed to one of these triggers, the breathing passages become inflamed and the symptoms begin.

With exercise induced asthma, symptoms usually appear six to ten minutes after exercise begins, and is often worse in cold, dry conditions. If you have been up the previous night with asthma symptoms, it is best to go easier with your exercise routine the next day. Your doctor should be able to guide you best through your treatment of the condition, but it is imperative that you be proactive and understand the circumstances. You are the first line of defense against an asthma attack, so take your medication and know what you are going to do when you feel symptoms coming on.

Some facts to know when it comes specifically to exercise induced asthma:

1. When exercising, attempt to breathe through the nose. When you breathe through your mouth, air comes into your lungs that are colder and drier. An asthma attack can be triggered when this colder, drier air collides with the warm, moist air in the lungs. Breathing through the nose as much as possible will warm the air and cleanse it prior to hitting your lungs.

People with exercise induced asthma are thought to be more sensitive to changes in humidity and temperature. Bikram Yoga helps to alleviate this by giving you an excellent exercise regimen in conditions that are high in humidity and temperature. After an initial breathing exercise, all breathing is to be done through the nose. You may want to look into it if you suffer from asthma.

2. Exercise induced asthma can attack people who have no other triggers and experience no asthma symptoms under any other circumstances.

3. When asthma is left untreated and inflammation persists, narrowing of the airways on a permanent basis can occur. There are medications that are used to prevent the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

4. Asthma cannot be cured, but it can be controlled by medication. Those with exercise induced asthma and no other symptoms, medication can be taken before exercise to control the symptoms. There are a number of elite athletes who have asthma, which should be inspiration enough for anyone who has asthma to seek ways to control it.

Aerobic training certainly doesn't have to stop is you have asthma. People who have asthma have certain issues that people who are asthma-free do not have to cope with. But with proper medication, assistance from a qualified professional, and plan on how to cope both before any symptoms set in or if emergencies should arise, everyone should be able to partake in their favorite exercise program.

Knowing how to control asthma when you partake in Physical Fitness Programs will be vital, and with a doctor's help and your knowledge it can be done. Also knowing the Best Foods to Gain Muscle, which you can find on our website, will help you through your workout. Rich Carroll is a writer and health enthusiast living in London.

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What Are the Causes of Asthma

There are a lot of things you need to know about asthma and many people think that they are good enough to know about its treatment. However, knowledge on its treatment is no use unless you know what is causing it. The real cause of asthma is still unclear. Most people say that asthma is generally caused by two main factors and these are the genes and exposure to the environment. Unfortunately, most people with asthma disease try to deal with it but it is already too late.

There are many types of asthma but it will not be an issue when considering its treatment options. People usually go for cheap treatment methods and something that does not disturb their way of life. In view of the fact that asthma is a serious respiratory problem, knowing what sets off the attack is vital in looking for the best asthma treatment.

If you are aware of the causes of asthma, it will be easy for you to help yourself if you are suffering from it or assist other people when they are having an asthma attack. Moreover, knowing the causes will help in developing a treatment plan because you will constantly be on guard of your actions and your surroundings or perhaps other people who know will look after you as well. Here is a list of the causes of asthma you might be interested for you to be able to prevent asthma attack.

· Allergic Reactions - Only when a person suffers from difficulty of breathing or rashes does he think of the things he is allergic to but if not he just would not care. There are certain foods and other stuff that people with asthma need to get away from so knowing what these things are is essential.

· Genes - Many take asthma from members of family because they share same sets of genes. Asthma can be passed down from one generation to the succeeding ones. However, if asthma is genetic, one can make up for it by having a healthy lifestyle.

· Lifestyle - Your way of life is something you are in charge of but if you have asthma you'll have to change a few things. There are things you need to avoid when you have asthma and so your lifestyle will be greatly affected. One must make sacrifices because asthma can only be controlled through lifestyle changes. Eat a well-balanced diet, exercise regularly, sleep well, live a healthy lifestyle and say goodbye to asthma for good.

Knowing the causes of asthma is very important because it can lead your life for the better.

For more information about the different methods of asthma treatment, visit my blog to read more about the cause of asthma and how to prevent it.

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Flameless Candles and Other Tips for Asthma Sufferers

All kinds of everyday things can provoke asthma attacks, and what triggers an attack in some people won't have any effect on someone else. Indoor air pollution is one of the most common causes of an asthma attack, so understanding the possible triggers can make the home a more pleasant, safe and relaxing place.

While we're all aware of outdoor pollution, unless something smells bad in the house we don't necessarily associate breathing difficulties with poor air quality indoors.

Common household elements that create indoor pollution are:

Perfumes Hair Spray Air FreshenersPet DanderSmoke or Fumes from candlesDust Mites

Why Indoor Pollution is Bad for Asthma

Small liquid, or solid, airborne particles are easily breathed into the lungs, and in people with asthma this causes extreme irritation in the delicate lung tissue. This in turn causes a restriction of the airways that leads to coughing or wheezing, a feeling of tightness in the chest and difficulty in breathing. Allergic reactions to common household products can also trigger asthmatic attacks, particularly in children.

Practical Steps to Reduce Indoor Air Pollution

The first step towards creating cleaner, less harmful indoor air is to remove those items that you know are irritants. If you're not sure what's triggering an asthma attack in your home you may need to experiment a little, removing or reducing use of one irritant at a time and watching for improvement in the sufferer.


Many people are surprised to find they're allergic to the fumes given off by burning candles. It may be the compounds used in the manufacturing of the candle, or it may be perfume, whether it's an added scent or the natural scent particles in the wax. Either way, the answer is to switch to flameless candles so you can still enjoy the ambiance but carry on breathing at the same time. As an added bonus, flameless candles are much safer in the home, especially where there are children or pets.

Perfumes and Air Fresheners

These commonly trigger asthma attacks, with some people reporting that plug-in air fresheners are particularly risky. Try running the air conditioning to freshen the air in the home, or open a window and let in fresh air unless the pollen outside will make matters worse. Avoid wearing perfume or, if you can tolerate a little, try spraying it only on wrists or behind knees so you don't directly inhale the fumes.

Dust Mites

Keep house dust down by using a damp cloth rather than spray polish on sealed surfaces. Use mattress and pillow protectors to keep beds and linen dust and mite-free. Use non-aerosol cleaners for wood or shiny furniture.

Asthma can be debilitating and frightening for children and adults alike. Once triggers are known it's easier to keep attacks to a minimum, and simple solutions such as using flameless candles or non-perfumed cleaning products are a small price to pay for easier breathing.

Adrienne Bohrer invites you to see all the uses for Flameless Candles at: http://theflamelesscandleshop.com/

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Asthma During Pregnancy Does Not Have To Be A Problem For Your Baby

Why Is Asthma Dangerous?

Asthma is a condition where the air passages of the lungs are sensitive to certain allergens and become irritable and swollen. During pregnancy, this can be a dangerous situation. If this condition is not diagnosed and managed correctly, it can endanger the health of mother and child.

The major symptoms are wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath and tightness in the chest. Getting a handle on the symptoms is difficult since the severity of the attacks are different with every case.

How To Avoid Potential Complications

Birth complications come in many forms. While some mothers worry about taking additional medications during the prenatal period, it is the adverse effects from a lack of oxygen that is the greatest threat to the baby. This deprivation of oxygen can lead to cerebral palsy, low birth weight or premature birth. Blood pressure changes, or pre-eclampsia, can also present themselves in the mother, and these can be life-threatening.

But with proper medical care, complications such as these can be avoided.

Diagnosis and Treatment

An expecting mother with asthma should be on a long term treatment plan and this will depend on the severity of the symptoms. After a doctor takes a complete history and physical exam, he or she will have a good idea of what is causing the attacks and plan a course of action.

The final product will be an asthma management plan that will show triggers, medications and emergency contacts. This involves identifying the symptoms of asthma, avoiding allergens that trigger attacks, and starting a medical treatment plan to prevent and treat symptoms.

