Raising Children With Asthma

Parents who have children with asthma will want to know as much about the condition as possible. In fact, there are certain risk factors that may lead to youngsters developing asthma, and parents should be aware of these. When they can spot some of the risk factors and perhaps even obtain an early diagnosis, they will be able to help their children manage the condition and live quite normal lives as they grow older. Many asthmatic children, in fact, with the right precautions, participate in strenuous sports at their local middle and high schools.

If a child is born to a family with a history of allergies, or develops allergies him/herself, then he/she may go on to develop asthma. Tobacco smoke can also be a contributing factor. Children who have trouble breathing during physical activity, or who wheeze quite violently when they play with other kids, may have asthma. Other symptoms may include frequent tiredness after exercise or even headaches that crop up and fade away without warning. Children who lose their appetites may also have asthma. When many of these conditions occur together, a respiratory specialist should be seen.

Inhalers that are filled with carefully prescribed medications can be dispensed to certain children with the condition. If they feel an asthma attack coming on, they can simply take a few puffs on the inhaler, which should help to open up the breathing passageways and get them feeling much better. Young boys and girls who are part of the track team, for instance, should let their coaches know of the condition. The coaches can keep an eye on them and can get their inhaler to them if they happen to need it.

Lung doctors can examine children who are suspected to be asthmatic and can quickly make a professional determination on the case. They will have access to a series of tests that can be used to find out what is going on. Once the diagnosis has been made, a plan of action can be developed. Children, even if they are young, should be briefed on their condition so that they have a decent understanding of how to handle the symptoms. They should also be instructed to inform their parents if the symptoms themselves get worse.

Ultimately, children with asthma can be treated much like other kids. They will have to manage the asthma with an eye toward detail, but should not miss out on any of the wonders of childhood as a result. With the help of their parents and doctors, they can get the medication they need and go on to live their lives in whatever manner they please.

The information contained in this article is provided for informational purposes only and is not, nor is it ever intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice or professional recommendations, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician(s) or other qualified healthcare provider(s).

Author writes about a variety of topics. If you would like to learn more about children with asthma and/or locate asthma articles, visit http://www.lifescript.com/health/centers.aspx.

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Infant Asthma - How To Use An Air Cleaner To Help Your Baby Breathe Easier

Infant asthma, which is a disorder of the immune system, produces an overreaction to a substance that your baby smells, eats, or touches. This substance that causes an allergic reaction can also trigger an asthma attack. Therefore, it is important to monitor your baby carefully and see if there is something in the air that sets off your baby's symptoms. And another tool that can fix it.

One problem with having an ill child is the inability to clearly understand how he or she feels. An infant with asthma cannot come to you in the middle of the night and tell you about difficulty breathing. Instead the condition will continue to worsen while the lungs struggle to expand. At this point your child will feel exhausted.

Asthma is caused by different triggering factors. During this time, the lungs are under attack by many allergens. Because of this, asthmatics usually have severe problems with their environment. The most common triggers are pollution, dust, pollen, and air irritants. To lessen the symptoms and attacks of infant asthma, you can use air cleaner at home or in the nursery.

Air purifiers convert dirty air into fresh, clean air and also free the air from pollutants and contaminants. They are very beneficial for people suffering from allergies and can help alleviate your baby from asthma attacks.

These are the simple steps for using an air cleaner to prevent breathing problems:

Step 1: Test the quality at your home. Environmental studies have revealed that the air inside homes is dirtier than the air outside. People living in congested homes or localities usually live in dirty air. The best way to deal with this problem is to purchase a tester that shows pollen, dander, mold and other possible triggers.

Step 2: Find the right air cleaner. You can also take charge by educating yourself about the condition. Do not waste time worrying if there are better treatments or medications for your child. Find out. Use the medical profession, library and internet to learn about different air cleaners and what they can do for your family. The best prescription is knowledge.

Step 3: Search for an air cleaner to accommodate the size of room. Remember, when considering the expense of buying an allergy relief air purifier, you will need to consider the type of allergen, the size of the room, and the cost of filters. Make sure that you factor this in when you are trying to determine how cost effective the choice is. You should notice huge savings over the year when your child has reduced use of medications to control symptoms. Another option is to purchase an ionic purifier, which does not use filters, thereby giving even greater savings.

