Airsep Oxygen Concentrators

Sometimes, things that people take for granted are no longer as easily available. For example, certain diseases or old age can cause a person to have more difficulty breathing. This can lead them to getting a prescription for oxygen from their doctor. Your doctor will probably run a few tests first to determine if oxygen therapy is the right treatment method for your specific condition. He will be able to determine the amount of oxygen you will need and the type of machine that will be used to deliver that oxygen based on the results from your tests.

If it is determined that you do need oxygen therapy, then there are three methods that it can be delivered by; those options are an oxygen concentrator, through a liquid oxygen system, or through a portable metal tank. The oxygen concentrator works by using the air in the room you are in. It goes through a special type of filter, and then is passed onto you by a set of tubing that fits over your nose and ears. These devices need to be plugged into an electrical outlet in order to function properly, making them only slightly portable.

A well-known brand of oxygen concentrators is the Airsep brand. This brand has their product being used in hundreds of different countries around the world. They have several different types of tanks for people to use, depending on their situation; there are tanks that are small and run quietly for travelling purposes, and other concentrators for paediatric uses. As you can see, their product has a reputation for being reliable.

Another aspect that makes Airsep a great brand to turn to for your oxygen therapy needs is that they do not sell directly to the public. Having oxygen therapy is something that is determined by a doctor. The same doctor has to write you a prescription to receive the oxygen. Additionally, oxygen therapy needs to be used properly, and with appropriate supervision in order to avoid injury to the patient or others. The patient should be able to purchase their tank from someone who will be able to help them find the appropriate tank, as well as help them with any set-up or maintenance or repairs. By this particular brand of oxygen concentrators only selling to an authorized store, they are keeping the health and safety of their customers in mind. That is the definition of a reliable company.

Micheal Richards is writing on behalf of Pure O2, specialists in Airsep.

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