Triggers To Avoid

An expecting mother should know her triggers and how to avoid them.The best policy is to avoid all known allergens, such as pollen, dust, and animal dander. The immediate environment should be clear of mold, mites, and animal dander. Strong chemicals have also been proven to be hazardous to the health of expecting mothers with respiratory issues so a chemical-free environment is best.

Monitoring A Baby's Condition

Asthma during pregnancy must be monitored extremely closely because the unborn child is extremely vulnerable in the development of the womb. If the mother has an attack without proper response time and treatment, there is a high potential for complications. It is always best for an expecting mother to document her experiences and share them with her practitioner.

If you are asthmatic and become pregnant, your doctor will create an action plan to accommodate your baby. If there is any change in your condition, you should be monitored more closely.

Thankfully, there should be no fear in becoming pregnant if you have this respiratory condition. Carefully consider how well your asthma is managed. If it is well controlled, you have the green light to expand your family. If it is not properly managed, work with your doctor to ensure a healthy and successful nine months.

Lynn Versailles is a registered nurse and a life-long sufferer of asthma. Through years of research and life experiences, she shares her knowledge on how to properly manage asthma on http://www.safetreatmentsforasthma.com/. To learn more, download The Ultimate Asthma Management Guide. It is a free online guide on medical treatments and natural remedies to help you to properly manage this illness.

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Childhood Asthma - How To Use Air Humidifiers To Soothe Your Child's Wheezing

During the last 15 years, there has been an alarming 160% increase in the rate of asthma in children under the age of five. Sadly many of these children could have been prevented from ever developing asthma. If asthma is confirmed for your young one, you need to educate yourself on treating and managing this chronic disease. According to the experts knowledge is the best prescription.

Asthma occurs when the bronchial tubes become inflamed, creating extra mucus and causing airways to narrow. The end result could range from a frequent tendency to cough to minor wheezing to severe difficulty breathing.

It's a well-known fact that asthma symptoms are set off or triggered by certain environmental substances. For unknown reasons, your child's body "sees" these triggers as threats, even though most kids are not bothered by them. The lungs typically overreact by triggering an asthma attack.

Air humidifiers are an excellent way to add humidity to your home and hopefully relax the stressed-out bronchial tubes of the lungs. Sometimes it is the cold, dry air that agitates the lungs and causes them to constrict and narrow. You can improve this condition by making small changes to your home environment.

If you add warm, humidified air, this may relax the lungs and allow more air in. These easy steps can add humidity to your home without adding more stress to your life:

Step 1: Determine the humidity in your home. Prior to choosing any humidifier, try to select one that will suit your home. If you are not sure that you really need a humidifier, you may want to measure the humidity level in your home with a hygrometer. It is inexpensive and easy to operate. Once you have a humidity level that you are comfortable with, the humidistat feature in the humidifier can help you to keep a constant level of humidity at home.

Step 2: You should measure the area. Whether you choose a warm mist humidifier or cool mist humidifier, look for a model that fits the room. A humidifier that is too large will produce too much moisture and one that is too small will not do the right job. Too much humidity will cause more bacteria to grow and this will lead to additional problems.

Step 3: Find a model that is resistant to bacterial growth. Bacteria are nasty little creatures that like to live where there is moisture. You can make sure that they won't grow in your humidifier by choosing one that is resistant to the growth of mold and bacteria. Your other choice is to clean it on a regular basis.

Step 4: Look for a quiet model. Humidifiers can be quite noisy when they are in use. Cool mist humidifiers have a fan that is constantly going and warm mist humidifiers tend to make a bubbling noise. When it comes to noise level, your best option is to look for a model that has a 'silent' feature.

Step 5: Check for ease of use. When shopping for an air humidifier, you should check each model to see if it is easy to use and easy to refill. The better air humidifiers operate longer on one filling and won't interrupt your daily activities. Models with the reservoir capacity of one litres to five gallons are easier to use and keep the humidity for a longer time.

The first and most important step is to take charge of your child's asthma. Parents of asthmatic children suffer a range of contradictory feelings. It is natural for them to be concerned about medications and look for alternative treatments. While an air humidifier cannot medically treat asthma attacks, it can provide a warm, moist environment so that your little one can sleep at night.

Lynn Versailles is a registered nurse and a life-long sufferer of asthma. She has personally been affected with this chronic respiratory problem and wishes to help others. Through years of research and life experiences, she shares her knowledge on how to properly manage asthma on http://www.safetreatmentsforasthma.com/. To learn more, download The Ultimate Asthma Management Guide. It is a free online guide on medical treatments and natural remedies to properly manage this illness.

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Easing Infant Asthma - 5 Features An Air Cleaner Needs to Have

If your baby has asthma, it can be heartbreaking to watch them struggle for air. Minimizing these episodes has to be at the top of your list when caring for your child. An air purifier with the following 5 features can help your baby and you breathe easier.

HEPA Filtration - All indoor spaces have airborne particles that are impossible to prevent, but that can be minimized by using high efficiency particle arresting (HEPA) filters. Designed to remove particles as small as.3 microns in size, they can eliminate dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pet dander, as well as bacteria and viruses that cling to these particles.

Even though these particles are typical of most indoor air, babies' respiratory systems are not fully developed. Clearing the air of these pollutants (especially dust mites) can make it easier for your baby to breathe.

Carbon Cloth Filter - This type of filter was originally developed by the British Military as a defense against chemical warfare. It is excellent at removing gases, odors, and noxious chemicals.

You may think you don't have anything like that in baby's room. And you certainly wouldn't knowingly introduce these pollutants to the air. But if you have painted, wallpapered, bought new furniture or bedding, put in new carpet it is very likely that many of these products are off-gassing chemicals.

Fumes that adults may not be aware of may be too much for newly developing lungs to handle. Taking them out before they can cause problems is the advantage of having this type of filter working for you.

24 Hour Operation - Airborne pollutants are always in the air and a cleaner that run all the time is the best way to minimize the amount in the air. Continually reducing those means that they are less likely to accumulate to a level that would cause breathing problems for your child.

A split capacitor motor allows for continuous filtration that is safe and effective. Look for this feature in the technical specifications or owner's manual, and don't put it in your nursery unless it has this type of motor.

360 Degree Intake - Who care about this you may ask. A cleaner that can work effectively when placed as close as 6 inches from any surface is a huge advantage in terms of placement in the nursery. This means the unit can be close to the wall to limit cord exposure. It also means that you get to place in the most convenient place rather than having to place it in the middle of the room as some other cleaners require.

Low Maintenance - Probably the most important part of low maintenance is that it means less interruption in filtration. Avoid cleaners that require you to unplug them and go inside to wash, vacuum, spray, or recharge anything.

Each time you have to perform maintenance like this, your child's air is not being cleaned which means pollutants can build to levels that can cause problems. Instead opt for a purifier that only needs to be vacuumed on the outside while it continues to run, and has a filter life of 5 years or more. That qualifies as low maintenance at its best.

Help your baby breathe easier despite asthma by keeping asthma triggering pollutants low. See the air purifier that can help your baby and you breathe easier at http://purerair.com/babys_breath.html

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Family Mealtime and Asthma

How much time do you spend at the dinner table with your kids every week? Not much? You may want to reconsider your current habits, because a recent study clearly suggests that the quantity and quality of the time you spend with your children during mealtimes can have a profound effect on their overall health. These formative years are often some of the most important in their physical development, so ensuring a healthy lifestyle from an early date is very important. In fact, your child's life may depend on it!

The researchers involved in the study thoroughly evaluated 200 mealtimes and assessed their measurable effects on the health of children aged between 5 and 12 years. Unfortunately, these children were suffering from persistent asthmatic symptoms on a regular basis, requiring them to maintain a fairly regular schedule and avoid various types of harmful allergens (substances that can unexpectedly trigger a serious asthma attack). This consistency apparently carried over into mealtime activities as well.

