How a Chiropractor Can Help Children With Asthma

Asthma is a lung disease. Although it is a controllable disease, it can be debilitating for the sufferer. There is no cure for this disease; however, many children will outgrow childhood asthma.

With chiropractic treatment, life for children suffering from asthma can be easier. Taking your asthmatic child for regular treatments with a chiropractor can help your child cope with his asthma attacks. Regular treatment may help your child to have less frequent and less severe asthma attacks.

What Triggers an Asthma Attack?
The most common causes of asthma in childhood are allergic reactions to dust and dust mites, pollen, grass, mould, smoke, feathers, animal dander, and some chemicals or chemical fumes.

Exercise can cause asthma in children, especially if the child becomes chilled due to changes in the weather. Another common cause of asthma in children is a viral infection, such as a cold or flu.

Childhood Asthma
Sometimes a child who has asthma will outgrow the disease when he reaches adulthood. In early childhood, from three years to eight years, the chance of a boy developing asthma is twice as great as the chance of a girl developing asthma. Once they reach adolescence girls and boys are equally affected by asthma.

A young child will often have asthma attacks when he first starts school. This is because he is exposed to other children in the classroom with colds.

Exercise induced asthma is also common with children who are doing school sports for the first time. Children do not always remember to put on warm clothing after playing sports in the winter, so they become chilled, and this may be enough to trigger an asthma attack even if the child does not suffer from exercise induced asthma.

Because asthma is one of the main reasons for children to miss school, it is vitally important that your child's asthma is kept under control. Regular visits to the chiropractor can ensure your child has the best chance of continuing his education without missing too many days at school due to asthma attacks.

How can a Chiropractor Help?
A chiropractor can help control asthma by giving regular spinal adjustments to the asthmatic child. Spinal adjustments can help alleviate the pain caused by sore muscles during an asthma attack. Spinal adjustments may also reduce the severity and the frequency of childhood asthma attacks.

If the severity and frequency of childhood asthma attacks is reduced the child will not need to depend so heavily on medication. A chiropractor can work with the child's doctor to ensure that the child is receiving the best possible treatment for his asthma.

Children respond well to chiropractic adjustments. Young bodies heal very quickly after a spinal misalignment is corrected. A chiropractor will use spinal adjustments to help improve your child's general health as well as to help control his asthma.

Chiropractors play an important role in helping children to cope with asthma. Spinal adjustments help ease discomfort and sore muscles in asthma patients and also help asthmatic children to lead a more normal life with fewer, and less severe asthma attacks.

By Dr Maria Ananakis (Chiropractor)

Dr Maria Ananakis (Chiropractor) graduated from Macquarie University with a Bachelor of Chiropractic Science and a Masters of Chiropractic. She owns and operates her own busy chiropractic practice in Sydney. She has a special interest in holistic family care and helps people of all ages varying from newborns through to the grandparents.
Other interests within the profession include treating stress, babies and children, pregnancy, headaches, back pain, low energy, arthritis, women's health issues, such as fertility; and sports injuries. Dr Maria prefers natural and holistic care and aims to help people with a variety of issues by ensuring the nervous system is free to work without interference. Discover more about Dr. Maria Ananakis at

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Important Facts That Parents Should Know About Childhood Asthma

Have you closely and intently observed your child while playing? Does he manifest very little energy? Do you notice the frequent coughing, rapid breathing or shortness of breath? Do you always see the dark circles around his eyes? Does your child complain of chest tightness, frequent headaches or feeling of weakness? If you answered yes in most questions, most probably he has the chronic childhood asthma. There are other symptoms that you should look into like loss of appetite, tightened muscles around the neck and chest and the wheezing sound when inhaling or exhaling. These signs should never be taken for granted.

