Good air quality is very important to health. Pollutants and contaminants in the air can affect our breathing and overall well being. Your lungs and eyes can become irritated by air pollution. It can also create conditions such as earaches, asthma and bronchitis or worsen them if they already exist. Many studies have been conducted to determine if there is a long term health effect on exposure to air pollution. We breathe in over 15,000 liters of air daily. If there are high amounts of pollutants in the air, your health can suffer as the pollutants get carried through the bloodstream. The pollutants can then go to various organs of the body such as the lungs, brain and heart.
Determining air pollution levels: The EPA also known as the Environmental Protection Agency, monitors air quality levels throughout the United States. The Air Quality Index, (AQI), provides a daily air quality scale. If the score is 100 or above it indicates the air quality is poor for that particular day. If this is the case, there are numerous precautions you can take to protect yourself. Try to stay indoors as much as possible. The best times to be outdoors is the early morning or late at night when ozone levels are lower. Additionally, outdoor exercise should be limited to avoid breathing in more air contaminants.
Indoor Air Quality: We may not realize how polluted indoor air can also be. In fact, many times indoor air quality can be much worse than outdoor air. The winter months often make the indoor air even more irritating due to weatherizing and heating systems that block fresh air from coming in. Thus the quality is usually worse and seasonal allergies can become aggravated.
Air Purification Systems: Considering all of the contaminants in the air it may be a wise investment to purchase a high quality air purifier for your home. Air filters can be very helpful particularly if you already have a condition such as asthma or allergies. If is fine to use the air purifier year round to help with various seasonal allergies. A good air purifier will clean the air in the home by filtering it and removing the contaminants and returning clean air.
Air Purifiers for Asthma: Asthma sufferers could benefit greatly from a good quality system. Asthma can be a life threatening illness and can eventually lead to serious lung issues. There are over 15 million Americans that suffer from asthma. Triggers for asthma are highly contaminated air which may include irritants such as pet danger, dust and numerous chemicals. Breathing in these contaminants is unhealthy in general but more so for individuals suffering from asthma.
In addition to the obvious things like keeping the home clean, dusting, mopping and vacuuming often, an air purification system can also be very effective. High quality systems can actually remove over 99% of particles found in indoor air. The American Thoracic Society did a review of air purifiers and found those that use a HEPA filter system were the most beneficial for asthma conditions. Unfortunately there is no cure for asthma. However, removing agents in the air that may trigger an attack is certainly a good first step and may be helping many sufferings find relief.
HEPA versus Ionic Systems: The two main types of systems are a HEPA or ionic based system. A HEPA system uses a filter which acts as an air cleaner. An ionic system creates clean air by electrically charging the particles in the air that it filters. This neutralizes the particles which results in fresher, cleaner air. Which one to get depends on what your particular needs are. Again, the HEPA system is best for people who have conditions such as asthma. The ionic system produces ozone which can actually be harmful to an asthmatic or anyone with a respiratory condition as it can be irritating to the lungs. The HEPA system is better at removing allergens while the ionic system tends to be better at neutralizing odors.
If odor is a concern for you, the HEPA system can be equipped with a charcoal filtration device which will neutralize airborne odors. You need to also consider the square footage of the area you are trying to clean. Filters have a system known as the "Clean Air Delivery Rate" or CADR. The systems with the highest number are the most efficient at purifying the air. These are usually HEPA based systems. For maximum results you should choose a system that has a CADR rate that is at least equivalent to two-thirds of the square footage you want to keep clean. Your square footage should be a determinant in how many purifiers you may actually want to purchase. Depending on the size of your home you may need to purchase several units.
Automobile Air purifiers: You can consider investing in a car air purifier as well. Keeping your car clean by dusting and vacuuming regularly will also prevent the proliferation of pollen and dust mites. You will help to circulate clean air through the vehicle and this is a healthy benefit for you.
Choosing a System: With dozens of choices available in the growing air purification industry, a consumer could be left feeling confused and not sure what to purchase. The first step is to look at what your particular needs are for the system. Do you or family members suffer from any conditions that an air purifier could help with? If it is respiratory illnesses then be sure to get a HEPA based system. If there are no specific underlying issues then you would be okay with an ionic air purifier for general air cleaning purposes.
Replacement Filters and Accessories: When making your selection you should take a good look at how often you need to replace the filter or other components. You should not have to do so that frequently and should look for a unit that has a high quality filtration system and ready accessibility to replacements at a reasonable cost. You don't want to get stuck with a unit where the cost of replacing the filter is too expensive.
You want to also look at an air purifier that has several other features. Sticking with the better known brands is a good idea as they have more credibility and usually better warranty features. Look for a system that will last you a long time and you won't have to worry about replacement costs. The cheaper units sometimes do not have the quality to maintain staying power. By investing more money in a better unit initially, you will ultimately save money over the long haul. A good air filtration system can really improve the quality of the air that you breathe. If you are suffering from any medical condition or are taking prescription medication it is important that you always consult with your medical doctor regarding any air filtration system you may purchase. Clean air is healthier air.
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By Tina C. Loren
Original article