The authors noted that on average, 70% of the children and adolescents participating in the study share their meal with an adult three or more times in a given week. Although the total interactions time during these meals only averaged about 18 minutes in length, it did have quite a significant effect on the health of the child. This suggests that even small amounts of time spent with your child a few times a week can make quite a difference.

It was noted that quality time spent during meals with the affected child (quality time meaning being engaged with each other and discussing daily events while eating food), was associated with the decreased severity of harmful asthma symptoms. On the contrary, in families that were busy over the phone or watching television while having their food, the severity of asthma symptoms was markedly higher.

The authors of the study suggested that showing a positive interest in the child's activities at home or at school definitely had a constructive effect on the child's mind and hence his/her health. Mealtimes provide an excellent setting in which to communicate with your child and ensure his or her positive growth and development in life. This can also carry over into later years.

So the next time you sit down to eat with your child, make sure that the television or any other electronic device that may affect conversations are off and have a quality mealtime together!

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Why Your Doctor Should Be Your First Call To Handle Your Asthma

Millions of people suffer from asthma, and if you're one of them, the information contained in this article will help you combat the harmful symptoms of this condition. We have organized a collection of the best valid advice concerning asthma to aid you in finding strategies to live a life that is healthier and less burdensome.

If your asthma attacks are severe, you may want to speak with your doctor about a long lasting injection of medication to control your symptoms. For example, Omalizumab can be used to keep your allergic reactions to a minimum and your asthma under control.

If you are suffering from asthma, stay away from any type of cigarette smoke. Smoking is especially dangerous for asthmatics. Avoid breathing chemical fumes and vapors. This can set off an Asthma attack that you might not be able to stop. Avoid secondhand smoke by leaving physical distance between yourself and the smoker.

If you have any children who suffer from asthma, avoid smoking around them at all costs. Secondhand smoke is known to be a reason asthma happens. Keep your child away from cigarette smoke and any other kind of fumes.

Frequently replace the pillows you sleep on the most. Purchase and use 100-percent-cotton pillowcases and towels in your daily routine, because dust mites have a way of penetrating and harboring in other materials. Dust mites are number one in causing attacks in asthma sufferers.

Make note of how often, on a weekly basis, you use your inhaler. If you use it more than two times a week, your asthma may need to be better controlled, or you are going through an usual period that brings on more regular attacks. If you have to use your inhaler a lot, you will know that you should more closely monitor your surroundings.

Any time that pollen counts go up, anyone suffering from asthma would be wise to keep their outdoors time to a minimum. A lot of the same things that can bother people with allergies will bother people with asthma as well. These days, information about the quality of local air is readily available, so people with asthma can avoid spending time outside when the air is full of things that irritate their lungs.

Make sure that everyone in your family gets their flu shot. You do not want to have a respiratory infection if you have asthma. This includes preventive measures against sickness, such as practicing good hygiene and getting all recommended vaccinations.

If you find that you are in a dusty room, do not put on any type of fan. Dust blown around by fans can cause your asthma to rear up. It is much better to open a window when you are in need of some air flow.

The most effective way to manage your asthma is to know what triggers it. Pet dander, plant pollen and everyday household dust are all common causes of asthma attacks. Once you have figured out the asthma triggers, you are in a better position to avoid them.

Make sure you schedule regular checkups with your doctor every few months to keep a heads up on your asthmatic condition. Your physician must check you out regularly to see if you need to do anything differently with your treatment. Although your doctor is there to help you stay healthy and manage your asthma, your health is your responsibility. Make and keep regular doctor's appointments so that you can keep asthma under control.

This information can offer you ways to manage your asthma productively and regain your full lifestyle back. With this information you have learned, you can go back to being healthy and lively, enjoy getting back into shape!

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About Childhood Asthma

Asthma is one of the more common long-term disorders of children. It affects the airways in your lungs resulting in it to contract, thereby reducing the passage of air to your lungs. Now asthma in children can be treated in many ways. By managing it, they live as normally and actively as other healthy children.

Being aware of the symptoms of asthma will help in the case of an onslaught of asthma attacks. Many asthma causes are found in our homes, for instance molds, mites, smoke, indoor pets, as well as chemical irritants.

Mildews and molds are typically found on damp areas such as shower curtains, sinks, and tiles. If you happen to find mold, sanitize the area with plain water and soap. The right ventilation in your kitchens and bathrooms really are advised by installing an exhaust fan then opening your windows. Dry all moist places so you can ward off any new growth of molds.

There are small bugs called dust mites that we cannot see with our naked eyes. Usually they live in your pillows, bedding, carpets and stuffed toys. These objects commonly are found in your kids' rooms. Because children spend a lot of time in their rooms, then it's good to make sure the room stays clean. Replace bedding on a regular basis, clean their stuffed toys by hand washing them for they gather particles of dust. It's also recommended to utilize dust filters to make sure the air your child inhales is clean.

Smoke is a big trigger of asthma attacks. If someone is a smoker, then do not let them smoke in your house. If pets are in your home, then take note of your kids' reactions when they are with the pets. In addition, if asthma is set off by the animals' dander, limit your kids' exposure to the pets. Irritants are also found in your home. These can include laundry powder, cosmetics, air fresheners and cleaners. When using these products, be sure your kids are not there and your windows are opened with the exhaust turned on.

Air pollution also triggers attacks. This comes out of the smoke made by vehicles as well as factories. Try to avoid taking your kids outside when the air pollution index is high. When spending time outside cannot be avoided, make your kids wear a dust mask to keep them from inhaling particulates.

Getting your children to participate in any strenuous exercise programs may not be very good, as it can get to be too much for their system and cause asthma attacks. Parents should monitor their kids' physical acceptance of different activities and keep talking to them concerning their condition to keep them aware of what is going on with their body. By doing this, they're able to inhibit exercise-induced asthma.

Certain foods that asthmatics cannot consume because they provoke allergic reactions, eggs chicken, and seafood. Let your children know of the foods that might cause asthma. Asthma may not be curable, but it is preventable with the right knowledge.

Raising strong, active and healthy children in today's fast-paced and fast food environment gets harder and harder with each passing day. To get tips and ideas about child fitness, child health and child nutrition and learn how to keep your children healthy, strong and happy. At Concerning Kids, you will discover fun things to do that will help your healthy kids live longer, live stronger and lead a more fun, active and enjoyable lifestyle.

All women are special in one way or the other, if you want to discover how to feel younger, look better, feel sexier, live stronger and live longer then check out health tips for women and find how you can get all of the above.

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Causes of Asthma

Asthma is considered to be a long term lung inflammation that weakens and contracts the air passages. This type of disease causes the patient to produce a whistling sound whenever they breathe. Victims of asthma also experience chest pains, breathing problems and regular coughing which usually happens late at night or as you wake up in the morning. Asthma may attack people no matter what their age are, but statistics shows that asthma usually starts at one's childhood.

Maybe you are wondering what happens internally when asthma occurs; or maybe you are asking what really are the causes of asthma. Here's an overview on what asthma is all about. When a person is being attacked by asthma, the air passages which are the tubes that handle the air movement in and out of one's lungs gets inflamed which leads to narrowing of the airways. Those air passages gets extremely sensitive to the air that the person breathes plus the microscopic elements that may be included to that air. When these tubes get extremely sensitive and react, the muscles surrounding those get too tight causing very minimal amount of air to enter their lungs. This type of disease may get ever worse and may lead to death when not given the proper care or attention as the air passages may get even narrower. Aside from narrowing of airways, cells in the area may also produce more mucus than the usual. Mucus is a sticky substance which adds to hardening and narrowing of air passages. All these reactions may eventually result to giving off the signs and symptoms of asthma. These symptoms are sometimes mild and may eventually fade off naturally of after you have taken a certain medicine. But some cases get things even worse. So it is highly advised not to take these signs and symptoms for granted since this disease is considered fatal. It is true that asthma cannot be cured. But nevertheless you still need to manage the sickness when it attacks. Asthma can be fatal but a person with this type of ailment may still live a normal life.