Many parents might be wondering why asthma is more rampant among children. Childhood asthma can occur at any age but usually shows up when the child reaches 5 years old. There is no exact explanation yet as to why childhood asthma is a common sickness. Experts think that exposure to allergens like air pollutants, second hand smoke and dust is a major cause of asthma among kids. Others suggest that childhood illnesses somehow develop strong immune system among children. Children who experience less sickness when younger do not develop antibodies that can fight or prevent asthma. There is a group of experts suspecting that lessened breastfeeding hindered the important body chemicals of the immune system to be transmitted to the baby.

Parents might ask how childhood asthma may be diagnosed. First, they can check the medical history. They can also run down the symptoms discussed if those are manifested by their children. Records will definitely be of great help to your child's pediatrician. Tell your doctor everything about the medical history of your child so that the doctor can make the accurate diagnosis. Symptoms must also be explained in detail, frequency of occurrence and when the symptom started showing.

Second, have your child undergo some physical exam or tests. Using the stethoscope, the pediatrician will listen to your child's chest part to check if there is a wheezing sound or how grave the sound is. There are chest X-ray and pulmonary tests which are called function tests which can measure how much air is in the lungs of your child. It can also assess how fast the air is exhaled. Through these tests, the pediatrician can tell whether the asthma has just started or is severe already.

The next question perhaps that might interest the parents is how their children's asthma can be treated. As long as you have given the records to the doctor, an asthma treatment plan can now be designed. Usually, a child needs to take in medicine to prevent or stop the symptoms or childhood asthma.

Other than the treatment, prevention is always much better than cure. So if you have found out that your children has asthma, ensure that your house is dust-free or is not surrounded by furry animals. Keep the child away from anyone who is smoking. If possible, you can ask your child to wear a gas mask or he can cover his nose when he is outside your house especially along a busy street.

Visit my website to read more information on childhood asthma. You can find a lot of information and asthma tips that can help you with your asthma problems.

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Top Natural Asthma Cures

This article lists some natural cures for asthma that are safe and can be used on children as well as adults. Asthma is a condition that seems to be predominantly hereditary. If you suffer from asthma then you probably also suffer from other hyper allergenic conditions such as eczema and food intolerances. The most common food intolerances are allergies to diary, wheat and nuts.

Many people are now turning away from conventional medicine in search of a cure for their ailments. As amazing as drugs are at treating diseases they very rarely treat the cause of the disease and more often target the symptoms. A patient may start feeling better but not realise that they are simply masking the symptoms and soon the ailment with manifest as some other disease. Are there any natural remedies for asthma that work effectively?

Luckily, there are natural cures for asthma that actually do work. Some work more effectively when taken in combination with other treatments depending on your symptoms. Here is a list of the most commonly used and vouched for treatments for asthma.

1. The Alexander Technique is a method that works to improve ease and freedom of movement, balance, support and coordination. By doing so you also change the way you breathe and this can have a profound effect on asthma sufferers. Although this is not a quick fix method, if practised often enough can lead to reduced wheezing and asthma symptoms.

2. Chinese Licorice Root is a very powerful herb that is used often in traditional Chinese medicine to treat asthma. Asthma can present in many ways and a specific tincture is mixed according to your symptoms. This is normally made into a drink and consumed for 3 to 4 weeks. It is important that you obtain a prescription from a qualified practitioner of herbalist before consuming any herbs.

3. Acupressure is another traditional remedy that dates back from ancient China. It is believed that asthma is caused by a blockage in the lung or spleen meridean and by unblocking this energy pathway, asthma can be cured. Acupressure originates from the same principle as acupuncture but is much less frightening to those who are afraid of needles.

4. The Bowen Technique is a gentle, soft touch therapy that is very popular in Australia, Canada and the UK. This therapy aims to re balance the nervous system and treat the cause of asthma as opposed to the symptoms. Many case studies have reported an 80% reduction in use of inhalers and asthma attacks and in some there is no longer any need for medication.

Treat the cause of asthma with the Bowen Technique For Asthma Now!

Visit cure asthma naturally for more information on natural cures for asthma.