Step 4: Monitor your child for improvement. The most common triggers are infections, smoke, dust, pet dander, mold, and pollen. They tend to fill the lungs with foreign particles that your infant's immune system may response to. Once you have fresh air in your home, you can monitor asthma symptoms to see if there is any change in its occurrence. Keep a list so that you can discuss it with your infant's doctor.

Prevention is a very essential part of asthma management. It provides a layer of protection so that your child does not have to suffer unnecessarily with infant asthma. As a parent, you have the power to shield your child from allergens that can set off asthma symptoms. Although these methods seem simple, they can help your child to breathe much easier.

Lynn Versailles is a registered nurse and a life-long sufferer of asthma. She has personally been affected with this chronic respiratory problem and wishes to help others. Through years of research and life experiences, she shares her knowledge on how to properly manage asthma on http://www.safetreatmentsforasthma.com/. To learn more, download The Ultimate Asthma Management Guide. It is a free online guide on medical treatments and natural remedies to properly manage this illness.

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Facts on Signs and Symptoms of Asthma

Shiva is a 10 years old girl who is a frequent user of Advair and sometimes when it is too urgent, Albuterol. She often experiences symptoms like breathlessness/dyspnoea, chest tightness, wheezing. Her condition worsen when she visited highly congested country and thus making her suffering from insomnia due to the frequent attacks of the mentioned symptoms.

Any of the depicted scenario fits your condition?

If any of it fits the picture, then it is either you are one of the victims or might be one of them. Asthma, also know as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD), is actually disease associate with obstruction of the respiratory tract due to constriction of the airway. This is especially very common to young children due to their under developed body system. Something to know further is that it can be categorized into 4 major types:

1.Atopic Asthma - due to allergen
2.Non-Atopic Asthma - due to viral infection
3.drug- induced Asthma - due to consumption of aspirin
4.Occupational Asthma - due to career exposure like wools

Each respective types of asthma has their own causes, but luckily enough to know that their manifestations are almost similar. This indeed helpful in asthma diagnosis from other diseases like emphysema, chronic bronchitis which might give a false positive result since they have a similar manifestation. Nevertheless, sometimes, the benefit can turn out to be harmful as well, where asthma attack treatment can differ from one another based on their grouping. Thus, it is essentially require for us to acknowledge the sign and symptoms of asthma and also their types as for appropriate asthma treatment.

What are the signs and symptoms of asthma?

Here are the MUST signs of Asthma:
· breathlessness/ dyspnoea
· chest-tightness
· cough
· wheezing

Something as a add on is that asthma attack usually happen at night and/or in the early morning or even sometimes based on season like they are more frequent during spring/fall. Furthermore, the severity of the asthma symptoms can be further classified into several classes and it is an important point needed to be noted in the asthma treatment. For example, status asthmaticus(most severe form of asthma) can be FATAL if no adequate immediate asthma attack treatment provided.

Let me emphasize here. Although asthma can be LETHAL and BURDENSOME, please bear in mind that asthma is a reversible and curable disease if proper care is taken. There are many cures for it, ranging from natural solution to medical asthma cure. However, it can be a very broad topic to discuss with and so it will only be continued in the future bit by bit for better understanding.

If any inquiries feel free to ask.


For those who really HATE asthma, perhaps you want to know what are the possible asthma cures that are present at the moment? By natural or medical ways? Here is the good source for your need, which are available at: http://www.asthmafree4ever.com/

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How Doctors Accurately Diagnose Asthma

The diagnosis of an asthma patient can depend on the symptoms presented, a detailed medical history, the physical examination done by the doctor and the laboratory tests done to confirm the diagnosis. For the most part the diagnosis of asthma can be fairly easy once the results come through; however, the diagnosis has an involved process before the eventual results are determined.

For asthmatic patients symptoms can include problems related to breathing such as difficulty taking a breathe, wheezy respiration, labored breathing during activities that require exertion, chest tightness and any obstruction of airflow. A true indicator for asthma can be seen when the person gasps for breath with a wheezy sound, which is a characteristic picture of asthma. In addition, having a detailed medical history that includes any history of allergy, family history of asthma, persistent coughs, cold and seasonal allergies can be contributing factors for asthmatic patient.