What are the causes of asthma? Well, the main cause of asthma is not really known. Medical researchers say that asthma is lead by some of the genetic factors and some environmental contributors. Some of these are the following:
Allergic reactions which a person might have inherited. This is called atopy.Asthma usually attacks people whose parents are also asthmatic.If a person has a respiratory or pulmonary inflammation in their childhood.If a person gets in contact with airborne allergensIf a person gets exposed to some viral inflammations during their infancy or during the time when their immune system is still under development.

Who is most likely to have asthma attacks? Anyone may be a victim of this fatal disease; although, children who usually have lung inflammation or respiratory problems are most likely to suffer from asthma in the future. Other factors include being attacked by several allergies, skin asthma and parents who also suffer from asthma. Statistically speaking, record shows that among children, more boys suffer from asthma as compared to young girls. But in adults, there are more women than men who are being under attacked by this disease. But still there is no particular explanation how gender hormones contribute to asthma attacks.

There are several signs and symptoms of asthma which you need to be aware of since these symptoms may continue to get worse. Signs and symptoms include:
Coughing that usually attacks in the dawn or late at night. This cough attacks usually make it hard for you to experience a relaxing sleep.Whistling sound whenever you breathe.Chest pains that feels like someone is seated on your chests making it so tight.Breathing problems which make it hard for you to catch your breath. It feels like you are running out of air to breathe.

Not everyone who are asthmatic experience all and the same signs and symptoms. At the same time, not all who are experiences such signs and symptoms are considered to have an asthma disease. So it is highly recommended that you go and seek a doctor's advice when you experience any of these things.

Please visit http://causesasthma.org/ for more information on the causes of asthma.

Kinji, - causesasthma.org

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Top-Rated Allergy Air Purifiers - 5 Features That Make Them Work

Most physicians will confirm that an allergy air purifier is an essential part of an effective management plan for those whose condition is triggered by airborne allergens. But in order to be effective it should have the following 5 features.

Filter For Particles---Many of the irritants that trigger airborne particles are found in the air. Seasonal pollens, dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, and pet dander can trigger symptoms and even a flare up for those who have allergies.

HEPA or high efficiency particle arresting filters can successfully eliminate airborne particulates that are as small as .3 microns in size. This includes all of the triggers listed above. However, many of these solids can be eliminated by filters with bigger openings and that are far less expensive.

Pre-filters are made of a cotton ball sort of material and can trap the bigger particles in the air that can be seen with the naked eye. Having these filters as part of the filtration system can prolong the life of the HEPA which will save you time and money down the road.

Filter For Gases---Gaseous pollutants can also cause problems. Things like smoke, fumes from household personal and cleaning products, chemicals that off-gas from carpet, pressed wood furniture, and paint can all cause flare ups.

Carbon cloth in a purifier is invaluable. Originally designed by the British Military as a response to chemical warfare, this type of filter offers dual benefits. Because it is made of carbon it can effectively eliminate gases, odors, and chemicals. And because it is woven like cloth, it gives additional protection against particles.

Canister of Filters---The more filters present in a unit, the more filtration you receive. This seems like a no-brainer, but there are cleaners with no filter or just one filter. It seems reasonable to assume that a purifier with a canister of filters will last longer and require less maintenance than one with one filter or no filter.

Produces Oxygen Only---There are many types of technology on the market that claim to provide clean air. Ozone and ionization are 2 technologies that remain controversial. What everyone agrees about is that oxygen as a by-product is the safest way to go. In fact, HEPA technology is the type used by hospitals to insure clean air.

24 Hour Filtration Capability----One of the best ways to manage allergies is to avoid the trigger. So if your cleaner can filter the air continually, it can drastically reduce the amount of allergens in the air. Breathing air that has fewer triggers means you stand a better chance of reducing the number and severity of flare ups. And that's the whole purpose of an effective air purifier.

Manage your allergies by drastically reducing your exposure to the particles and gases that cause problems. See the cleaner that is top rated again and again now at http://purerair.com/allergy_machine.html

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Adenoids Surgery Not Always Effective

There was a time in the United States when doctors would remove tonsils and adenoids from young children simply as a matter of course so that they did not cause problems later on. Then, in the late 1960s and early 1970s, as awareness of unnecessary surgeries grew and the medical profession came under increasing scrutiny, these surgeries tapered off and became all but unheard of except in the most extreme circumstances and after proving substantial medical necessity.

Recently, however, the incidence of both tonsillectomies and surgery for the removal of adenoids has been on the rise yet again. Doctors are suggesting to parents with children as young as three that their adenoids need to come out. The reasons given for surgery of the adenoids are usually because of sleep apnea or breathing difficulties. According to doctors, if the adenoid becomes too large it will partially block a child's breathing during sleep. Doctors will also remove adenoids because of frequent ear infections.

One thing, however, that many surgeons do not tell parents is that all of the adenoids cannot be removed with the surgery. Adenoid tissue will still remain, and it is not uncommon for the adenoid to regenerate and "grow back." When this occurs, symptoms also return.

Every surgery has risks. The most common risks involve complications with or reactions to anesthesia. Other risks involve excessive bleeding during the surgery or clotting issues following the surgery. And, of course, with any surgery the risk of infection is always present. When faced with a surgery, most patients weigh the benefits received from the surgery against the likelihood and severity of possible risks. And many rely upon what doctors tell them to make a decision.

The removal of adenoids is questionable, at best, and it is doubtful as to whether the benefits outweigh the risks of surgery, especially for a small child. Additionally, surgery should only be seen as a last course of action when all other options have been tried and have failed. Furthermore, every parent should remember that though breathing difficulties can be troubling and make a parent feel as though they should do "something," the tissues that make up the adenoids will begin to regress in size during adolescence. Some of the reasons why doctors suggest that adenoids be removed such as recurrent ear infections also abate with age.

Rather than subjecting a young child to the trauma and possible risks of unnecessary surgery, parents might want to consider investigating treatments for adenoids without surgery. Surgery to remove the adenoids would seem a drastic step when so many other options are available.

When you improve breathing, you improve your total health and reduce or eliminate the need for adenoids surgery. The Buteyko Center http://www.breathingcenter.com/ offers a free breathing test online and a free Buteyko Health Evaluation report with our recommendations. The test will help you determine whether you hyperventilate or not, and if so to what degree, and how that may be affecting the quality of your sleep, as well as recommendations for improvement.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mattie_Evaristo

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The Importance of Oxygen

Oxygen is a vital element for our immune system, and sometimes our cells can become deprived of this element due to our diets or exercise. Things in the air can also cause our systems to be deprived of oxygen, which we all need to live because without it, our health becomes in danger. When our body becomes unhealthy due to the lack of oxygen, we are more susceptible to diseases and viruses. Oxygen helps destroy the germs or bad bacteria in our bodies.

The world we live in has created a bad environment for obtaining the oxygen our bodies need to function properly. The pollutants in the air affect our breathing, and they can sometimes cause us to need extra oxygen to breathe properly. The air around us is made up of several different gases, but the oxygen in the air is one of the most important gases to us since it is our main element for living. The environment we live in is causing the oxygen in the air to decrease daily, and clean air with enough oxygen is important for our bodies to be healthy.

Our bodies operate better, when we receive the right amount of oxygen since it allows our brain to think better and it improves our metabolic functions. Oxygen plays a role in functions such as blood circulation and digestion of nutrients in our bodies, and it helps build healthier immune systems.

When people have trouble getting the proper amounts of oxygen, they may need help by wearing oxygen masks to help supplement their oxygen. The masks can control just how much oxygen they are receiving, and it gives them the needed oxygen to survive. Oxygen masks can be the difference between life and death.