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The Long-Term Effectiveness of Asthma Home Remedies

Medical studies have reported that cases of severe to mild forms of asthma are on the rise. More than 20 million Americans suffer from this debilitating disease, even though scientific research spends billions every year searching for the ideal prescription medication. While these heavy drugs have helped individuals that need to combat many of the symptomatic effects of asthma, certain healthcare providers have turned to natural homeopathic methods and asthma home remedies as a way to circumvent the ongoing problem.

Treating the Disease With Prescription Medications

Many individuals who suffer from the disease take heavy doses of prescription medications every day. At times when these medicines struggle to work, some asthma sufferers need to use an inhaler just to be able to take a deep breath. In reaction to the medicine's ineffectiveness, physicians generally tend to up the dosage or try a more harmful drug in an effort to find something that works for their patient. Every heavy medication an individual takes causes some type of mild to severe side effect. Some of the reactions the body has to the medication can be minimal, doing little damage to the liver or kidneys at the cellular level. Other medications have found to cause severe side effects over time, many of which are irreversible.

The Effects of Long-Term Steroid Use

Individuals who have a history of long-term use of their inhaler typically deal with debilitating side effects, including an increased appetite resulting in excessive weight gain, loss of hair, severe acne, blood glucose problems, and stunted growth. Patients that use inhalers over the long arc of their life can develop severe osteoporosis due to the heavy dose of steroids in the medication.

Is There a Cure on the Horizon?

To date, there seems to be no cure for those suffering from asthma. While the most severe cases of this chronic inflammatory disorder require heavy doses of medications, mild-case asthma sufferers are beginning to search for alternative medicines and asthma home remedies for another way to control their disease. Though every individual case is unique, not everyone needs to take heavy doses of prescriptive medications to manage their ongoing asthmatic condition.

Natural Alternative Treatments

In the last decade or so, many herbal remedies for asthma have been developed. Additionally, many homeopathic physicians are taking an approach that is different from those of medical doctors and are working to treat the root cause of the problem instead of the symptoms, allowing the body to heal itself. Aromatherapy is also used for treating asthma, harnessing the healing powers from the extracted oils found in plant life.

Acupuncture has been used as a tool to control asthma in some patients with surprisingly positive results. Placing needles at certain locations on the skin causes the stimulation of natural chemical reactions in the body. There is a number of asthma home remedies that have proven to manage the disease effectively.

Finding the right solution, through natural homeopathic alternatives, asthma home remedies, oil extracts and herbal remedies, has provided some individuals the opportunity to live an asthma-free life. Until a cure has been found, every avenue should be explored to treat the symptoms of those that suffer from asthma.

Sophia Dillard is a researcher on products for households and a contributing writer on the subject of asthma home remedies. Save time and money by getting a FREE in-depth review of this product, including discounts and best prices, at this blog:

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Reduce Asthma Flare-Ups - 3 Effective Ways To Manage Asthma

Asthma cannot be cured but it can be effectively managed. Here are 3 strategies you can use to reduce flare-ups and make it possible for you to enjoy your life despite this condition.

Identify The Triggers - This is easier said than done. Often it is not just one thing that triggers flare up but a combination that can be directly affected by your physical condition. One of the best ways to hone in on what things cause your symptoms that range from aggravating to a full-blown attack is to keep a journal.

Make a note of time of day, location, your overall health at the time (i.e. tired, coming down with a cold, unusually stressed) and any things that you came in contact with prior to symptoms developing. You may not see a pattern from moment to moment, but after keeping the journal for a month or so, a pattern is likely to appear.

If your asthma is severe, you may not have time to wait to make these kinds of observations, but keeping a journal like this can greatly help you and your doctor to identify the likely causes and develop a management plan that will help to reduce the number and severity of symptoms and flare ups.

Avoid The Problem - This solution sounds terribly low-tech in the midst of our technologically savvy world; but it still works. If you avoid the things that you know will trigger problems, you will hopefully be able to live life more fully.