After the diagnosis process has begun laboratory tests are usually ordered to confirm that the patient has asthma and can include blood tests for ESR and eosinophil counts that could give indication of any allergic reaction or chest infection, as these are also contributory factors. The chest x-ray confirms the expansion of the lungs as well as any infections or other abnormalities in the lungs that can contribute to asthma. The groups of tests performed to diagnose asthma are Pulmonary Function Tests, otherwise known as Spirometry. In this test the degree and access of airflow obstruction is measured along with the confirmation of its severity. These are otherwise termed FEV1, FVC, and FEV1/FVC. The assessment of the reversibility of asthma can also be done through these tests. Carrying out tests of allergen detection through skin sensitivity tests is also a form of testing. These tests are of prolonged duration by which time the person has a fully established asthma. Still, if the allergens detection is accurate and the person needs to stay away from certain allergic substances, then asthmatic attack is preventable.

One of the most experienced symptoms of asthma is a wheezing sound as air enters the respiratory system. Many other chest diseases can present the same types of breathing problems as asthma; hence an accurate diagnosis is very essential. Spirometry is the confirmatory lung test for asthma. Once the diagnosis is made, the options open to the patient vary in range from no prescription, for very mild cases of asthma, to a full course of asthmatic preventatives to help those patients who have a severe asthmatic problem.

People who have asthma should always keep up-to-date on the newest asthma treatments and other preventative measures for asthma attacks, such as air purifiers and leukotriene modifiers.

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Things to Know for Asthma Sufferers While They Work Out

It's possible for asthma sufferers to be able to carry out an exercise program. But just what will people with asthma have to be watchful of when exercising? The answer is: if you exhibit caution you can and should carry out nearly any exercise program. With appropriate treatment, almost everyone with asthma can enjoy the physical and mental benefits of regular exercise.

Asthma is the chronic inflammation of the air passages that lead to the lungs. Its characteristics are sudden attacks followed by periods of moderate or no symptoms at all. This inflammation will be triggered by external factors, and when a person with asthma becomes exposed to one of these triggers, the breathing passages become inflamed and the symptoms begin.

With exercise induced asthma, symptoms usually appear six to ten minutes after exercise begins, and is often worse in cold, dry conditions. If you have been up the previous night with asthma symptoms, it is best to go easier with your exercise routine the next day. Your doctor should be able to guide you best through your treatment of the condition, but it is imperative that you be proactive and understand the circumstances. You are the first line of defense against an asthma attack, so take your medication and know what you are going to do when you feel symptoms coming on.

Some facts to know when it comes specifically to exercise induced asthma:

1. When exercising, attempt to breathe through the nose. When you breathe through your mouth, air comes into your lungs that are colder and drier. An asthma attack can be triggered when this colder, drier air collides with the warm, moist air in the lungs. Breathing through the nose as much as possible will warm the air and cleanse it prior to hitting your lungs.

People with exercise induced asthma are thought to be more sensitive to changes in humidity and temperature. Bikram Yoga helps to alleviate this by giving you an excellent exercise regimen in conditions that are high in humidity and temperature. After an initial breathing exercise, all breathing is to be done through the nose. You may want to look into it if you suffer from asthma.

2. Exercise induced asthma can attack people who have no other triggers and experience no asthma symptoms under any other circumstances.

3. When asthma is left untreated and inflammation persists, narrowing of the airways on a permanent basis can occur. There are medications that are used to prevent the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

4. Asthma cannot be cured, but it can be controlled by medication. Those with exercise induced asthma and no other symptoms, medication can be taken before exercise to control the symptoms. There are a number of elite athletes who have asthma, which should be inspiration enough for anyone who has asthma to seek ways to control it.

Aerobic training certainly doesn't have to stop is you have asthma. People who have asthma have certain issues that people who are asthma-free do not have to cope with. But with proper medication, assistance from a qualified professional, and plan on how to cope both before any symptoms set in or if emergencies should arise, everyone should be able to partake in their favorite exercise program.

Knowing how to control asthma when you partake in Physical Fitness Programs will be vital, and with a doctor's help and your knowledge it can be done. Also knowing the Best Foods to Gain Muscle, which you can find on our website, will help you through your workout. Rich Carroll is a writer and health enthusiast living in London.

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What Are the Causes of Asthma

There are a lot of things you need to know about asthma and many people think that they are good enough to know about its treatment. However, knowledge on its treatment is no use unless you know what is causing it. The real cause of asthma is still unclear. Most people say that asthma is generally caused by two main factors and these are the genes and exposure to the environment. Unfortunately, most people with asthma disease try to deal with it but it is already too late.