So many things can rob us of oxygen such as the pollutants in the air. Eating the foods that are not healthy for us can deplete our oxygen as well, and some of those foods that rob us of our oxygen are junk foods, caffeinated drinks and fats. The best foods to eat that will help to preserve our oxygen are complex carbohydrates and fruits as well as vegetables since they are higher in oxygen making them better for us. Another factor that can rob us of oxygen is stress, and this stress can include our daily work, traumatic events and depression. These stress factors can cause our bodies to use up its oxygen quicker, and the effect of low oxygen in our bodies is important to our health and the way we live daily.

Mithul Mistry is writing on behalf of Pure O2, specialists in Oxygen.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mithul_Mistry

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Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a term used to describe a syndrome that has a severe and frequent tiredness and is unable to be resolved by resting. CFS is different from general tiredness because there is no cause such as another disease for the condition.

The causes of CFS are not exactly known and doctors have theorized that it may be a result of the human herpes-6 virus or the Epstein-Barr virus, but an exact cause has yet to be pinpointed. An inflammation of the nervous system has also been hypothesized since a faulty immune system response can cause extreme tiredness.

CFS is most common in women between the ages of 30 to 50 and other factors such as age, stress, the environment, previous illnesses and genetics can influence its development.

The symptoms are similar to other illnesses, which makes it difficult to diagnose and may cause doctors to overlook the condition. It can be mistaken for the flu or other viral conditions. These typically include some or all of the following: headache, muscle aches and, of course, extreme fatigue and tiredness.

CFS differentiates from other illnesses if the symptoms persist for a period of at least 6 months. The symptoms appear as a new condition and are unable to be relieved by bed rest alone. CFS leaves an individual unable to do many of their normal activities. Other symptoms that may indicate that someone has CFS include feeling tired for more than 24 hours in a row, not feeling refreshed after a long rest period, problems concentrating, frequent forgetfulness, irritability, a constant and mild fever, sore throat or sore and swollen lymph nodes under the arms or in the neck.

To be diagnosed with CFS a doctor must first rule out other very common causes of fatigue such as drug or alcohol dependence, infections, muscle and nerve diseases, psychiatric or psychological illnesses, tumours and immune or autoimmune disorders which all have fatigue as a significant side effect.

While there are no specific tests for chronic fatigue, doctors have been able to see abnormal results with both white blood cell counts and on a brain MRI. Since there is no established cure for the disease, doctors focus on trying to relieve the symptoms as much as possible to make life comfortable. Treatment methods may include cognitive-behaviour theory, a healthy diet and sleep management.

Some medications may also be used in treatment to treat the symptoms including depression, pain and anxiety. Relaxation and stress-management can also improve the lives of those with CFS.

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How to Use Portable Oxygen

Our bodies need oxygen to work well, and sometimes a person needs more oxygen than he or she can get by just breathing the natural air around them. An oxygen system is available to help them breathe with the right amounts of oxygen for their bodies to function better. An oxygen system can be portable making it convenient for travel or moving around inside the home, but the first step to having the oxygen available when needed is to learn how to use a portable oxygen system.

Some systems are light weight and can be carried over the shoulder by a strap, and some are rolled around on a small cart. No matter which system you choose, one of the most important things always to remember is to keep a check on the amount of oxygen left in your tank, which can be done by checking the indicator or pressure gauge. Another thing to check is to make sure that the rate of oxygen is set according to what you have been prescribed by your doctor, as this will determine how much oxygen you will be using. Just turn the valve on the top of the unit until it reads what the doctor prescribed. To start using your unit, just attach a tube to the unit and turn the valve on the top, and then, you will need to place the other end of the tube in your nose with the points of the tube turned up to receive the oxygen flow. The access tubing can be put behind your ears, so that the tubing will not slip. It is a simple and easy procedure to learn how to use your oxygen unit.

There are many safety measures to follow when using oxygen and one safety measure is to keep your oxygen system away from smoke or flames. Another safety measure is to make sure the flow is coming out appropriately by checking that the tubes are not twisted or hindered by any obstacles. It is always good to have your oxygen supplier's number close by in case of an emergency since they will need to be notified before you run out of oxygen or if there is any problems with the tanks. Being safe with oxygen is one of the most important steps in learning how to use a portable oxygen system since oxygen can be dangerous if used incorrectly. It is imperative to our health to have substantial amounts of oxygen, and the oxygen unit's help ensure we have enough oxygen.

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How to Treat Asthma: Helping Children Deal With It

Some say that there are no short cuts in how to treat asthma especially for very young children and they are right. However, there is always an answer as to how you, especially if you are a parent, can help in alleviating the effects of asthma on your child. Luckily, the best way to treat the asthma condition of your child is through natural methods. Doctors and other medical practitioners would agree with this. In fact, even if they give prescriptive medications to their patients, they still recommend that their patients and the parents of children diagnosed with asthma to subject the asthmatic person to a healthy diet and regular exercise.

However, experts say that if you want to know how to treat asthma, you need to remember the top four factors on how you could control asthma using natural ways and that means not being dependent on prescriptive medications and this include: Environment, Diet, Breathing and Exercise. In almost all the sites that you check out online, you will be able to read about natural ways of treating asthma but most of them forgot to emphasize the need to really engage in what is natural because this is the basis of whether or not the patient will survive an asthma attack. These four factors play an essential role in ensuring that the child is healthy and in tip top shape to engage in all the activities that children their age should be doing.

Since asthma is a disease that can be triggered by pretty much everything that you can find in the environment, it is very important that you as a parent ensure that you know what could trigger the asthma attacks of your child. Your knowledge of this will lessen the frequency of the attacks allowing your child to live a normal life just like other kids without asthma. If you think adults are having a difficult time dealing with asthma and controlling its effects, then perhaps children diagnosed with asthma are dealing with something seemingly impossible. Not only will they suffer from difficulty in breathing but their young fragile bodies will also be exposed to a lot of stress and anxiety and children who are very young might not be able to survive without proper care.

Perhaps one of the biggest challenges that children with asthma have to deal with is the change in the diet that they have been used to. Children find it more difficult to make a shift in their diet plan particularly because they are still young and because they still do not understand why they could not eat chocolates or chicken. It is important that parents understand the foods and drinks that could trigger the asthma attack of their children particularly those that they are allergic too. Allergic reactions of asthmatic patients can be very serious that sometimes it can be fatal.

It has been an accepted fact that parents play a major role in the survival of their children especially those with asthma. It is important that parents understand what their child is up against so that they can prepare themselves and their child for whatever they might suffer form. Moreover, their knowledge of what could trigger allows them to explore the possibilities of treating asthma. Nothing beats parents who are prepared and ready for whatever task may come their way.

For more information on how to treat asthma and its symptoms, you can read more about it on my website.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jars_Marley

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Effective And Simple Asthma Home Remedies

Asthma is a respiratory disease that makes breathing difficult, particularly while exhaling. Pollens, allergens, irritants and bacteria can prompt an asthmatic attack. These include diet that causes allergy and environmental factors such as dust, dampness, smoke etc. Asthma home remedies can prove to be very useful and help to prevent an asthma attack.

Here are few effective and simple asthma home remedies that can provide the much needed relief from the symptoms of asthma attacks:

Lemon and Water:

Lemon and water are known to restrain purifying properties. Water flushes out the toxic substances and purifies the blood, whereas lemon or lime has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and expectorant agents that can easily break-down mucus.


Fig, a fruit that helps to heal many illnesses, is also beneficial in asthma. Figs make the patient feel comfortable by depleting the phlegm. Clean 2-3 figs thoroughly with lukewarm water and soak in water overnight and have it first thing in the morning.


Bananas provide fast remedy for serious attacks. Heat a ripe banana in the microwave or on the stove, sprinkle black pepper powder on it and eat. This will open the air ways temporarily and allow free-flow of air which will help to subside the pain from an asthma attack. Though it is only a short term treatment; bananas offer one of the best asthma home remedies for instant relief.


Garlic contains natural anti-inflammatory agents that aid in treating asthma. It also reduces the quantity of mucous generated in the bronchial tubes. 1-2 garlic cloves can be chewed daily or garlic juice can be added to other vegetable juices and consumed.