The obvious problem is that you are not always in control of the air you breathe either indoors or out. Learning about the triggers can be a big help. For example, if seasonal pollens are an irritant, knowing when they are at their peak and avoiding the outdoors on those days can help. Use what you learn to pick and choose activities that will offer the most distance from irritants.

Reduce The Number of Irritants - Outdoor air is pretty much beyond your control. But indoor air is different. With the right kind of air cleaner you can effectively and continually remove 99,997 out of every 10,000 particulates as small as .3 microns.

This type of filter that is able to do this is called high efficiency particle arresting filter and is often abbreviated as HEPA. Since many asthma triggers are particles like household dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, pollen, pet dander, bacteria, and viruses this is an essential part of any asthma management plan.

Since gaseous pollutants such as smoke, chemicals from household furniture and carpets, and scents from personal and household cleaning products can also cause problems, a cleaner that contains a filter that can remove gaseous pollutants should also be present in the air purifier.

These 3 strategies can greatly reduce the effect that asthma has on your life. And can literally help you breathe easier..

Get relief from asthma 24 hours a day by eliminating the triggers. See the air purifier specifically designed to eliminate particulate and gaseous asthma irritants at

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A Holistic Approach to Asthma

Asthma is a chronic disease that affects the lungs. It often involves narrowing of the airways which makes breathing difficult. It is also common for asthma sufferers to have other symptoms such as coughing, wheezing and chest tightness. People with asthma often use inhalers to help relieve their symptoms. It is common for them to use prescription drugs to help as well. Prescription drugs often have adverse side effects. Chiropractic has been found to be an effective solution for many asthma sufferers.

There are several possible causes for the onset of asthma symptoms. Weather has been commonly associated with asthma such as when there are extremes in temperature, either hot or cold. Allergies can also trigger asthma symptoms such as from pollens. Certain foods have also been found to trigger allergies that lead to asthma attacks. However, this is not as common. Some cities are known to have more asthma sufferers than others. This is probably because of the weather patterns and environment being more prone to trigger asthma symptoms. Certain infections have also been associated with asthma. People that perform strenuous exercise can be more prone to asthma. Some asthma sufferers must avoid certain sports and activities. Asthma sufferers must be careful of dust accumulation in the home as this can also trigger symptoms.

Chiropractic has been found to be effective in helping people that suffer from asthma. The science behind this has to do with the relationship between chiropractic adjustments and the autonomic nervous system. This part of the nervous system is made up of nerves that control visceral functions in the body for example digestion, breathing and heart rate. Chiropractic adjustments help to remove nerve irritation including stress on the autonomic nerves.

These nerves are often irritated from misaligned spinal bones. There are nerves that exit out of the spine to control other systems in the body including the autonomic nervous system. This nerve irritation will result in loss of function in whatever the nerves are controlling, for example the lungs or respiratory system. Chiropractors are specially educated to locate and correct these problems in the spine.

Many report excellent improvement with their asthma symptoms following chiropractic care. They report being able to breathe much better and have reduced asthma symptoms. Some people respond very quickly to chiropractic treatment while others show gradual improvement. Chiropractors perform a thorough exam to rule out other causes. They will often refer the patient to another physician if problems are out of their scope of practice. Chiropractors don't treat asthma but many report great improvement of asthma symptoms with chiropractic care.

Most people seek chiropractic for treatment of musculoskeletal problems such as neck or back pain. However, many healthcare professionals are referring people to chiropractors for other problems because of the good success that they have with other problems. Chiropractors help the body function optimally by removing nerve interference. The body is then able to heal itself. Chiropractic helps the body obtain overall wellness and breathe easier.