There are many types of asthma but it will not be an issue when considering its treatment options. People usually go for cheap treatment methods and something that does not disturb their way of life. In view of the fact that asthma is a serious respiratory problem, knowing what sets off the attack is vital in looking for the best asthma treatment.

If you are aware of the causes of asthma, it will be easy for you to help yourself if you are suffering from it or assist other people when they are having an asthma attack. Moreover, knowing the causes will help in developing a treatment plan because you will constantly be on guard of your actions and your surroundings or perhaps other people who know will look after you as well. Here is a list of the causes of asthma you might be interested for you to be able to prevent asthma attack.

· Allergic Reactions - Only when a person suffers from difficulty of breathing or rashes does he think of the things he is allergic to but if not he just would not care. There are certain foods and other stuff that people with asthma need to get away from so knowing what these things are is essential.

· Genes - Many take asthma from members of family because they share same sets of genes. Asthma can be passed down from one generation to the succeeding ones. However, if asthma is genetic, one can make up for it by having a healthy lifestyle.

· Lifestyle - Your way of life is something you are in charge of but if you have asthma you'll have to change a few things. There are things you need to avoid when you have asthma and so your lifestyle will be greatly affected. One must make sacrifices because asthma can only be controlled through lifestyle changes. Eat a well-balanced diet, exercise regularly, sleep well, live a healthy lifestyle and say goodbye to asthma for good.

Knowing the causes of asthma is very important because it can lead your life for the better.

For more information about the different methods of asthma treatment, visit my blog to read more about the cause of asthma and how to prevent it.

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Flameless Candles and Other Tips for Asthma Sufferers

All kinds of everyday things can provoke asthma attacks, and what triggers an attack in some people won't have any effect on someone else. Indoor air pollution is one of the most common causes of an asthma attack, so understanding the possible triggers can make the home a more pleasant, safe and relaxing place.

While we're all aware of outdoor pollution, unless something smells bad in the house we don't necessarily associate breathing difficulties with poor air quality indoors.

Common household elements that create indoor pollution are:

Perfumes Hair Spray Air FreshenersPet DanderSmoke or Fumes from candlesDust Mites

Why Indoor Pollution is Bad for Asthma

Small liquid, or solid, airborne particles are easily breathed into the lungs, and in people with asthma this causes extreme irritation in the delicate lung tissue. This in turn causes a restriction of the airways that leads to coughing or wheezing, a feeling of tightness in the chest and difficulty in breathing. Allergic reactions to common household products can also trigger asthmatic attacks, particularly in children.

Practical Steps to Reduce Indoor Air Pollution

The first step towards creating cleaner, less harmful indoor air is to remove those items that you know are irritants. If you're not sure what's triggering an asthma attack in your home you may need to experiment a little, removing or reducing use of one irritant at a time and watching for improvement in the sufferer.


Many people are surprised to find they're allergic to the fumes given off by burning candles. It may be the compounds used in the manufacturing of the candle, or it may be perfume, whether it's an added scent or the natural scent particles in the wax. Either way, the answer is to switch to flameless candles so you can still enjoy the ambiance but carry on breathing at the same time. As an added bonus, flameless candles are much safer in the home, especially where there are children or pets.

Perfumes and Air Fresheners

These commonly trigger asthma attacks, with some people reporting that plug-in air fresheners are particularly risky. Try running the air conditioning to freshen the air in the home, or open a window and let in fresh air unless the pollen outside will make matters worse. Avoid wearing perfume or, if you can tolerate a little, try spraying it only on wrists or behind knees so you don't directly inhale the fumes.

Dust Mites

Keep house dust down by using a damp cloth rather than spray polish on sealed surfaces. Use mattress and pillow protectors to keep beds and linen dust and mite-free. Use non-aerosol cleaners for wood or shiny furniture.

Asthma can be debilitating and frightening for children and adults alike. Once triggers are known it's easier to keep attacks to a minimum, and simple solutions such as using flameless candles or non-perfumed cleaning products are a small price to pay for easier breathing.

Adrienne Bohrer invites you to see all the uses for Flameless Candles at: http://theflamelesscandleshop.com/

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Asthma During Pregnancy Does Not Have To Be A Problem For Your Baby

Why Is Asthma Dangerous?