Honey effectively boosts the immune systems of the body which aids to treat and avoid asthma attacks. During an asthma attack, one can breathe in the vapors of honey by placing the jar under the nose. Alternatively, consuming a teaspoon of honey 3-4 times a day can alleviate the problem of asthma. It can also be added to a beverage.


The caffeine content in coffee works like the over the counter medicines, which aids to open the air passages of an asthma patient. Consuming 1-2 cups of coffee can reduce the asthma symptoms such as breathlessness and wheezing.

Mustard Oil and Camphor:

Rub the mixture of mustard oil and camphor on the chest if before going to sleep or if you experience breathing problems. Mustard oil infiltrates the skin and breaks down the phlegm which helps to ease asthma attacks. This mixture should not be taken internally. This is one of the most soothing asthma home remedies.

Other Home Remedies:

Additional effectual asthma home remedies comprise of bishop's weed which acts like an expectorant. Indian gooseberry that fortifies the immunity power, bitter gourd root that sustains antiviral properties and drumstick leaves which contain antibacterial properties. All of these are highly rich in vitamin C and can be used to treat asthma attacks.

Other Preventive Methods:

Avoid excessive eating before going to sleep as it may prompt an asthma attack. Try as eat at least 2-3 hours before bedtime. Steer clear of cigarette smoke or second hand smoke as well as smoke from wood-burning stoves and fireplaces. Wrap a scarf or wear a face mask if the weather is cold. Refrain from breathing in the cold air that is discharged from the freezer. Avoid keeping animals with fur as pet.

Keep The Home Clean:

Change the air conditioner and furnace filters each month to prevent recirculation of dust. Opt for latex pillows that are allergy-free rather than feather pillows. Additionally, use dust-resistant covers on mattresses and furniture. Keep your home neat and clean to minimize the chances of an asthma attack.

These were some of the effectual asthma home remedies that can be employed to obtain relief from asthma. Apart from these remedies, make a note of the factors like allergens, foods etc that triggers your asthma symptoms and aggravates the illness and try to evade them. Asthma attacks are extremely uncomfortable, but with few simple asthma home remedies and safety measures; you can easily keep asthma attacks at bay.

John Handson is a physician,he is specialized in asthma home remedies, he teaches folks the best treatment for asthma to raise health condition by handling asthma.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_De_Handson

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How Do Steroids Help Asthma?

Steroids are a common treatment option for people suffering from asthma. Often used in combination with an anti-inflammatory drug, the steroids help reduce inflammation in the lungs and airways. Steroids also help dry out excessive mucus production. They successfully reduce the irritation that can trigger an episode. The drugs can safely eliminate or reduce attacks.

Cortisteroids and steroids are usually used together. The drugs are usually inhaled or taken orally. Leukotriene modifier drugs, mast cell stabilizers and immunomodulators, known as IgE blockers, work with steroids to control the sufferer's attacks.

The most effective steroids are inhaled by the sufferer. Overtime, the drug quickly reduces airway inflammation and dries up mucus. Inhaled steroids will reduce the severity of the attacks and lessen their occurrence. This will help reduce the need for hospitalization.

A sufferer must take inhaled steroids daily to be effective. The person will begin to experience less attacks in one to three weeks using an inhaled steroid. The best effects take up to three weeks to achieve.

Three forms of inhaled steroids are available: dry powder inhalers, nebulizers and metered dose inhalers. Inhaled steroids work well for both adults and children. The sufferer will initially be prescribed a low dose. Inhaled steroids have very few side effects. In high doses a person may develop thrush. If thrush develops, it is usually treated with an anti-fungal mouthwash.

Over time and continued use of inhaled steroids, the sufferer will become less dependent on reliever inhalers, known as beta-agonist bronchodilators. Patients who respond well to inhale steroids will be advised to reduce their dosage as the airways suffer less inflammation.

People who suffer from severe attacks require systemic steroids such as prednisone. Systemic steroids treat excessive attacks or help control extreme long-term attacks. The drugs take approximately three hours after ingestion to take effect and do not reach full potential for six to 12 hours after ingestion. Systemic steroids are often prescribed in large doses over the course of a few days for immediate control. For long-term treatment, systemic steroids are prescribed in a low dose for years.

Side effects of systemic steroids can appear months or years later. Systemic steroids may cause weight gain, acne, upset stomach, bone loss, eye problems or personality disorders. Children may experience growth delays. Short term use rarely causes side effects.

Many patients cease taking steroids because they begin to suffer less asthma attacks. Despite the reduced attacks, the airways can still remain inflamed. A patient should never reduce or cease taking a steroid unless advised to do so by the prescribing doctor. A chronic condition, the disorder often lasts a lifetime and steroids will always be required to control it. Some people can successfully cease taking the steroids if advised to do so by a physician.

Mithul Mistry is writing on behalf of Pure O2, specialists in Asthma.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mithul_Mistry

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Salon Chemicals Air Purifier - 5 Most Important Features To Have In Your Cleaner

Daily exposure to the chemical fumes that off gas from products used in beauty and nail salons make you more susceptible to the short and long term effects of breathing these VOCs (volatile organic chemicals)

Getting these chemicals out of the air consistently and efficiently is a must to preserve the health of those frequent your salon. Here are the 5 most important features to select in the air cleaner for your shop.

Carbon Filter---Carbon is the best type of filter to use to remove airborne chemicals. It has proven itself to be effective at being a able to gaseous pollutants such as odors, gases, and chemicals. But even carbon filters need help when it comes to trapping VOCs such as formaldehyde and other chemical vapors that off gas from all too many beauty products.

Potassium Iodide continues to prove to be effective at enhancing carbon's ability to effectively filter and remove airborne chemicals from salons. And whereas a filter with just carbon can remove some, a filter with this additive is much more efficient.

Wheels---Most cleaners work by pulling in air that is closest to it first, filtering the air and sending it back into the room displacing more air. This process repeats again and again until all the air that is available to open to the cleaner has been filtered.

Choosing a cleaner with sturdy wheels or casters gives you the ability to roll the cleaner closer to a station where a particularly smelly procedure is to occur. This means that the fumes from that procedure will be the first to be pulled into the cleaner. This will lessen the overall smell and help prevent it from spoiling air quality all over the salon.

24 Hour Operation---Once chemicals evaporate into the air, some of them hang there for hours. Without continuous filtration, you will find that you walk into the salon in the morning still smelling the chemicals from procedures that were done the previous day. This stale air is no way to start the day and is certainly not the first impression you want customers to have when entering your salon.

A purifier with a split capacitor motor is necessary if you are to be able to trust the unit to run 24 hours a day. This type of motor is designed to run continuously with high revolutions per minute (RPM) and long life duty. Without this feature, you may be restricted to running the cleaner for limited time during the day.

Limited cleaning is like limited heating or cooling of the air in your salon. It just doesn't make the salon a pleasant or healthy place to be.

Long Life Filter---A filter that lasts for a long time is important for 3 reasons. First, if the filter in the cleaner is working properly without any attention from you, it allows you to use your time in ways other than maintaining the filter.

And secondly, since maintenance usually means an interruption in its operation, your air is being filtered without interruption. And third (my personal favorite), if the filter last a long time you spend less money on replacement filters.

Be sure to check the technical specifications online or in the owner's manual to see how long the filter is expected to last. If the filter life is only 6 months or even a year, leave it on the shelf.Frequent filter changes significantly add to the cost of operating the unit.

Instead choose a cleaner that not only has a filter life of 5 years, but one that offers a warranty on the filter in case it does not last that long. A pro-rated filter warranty is one of the best ways to insure that your filter will last.

Substantial Purifier Warranty---Make sure that the cleaner you choose has more than a 6 month or one year warranty. Should anything go wrong after this time, you are likely to have to pay for expensive repairs or buy a new unit. Either of these scenarios send the cost of the unit through the roof.

Instead, choose a cleaner that is guaranteed to last for 5 years, and one that the manufacture is willing to repair even after the warranty period is over. This means you are more likely to be able to get the parts that may be necessary for any repair, but it also indicates that you will probably never have to use the service.

A manufacture couldn't make money if they had to continually repair their units. So a long warranty is probably one of the best indications you can have that the cleaner is well built and will last far beyond the warranty period.

Filter salon chemicals from your air continually with the Beauty Salon Air Purifier from PurerAir.com at http://purerair.com/beauty_salon_purifier.html

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Asthma Diet: Is It A Hoax Or Not?

Did you know that an asthma diet can eliminate the risk of having asthma attacks? If you are asthmatic, you must be wondering if it is even possible. But if you study your condition closely, you will realize that asthma attacks only happen when it is triggered. Therefore, it can be avoided if you prevent yourself from the triggers. Asthma is a disease that can't be truly taken out of our body but it can definitely be controlled when you follow the proper methods. Avoiding the triggering factors of asthma may be the most effective means to control it. An asthma diet includes all the systematic means to avoid asthma attacks. A walk through this article will shed light on these methods.

What To Consider In Preparing A Diet?

Having an asthma diet requires a thorough preparation. In needs you to consider all the factors that may trigger asthma attacks and all the remedies that may be used in trying to counter the attack. In the following list are the steps in making a better diet plan:

* Maintain a healthy food and physical diet. One of the things that cause asthma is food. You see, asthma is a respiratory disease that affects the passage ways of air that you breathe. This means that if you are fond of eating fatty foods that lets you gain weight, you will be affecting the space that your respiratory system need. When an asthma attack happens, an obese person may have a hard time retrieving his breaths because his lungs are pressed with excess fats. Exercise and avoiding too much work also help.

* Allergy-causing food must be avoided. Foods often trigger allergies which are one of the most commonly known causes of asthma. Make list of these allergy-causing foods and try to avoid them every time you eat. This is also a good way of reminding you what to eat and what not to eat. Make the list handy so you can remind yourself.

* Visit your Doctor. Make a professional diagnosis about what type of asthma are you having. This is helpful in pointing out the proper actions and things that you must avoid. This also gives you a clear idea as to what kind of asthma diet that you should follow.

* Make your medications handy. One of the things why asthma diet is important is you get to make a list of the medications that you need. An asthma attack can happen anytime. So, making your medications handy is necessary. You don't want to be caught off-guard when having an attack. Asthma inhalers, for instance, should always be available whether in your pocket or in your bag. These medications prevent the damage that asthma posses.

* Observe your asthma. Asthma often develops as time goes. A mild asthma may evolve to a more serious one and vice versa. A change can affect even the type of asthma inhaler that you are using. It is important to keep track of its development so that you can adjust your asthma diet and medications.

It Is Your Best Defense

Your asthma diet is your best defense to the risk of asthma-caused damages. They are truly possible if prepared well. If you are asthmatic, there is no better way of trying to counter the ill effects of asthma to you than having a diet that both counters and prevents asthma. Start by knowing yourself well and by visiting your doctor today!

Asthma Diet can be achieved if you have the proper Asthma Inhaler that your doctor have prescribed. You can visit the author's website for more information about asthma.

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Breathe Easy All Night on an Adjustable Bed

Asthma and sleep apnea are common conditions among both adults and children in America. While asthma is triggered by an inflammation of the air passageways, sleep apnea is caused by an obstruction of the air passageways. This may occur in the chest, throat, or nasal regions. Each condition causes a restriction of airflow, however, that can inhibit one from obtaining a deep level of sleep. Additionally, it is recommended that individuals with either condition sleep with their torso elevated to increase airflow. Adjustable beds are typically the best means to accomplish such an end, as pillows and other devices lack the stability to maintain an elevation all night long.

Asthma and sleep apnea are common in at least two ways. First, they have the same effect on the body. Each causes a restriction in airflow that has a significant impact on day-to-day life. This impact can become particularly detrimental at night when affected individuals try to sleep. Before we may assess the value of an adjustable bed sleep system, however, we must first evaluate each condition and the ways in which they prevent the normal flow of air in to and out of the body.

Asthma patients experience a restriction in air flow when they engage in strenuous physical activity. Though less common, some asthma patients may experience an "asthma attack" when they are in climates with cold air. In either case, the asthma attack is triggered by an external event. Once triggered, asthma causes an inflammation of the airways that makes it difficult to breath. Depending on the severity of the condition, patients may require a medicated inhaler to reverse the inflammation and breath normally again.

Unlike asthma, sleep apnea is rarely triggered by an external event. Rather, it is a result of an obstructed airway. This usually occurs during sleep but nonetheless produces a restricted airway that impedes the breathing process, much like asthma. A common reason for sleep apnea includes excessive pressure on the chest. Overweight individuals are particularly prone to this type of sleep apnea as they experience a great deal of weight and pressure on the chest when they lie flat.

Adjustable beds provide relief for those who suffer with asthma or sleep apnea because they may help the person breathe easily during the night. For individuals with sleep apnea, it is recommended that sleeping take place at an incline of at least 6 to 8 inches. This helps to distribute weight more evenly across the upper torso and, as a result, the air passageways of the chest are able to expand naturally. This even weight distribution also helps the passageways of the nose and throat to more easily inhale and exhale during the night. Adjustable beds provide a similar benefit to those with asthma, as sleeping at an incline makes it easier for these individuals to breath during the night as well. Adjustable beds provide relief from additional conditions like back pain, arthritis, and G.E.R.D., of which chronic heartburn is a tell tale sign.

In closing, individuals with asthma and sleep apnea may find much needed relief by making lifestyle decisions that minimize the impact of their condition on their everyday life. Choosing to sleep in an adjustable bed is just one such choice, and it has the potential to create a higher quality level of sleep.

Medical benefits of adjustable beds also include and relieving other sleep disorders. For individuals who desire a premium move-able mattress, Leggett Platt beds offer the best combination of quality and technological innovation.

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Adult Onset Asthma: The Unknown Causes

Adult Onset Asthma can appear at the most unexpected times. It doesn't matter if you are 20 years old or you've never had asthma before, if you're having shorter breath, swelling airway lining, frequent coughing, wheezing, and these irritating chest pains? You might be having asthma. The difference between adult onset asthma and childhood asthma is that while the symptoms of childhood asthma may come and go, the symptoms of adult onset asthma may be continuous which may require regular medication to manage the disease. This article deals with all the necessary things that you should know about asthma.

People who have the likelihood of getting this kind of disease include women who are having hormonal changes like pregnant women and women undergoing menopause. It also includes women taking estrogen following menopause, people who just had colds or flu, obese people. People with allergies also develop asthma such as cat allergy, and people who are constantly exposed to environmental irritants like tobacco, smoke, mold, dust, feather beds and perfumes which can work as triggers of this disease. This are causes that we usually ignore when we are adults. We always think that they cause little to our health but in fact it does cause serious consequences especially with the occurrence of it.

The Value of Asthma Education

Knowing its symptoms is necessary in order to prevent damage. Symptoms have to be known for a more effective treatment. The lung airways have to be regularly checked and observed so that medication can adjust to the levels of changes of lung airways activity. Adult onset asthma may cause the lung airway linings to swell, increase the production of large amount of mucus which might be thicker than the normal production, cause the narrowing of lung airway due to muscle contraction.

These physiological changes may cause the shortness of breath, frequent coughing especially at night, a whistling noise while breathing, difficulty in breathing itself and frequent chest pains. Asthma can be diagnosed by taking a medical history since it can be genetically acquired, having the doctor listen to you breathe, performing a lung function test, performing a methacholine challenge test, and having the doctor see the chest X-ray result. Learning about this disease assures you that you won't be doing the wrong things.