Asthma is a condition where the air passages of the lungs are sensitive to certain allergens and become irritable and swollen. During pregnancy, this can be a dangerous situation. If this condition is not diagnosed and managed correctly, it can endanger the health of mother and child.

The major symptoms are wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath and tightness in the chest. Getting a handle on the symptoms is difficult since the severity of the attacks are different with every case.

How To Avoid Potential Complications

Birth complications come in many forms. While some mothers worry about taking additional medications during the prenatal period, it is the adverse effects from a lack of oxygen that is the greatest threat to the baby. This deprivation of oxygen can lead to cerebral palsy, low birth weight or premature birth. Blood pressure changes, or pre-eclampsia, can also present themselves in the mother, and these can be life-threatening.

But with proper medical care, complications such as these can be avoided.

Diagnosis and Treatment

An expecting mother with asthma should be on a long term treatment plan and this will depend on the severity of the symptoms. After a doctor takes a complete history and physical exam, he or she will have a good idea of what is causing the attacks and plan a course of action.

The final product will be an asthma management plan that will show triggers, medications and emergency contacts. This involves identifying the symptoms of asthma, avoiding allergens that trigger attacks, and starting a medical treatment plan to prevent and treat symptoms.

Triggers To Avoid

An expecting mother should know her triggers and how to avoid them.The best policy is to avoid all known allergens, such as pollen, dust, and animal dander. The immediate environment should be clear of mold, mites, and animal dander. Strong chemicals have also been proven to be hazardous to the health of expecting mothers with respiratory issues so a chemical-free environment is best.

Monitoring A Baby's Condition

Asthma during pregnancy must be monitored extremely closely because the unborn child is extremely vulnerable in the development of the womb. If the mother has an attack without proper response time and treatment, there is a high potential for complications. It is always best for an expecting mother to document her experiences and share them with her practitioner.

If you are asthmatic and become pregnant, your doctor will create an action plan to accommodate your baby. If there is any change in your condition, you should be monitored more closely.

Thankfully, there should be no fear in becoming pregnant if you have this respiratory condition. Carefully consider how well your asthma is managed. If it is well controlled, you have the green light to expand your family. If it is not properly managed, work with your doctor to ensure a healthy and successful nine months.

Lynn Versailles is a registered nurse and a life-long sufferer of asthma. Through years of research and life experiences, she shares her knowledge on how to properly manage asthma on http://www.safetreatmentsforasthma.com/. To learn more, download The Ultimate Asthma Management Guide. It is a free online guide on medical treatments and natural remedies to help you to properly manage this illness.

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Childhood Asthma - How To Use Air Humidifiers To Soothe Your Child's Wheezing

During the last 15 years, there has been an alarming 160% increase in the rate of asthma in children under the age of five. Sadly many of these children could have been prevented from ever developing asthma. If asthma is confirmed for your young one, you need to educate yourself on treating and managing this chronic disease. According to the experts knowledge is the best prescription.

Asthma occurs when the bronchial tubes become inflamed, creating extra mucus and causing airways to narrow. The end result could range from a frequent tendency to cough to minor wheezing to severe difficulty breathing.

It's a well-known fact that asthma symptoms are set off or triggered by certain environmental substances. For unknown reasons, your child's body "sees" these triggers as threats, even though most kids are not bothered by them. The lungs typically overreact by triggering an asthma attack.

Air humidifiers are an excellent way to add humidity to your home and hopefully relax the stressed-out bronchial tubes of the lungs. Sometimes it is the cold, dry air that agitates the lungs and causes them to constrict and narrow. You can improve this condition by making small changes to your home environment.

If you add warm, humidified air, this may relax the lungs and allow more air in. These easy steps can add humidity to your home without adding more stress to your life:

Step 1: Determine the humidity in your home. Prior to choosing any humidifier, try to select one that will suit your home. If you are not sure that you really need a humidifier, you may want to measure the humidity level in your home with a hygrometer. It is inexpensive and easy to operate. Once you have a humidity level that you are comfortable with, the humidistat feature in the humidifier can help you to keep a constant level of humidity at home.

Step 2: You should measure the area. Whether you choose a warm mist humidifier or cool mist humidifier, look for a model that fits the room. A humidifier that is too large will produce too much moisture and one that is too small will not do the right job. Too much humidity will cause more bacteria to grow and this will lead to additional problems.

Step 3: Find a model that is resistant to bacterial growth. Bacteria are nasty little creatures that like to live where there is moisture. You can make sure that they won't grow in your humidifier by choosing one that is resistant to the growth of mold and bacteria. Your other choice is to clean it on a regular basis.

Step 4: Look for a quiet model. Humidifiers can be quite noisy when they are in use. Cool mist humidifiers have a fan that is constantly going and warm mist humidifiers tend to make a bubbling noise. When it comes to noise level, your best option is to look for a model that has a 'silent' feature.

Step 5: Check for ease of use. When shopping for an air humidifier, you should check each model to see if it is easy to use and easy to refill. The better air humidifiers operate longer on one filling and won't interrupt your daily activities. Models with the reservoir capacity of one litres to five gallons are easier to use and keep the humidity for a longer time.

The first and most important step is to take charge of your child's asthma. Parents of asthmatic children suffer a range of contradictory feelings. It is natural for them to be concerned about medications and look for alternative treatments. While an air humidifier cannot medically treat asthma attacks, it can provide a warm, moist environment so that your little one can sleep at night.

Lynn Versailles is a registered nurse and a life-long sufferer of asthma. She has personally been affected with this chronic respiratory problem and wishes to help others. Through years of research and life experiences, she shares her knowledge on how to properly manage asthma on http://www.safetreatmentsforasthma.com/. To learn more, download The Ultimate Asthma Management Guide. It is a free online guide on medical treatments and natural remedies to properly manage this illness.

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Easing Infant Asthma - 5 Features An Air Cleaner Needs to Have

If your baby has asthma, it can be heartbreaking to watch them struggle for air. Minimizing these episodes has to be at the top of your list when caring for your child. An air purifier with the following 5 features can help your baby and you breathe easier.

HEPA Filtration - All indoor spaces have airborne particles that are impossible to prevent, but that can be minimized by using high efficiency particle arresting (HEPA) filters. Designed to remove particles as small as.3 microns in size, they can eliminate dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pet dander, as well as bacteria and viruses that cling to these particles.

Even though these particles are typical of most indoor air, babies' respiratory systems are not fully developed. Clearing the air of these pollutants (especially dust mites) can make it easier for your baby to breathe.

Carbon Cloth Filter - This type of filter was originally developed by the British Military as a defense against chemical warfare. It is excellent at removing gases, odors, and noxious chemicals.

You may think you don't have anything like that in baby's room. And you certainly wouldn't knowingly introduce these pollutants to the air. But if you have painted, wallpapered, bought new furniture or bedding, put in new carpet it is very likely that many of these products are off-gassing chemicals.

Fumes that adults may not be aware of may be too much for newly developing lungs to handle. Taking them out before they can cause problems is the advantage of having this type of filter working for you.

24 Hour Operation - Airborne pollutants are always in the air and a cleaner that run all the time is the best way to minimize the amount in the air. Continually reducing those means that they are less likely to accumulate to a level that would cause breathing problems for your child.

A split capacitor motor allows for continuous filtration that is safe and effective. Look for this feature in the technical specifications or owner's manual, and don't put it in your nursery unless it has this type of motor.

360 Degree Intake - Who care about this you may ask. A cleaner that can work effectively when placed as close as 6 inches from any surface is a huge advantage in terms of placement in the nursery. This means the unit can be close to the wall to limit cord exposure. It also means that you get to place in the most convenient place rather than having to place it in the middle of the room as some other cleaners require.

Low Maintenance - Probably the most important part of low maintenance is that it means less interruption in filtration. Avoid cleaners that require you to unplug them and go inside to wash, vacuum, spray, or recharge anything.

Each time you have to perform maintenance like this, your child's air is not being cleaned which means pollutants can build to levels that can cause problems. Instead opt for a purifier that only needs to be vacuumed on the outside while it continues to run, and has a filter life of 5 years or more. That qualifies as low maintenance at its best.

Help your baby breathe easier despite asthma by keeping asthma triggering pollutants low. See the air purifier that can help your baby and you breathe easier at http://purerair.com/babys_breath.html

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Family Mealtime and Asthma

How much time do you spend at the dinner table with your kids every week? Not much? You may want to reconsider your current habits, because a recent study clearly suggests that the quantity and quality of the time you spend with your children during mealtimes can have a profound effect on their overall health. These formative years are often some of the most important in their physical development, so ensuring a healthy lifestyle from an early date is very important. In fact, your child's life may depend on it!