Adult onset asthma can be deadly in severe cases. It is indeed important to keep track of the symptoms and have your physician create a care plan called the asthma action plan. Based on your history and the severity of your disease, the action plan can be entrenched from it's characteristics. Your asthma action plan describes your medications- when and how you're going to use them, the procedures that should be executed when your asthma abruptly worsen, and gives you necessary information regarding when and to whom you're going to seek care during emergency. Make sure that you understood your plan and don't forget to ask questions from your trusted asthma care provider. Although this may sound cliche but remember it's true: health is wealth.

Adult Onset Asthma can be prevented or can be treated along if you have the right information about Asthma Facts.

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Investing in a Quality Air Purification System

Good air quality is very important to health. Pollutants and contaminants in the air can affect our breathing and overall well being. Your lungs and eyes can become irritated by air pollution. It can also create conditions such as earaches, asthma and bronchitis or worsen them if they already exist. Many studies have been conducted to determine if there is a long term health effect on exposure to air pollution. We breathe in over 15,000 liters of air daily. If there are high amounts of pollutants in the air, your health can suffer as the pollutants get carried through the bloodstream. The pollutants can then go to various organs of the body such as the lungs, brain and heart.

Determining air pollution levels: The EPA also known as the Environmental Protection Agency, monitors air quality levels throughout the United States. The Air Quality Index, (AQI), provides a daily air quality scale. If the score is 100 or above it indicates the air quality is poor for that particular day. If this is the case, there are numerous precautions you can take to protect yourself. Try to stay indoors as much as possible. The best times to be outdoors is the early morning or late at night when ozone levels are lower. Additionally, outdoor exercise should be limited to avoid breathing in more air contaminants.

Indoor Air Quality: We may not realize how polluted indoor air can also be. In fact, many times indoor air quality can be much worse than outdoor air. The winter months often make the indoor air even more irritating due to weatherizing and heating systems that block fresh air from coming in. Thus the quality is usually worse and seasonal allergies can become aggravated.

Air Purification Systems: Considering all of the contaminants in the air it may be a wise investment to purchase a high quality air purifier for your home. Air filters can be very helpful particularly if you already have a condition such as asthma or allergies. If is fine to use the air purifier year round to help with various seasonal allergies. A good air purifier will clean the air in the home by filtering it and removing the contaminants and returning clean air.

Air Purifiers for Asthma: Asthma sufferers could benefit greatly from a good quality system. Asthma can be a life threatening illness and can eventually lead to serious lung issues. There are over 15 million Americans that suffer from asthma. Triggers for asthma are highly contaminated air which may include irritants such as pet danger, dust and numerous chemicals. Breathing in these contaminants is unhealthy in general but more so for individuals suffering from asthma.

In addition to the obvious things like keeping the home clean, dusting, mopping and vacuuming often, an air purification system can also be very effective. High quality systems can actually remove over 99% of particles found in indoor air. The American Thoracic Society did a review of air purifiers and found those that use a HEPA filter system were the most beneficial for asthma conditions. Unfortunately there is no cure for asthma. However, removing agents in the air that may trigger an attack is certainly a good first step and may be helping many sufferings find relief.

HEPA versus Ionic Systems: The two main types of systems are a HEPA or ionic based system. A HEPA system uses a filter which acts as an air cleaner. An ionic system creates clean air by electrically charging the particles in the air that it filters. This neutralizes the particles which results in fresher, cleaner air. Which one to get depends on what your particular needs are. Again, the HEPA system is best for people who have conditions such as asthma. The ionic system produces ozone which can actually be harmful to an asthmatic or anyone with a respiratory condition as it can be irritating to the lungs. The HEPA system is better at removing allergens while the ionic system tends to be better at neutralizing odors.

If odor is a concern for you, the HEPA system can be equipped with a charcoal filtration device which will neutralize airborne odors. You need to also consider the square footage of the area you are trying to clean. Filters have a system known as the "Clean Air Delivery Rate" or CADR. The systems with the highest number are the most efficient at purifying the air. These are usually HEPA based systems. For maximum results you should choose a system that has a CADR rate that is at least equivalent to two-thirds of the square footage you want to keep clean. Your square footage should be a determinant in how many purifiers you may actually want to purchase. Depending on the size of your home you may need to purchase several units.

Automobile Air purifiers: You can consider investing in a car air purifier as well. Keeping your car clean by dusting and vacuuming regularly will also prevent the proliferation of pollen and dust mites. You will help to circulate clean air through the vehicle and this is a healthy benefit for you.

Choosing a System: With dozens of choices available in the growing air purification industry, a consumer could be left feeling confused and not sure what to purchase. The first step is to look at what your particular needs are for the system. Do you or family members suffer from any conditions that an air purifier could help with? If it is respiratory illnesses then be sure to get a HEPA based system. If there are no specific underlying issues then you would be okay with an ionic air purifier for general air cleaning purposes.

Replacement Filters and Accessories: When making your selection you should take a good look at how often you need to replace the filter or other components. You should not have to do so that frequently and should look for a unit that has a high quality filtration system and ready accessibility to replacements at a reasonable cost. You don't want to get stuck with a unit where the cost of replacing the filter is too expensive.

You want to also look at an air purifier that has several other features. Sticking with the better known brands is a good idea as they have more credibility and usually better warranty features. Look for a system that will last you a long time and you won't have to worry about replacement costs. The cheaper units sometimes do not have the quality to maintain staying power. By investing more money in a better unit initially, you will ultimately save money over the long haul. A good air filtration system can really improve the quality of the air that you breathe. If you are suffering from any medical condition or are taking prescription medication it is important that you always consult with your medical doctor regarding any air filtration system you may purchase. Clean air is healthier air.

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By Tina C. Loren

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Who Can Acquire Adult Onset Asthma

Adult onset asthma debunks the belief that asthma only appears when we are still children. Recent Asthma diagnosis has concluded that even adults, 20 years and above, can have asthma. This type of asthma is more common to women than men. It was also found out that it occurs less than child-onset asthma. This article will provide you the characteristics of this type of asthma.

Many of the known types of asthma are known to develop during childhood. But adult onset asthma manifests when you get older. You develop this asthma when you turn 20 or even beyond 50 years old. This is most common to women, however, this has not been explained why women are the most likely to develop this type of asthma. Although some findings points to heredity and some points to environmental factors, there is really no silver bullet to stop it from happening.

Asthma diagnosis have linked this type of asthma to both allergy and not. About half of adult onset asthma has been caused by ones exposure to specific materials such as cigarette smoke, mold, dust and many more. This means that the environment of an adult can greatly affect his chances of developing asthma. The other half points to non-allergic causes which can be derived from ones genes or caused by heredity or can be caused by your physical changes. This is known to be the intrinsic cause of asthma. It negates the idea that asthma is only caused by your environment.

Women are most commonly known to develop adult onset asthma when they reach 20 years old. Hormonal changes play a major role why women will likely to develop this than men. A woman's hormones will likely to change every now and then. An example for this is during and after pregnancy; women's hormones change inconsistently. A woman's monthly period can also trigger asthma. These characteristics of hormonal fluctuations make it more common to women to develop asthma even for the first time.

Although this is common to women, men can also develop adult onset asthma. Although men have no hormonal fluctuation the same with women, they will nevertheless have the tendency to develop asthma. This is caused by several reasons. Heredity could be the reason; if asthma is predominant to your family, it is more likely that you will have asthma. Aside from intrinsic causes, external factors such as allergy to certain objects could also be the cause. If you are exposed to materials which triggers allergy to yourself, this could led you to have asthma even if you haven't had it when you were a child. Lifestyles can also be the reason; being obese or a smoker can also cause asthma.

Adult onset asthma defies our pre-conceived beliefs if you won't develop asthma if you haven't had it when you are a kid. Asthma diagnosis can help you prepare yourself in controlling this disease. Being able to know that it is common to women makes women careful with it. Having the knowledge that it can be caused by your environment or your lifestyle can help in preventing it. Asthma is not dangerous when we know who can acquire it.

For more information about Adult Onset Asthma, you should visit my website to read more on asthma diagnosis.

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