The researchers involved in the study thoroughly evaluated 200 mealtimes and assessed their measurable effects on the health of children aged between 5 and 12 years. Unfortunately, these children were suffering from persistent asthmatic symptoms on a regular basis, requiring them to maintain a fairly regular schedule and avoid various types of harmful allergens (substances that can unexpectedly trigger a serious asthma attack). This consistency apparently carried over into mealtime activities as well.

The authors noted that on average, 70% of the children and adolescents participating in the study share their meal with an adult three or more times in a given week. Although the total interactions time during these meals only averaged about 18 minutes in length, it did have quite a significant effect on the health of the child. This suggests that even small amounts of time spent with your child a few times a week can make quite a difference.

It was noted that quality time spent during meals with the affected child (quality time meaning being engaged with each other and discussing daily events while eating food), was associated with the decreased severity of harmful asthma symptoms. On the contrary, in families that were busy over the phone or watching television while having their food, the severity of asthma symptoms was markedly higher.

The authors of the study suggested that showing a positive interest in the child's activities at home or at school definitely had a constructive effect on the child's mind and hence his/her health. Mealtimes provide an excellent setting in which to communicate with your child and ensure his or her positive growth and development in life. This can also carry over into later years.

So the next time you sit down to eat with your child, make sure that the television or any other electronic device that may affect conversations are off and have a quality mealtime together!

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Why Your Doctor Should Be Your First Call To Handle Your Asthma

Millions of people suffer from asthma, and if you're one of them, the information contained in this article will help you combat the harmful symptoms of this condition. We have organized a collection of the best valid advice concerning asthma to aid you in finding strategies to live a life that is healthier and less burdensome.

If your asthma attacks are severe, you may want to speak with your doctor about a long lasting injection of medication to control your symptoms. For example, Omalizumab can be used to keep your allergic reactions to a minimum and your asthma under control.

If you are suffering from asthma, stay away from any type of cigarette smoke. Smoking is especially dangerous for asthmatics. Avoid breathing chemical fumes and vapors. This can set off an Asthma attack that you might not be able to stop. Avoid secondhand smoke by leaving physical distance between yourself and the smoker.

If you have any children who suffer from asthma, avoid smoking around them at all costs. Secondhand smoke is known to be a reason asthma happens. Keep your child away from cigarette smoke and any other kind of fumes.

Frequently replace the pillows you sleep on the most. Purchase and use 100-percent-cotton pillowcases and towels in your daily routine, because dust mites have a way of penetrating and harboring in other materials. Dust mites are number one in causing attacks in asthma sufferers.

Make note of how often, on a weekly basis, you use your inhaler. If you use it more than two times a week, your asthma may need to be better controlled, or you are going through an usual period that brings on more regular attacks. If you have to use your inhaler a lot, you will know that you should more closely monitor your surroundings.

Any time that pollen counts go up, anyone suffering from asthma would be wise to keep their outdoors time to a minimum. A lot of the same things that can bother people with allergies will bother people with asthma as well. These days, information about the quality of local air is readily available, so people with asthma can avoid spending time outside when the air is full of things that irritate their lungs.

Make sure that everyone in your family gets their flu shot. You do not want to have a respiratory infection if you have asthma. This includes preventive measures against sickness, such as practicing good hygiene and getting all recommended vaccinations.

If you find that you are in a dusty room, do not put on any type of fan. Dust blown around by fans can cause your asthma to rear up. It is much better to open a window when you are in need of some air flow.

The most effective way to manage your asthma is to know what triggers it. Pet dander, plant pollen and everyday household dust are all common causes of asthma attacks. Once you have figured out the asthma triggers, you are in a better position to avoid them.

Make sure you schedule regular checkups with your doctor every few months to keep a heads up on your asthmatic condition. Your physician must check you out regularly to see if you need to do anything differently with your treatment. Although your doctor is there to help you stay healthy and manage your asthma, your health is your responsibility. Make and keep regular doctor's appointments so that you can keep asthma under control.

This information can offer you ways to manage your asthma productively and regain your full lifestyle back. With this information you have learned, you can go back to being healthy and lively, enjoy getting back into shape!

Original article