Nathan Leavitt DC

Dr. Leavitt has written many health articles that provide natural ways to help alleviate pain and live a better life. To learn more go here: Knoxville chiropractors

You can also see patient reviews and see where Dr. Leavitt's clinic is located by clicking here: Knoxville chiropractors

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Treating Wheezing In Toddlers

What causes wheezing in toddlers? Wheezing is a harsh, raspy sound normally associated with narrowing of the airway and heard on breathing out. Young children can develop the symptom of wheezing if they suffer from asthma, a respiratory infection causing blockage or narrowing of the airways or structural abnormalities in the airways.

If your child also suffers from eczema and allergies then the most likely cause of wheezing is asthma. This is a condition that causes the airways to react to certain triggers such as pollen, dust mites and even cold air. The constriction of the airways is caused both by inflammation and excessive mucus production.

Wheezing in toddlers can be very alarming for parents who have never heard or experienced it before. Often the wheezing starts off as a cough (usually at night for asthma sufferers) and then progresses to a wheeze. This can then set off a full-blown asthma attack in some children.

It is very important to identify the triggers that cause wheezing in your child and remove them. For example, if your child tends to start wheezing at night whilst asleep in bed, there may be an allergy to dust mites. Regular vacuuming will help reduce wheezing and allergic reactions. Also, look out for any soft toys that may be harbouring dust mites and collecting dust. These should be removed from the room your child is sleeping in.

Current treatment of wheezing in toddlers involves the use of bronchodilators to open up the airways and steroids to reduce inflammation. However, these methods do not always work very effectively. One of the main causes of wheezing is associated with tightness of the breathing muscles namely the diaphragm and the muscles surrounding the chest. Drugs and medication do very little to relax these muscles and they gradually become more and more tense.

No matter what the cause of wheezing in toddlers, it is very important to address the issue of muscle tightness. Tense respiratory muscles very quickly go into spasm. An asthma attack is an example of the diaphragm going into spasm and preventing any air from being inhaled or exhaled.

Even if your young child does not have asthma but a respiratory infection which is causing wheezing, the diaphragm and breathing muscles will be very tense due to the added effort of breathing. By relaxing these muscles you not only aid the breathing process but also treat the wheezing itself.

Learn how to treat tense breathing muscles with the Bowen Technique For Asthma and cure wheezing naturally Now!

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Asthma Products Help Prevent Asthma Attacks

Asthma is a condition that is difficult to deal with. It is not a fatal condition, but people who have asthma have to use several methods to control their symptoms. Asthma is often caused by a variety of allergies, and asthma products help to reduce exposure to allergens that trigger attacks. In addition to medication, people with asthma need to arrange their lifestyles to avoid allergens. The good thing is that it is possible to have the right combination of medication and products to control asthma effectively.

Air Filters Remove Allergens From a Home Environment

The air in your home contains many things that trigger asthma attacks. Dust, mold spores, mites, chemical vapors, air pollutants from outdoors, pet dander and air fresheners are just a few of the triggers. When you have asthma, it is important to keep the air in your home as clean as possible. Air purifiers are one type of asthma products that do this. You want to get the best air purifier that you can rather than the cheapest one you can find. Your doctor can recommend types of filters that will work best. HEPA air purifiers are top-rated filters that remove various triggers from the air. They are usually placed in rooms that are occupied most frequently. The size and number of filters needed depends on the size of the home and the rooms in it.

Dehumidifiers Are a Weapon Against Allergen-Producing Molds

Mold spore are the most insidious triggers of asthma attacks. High levels of mold in a home are caused by excessive moisture in the air (humidity). You can't always see mold growth because it tends to hide in air vents, behind washers and driers, and in carpets. Basements have very high humidity and are a breeding ground for mold. Dehumidifiers are asthma products that prevent the growth of mold and mildew. They should be placed in basements, bathrooms and closets to remove moisture from the air and inhibit mold and mildew growth.

Anti-Allergen Sprays Destroy Allergens

Anti-allergen sprays are powerful asthma products that neutralize allergens in any environment. You can't get rid of everything that produces allergens, and you certainly do not want to get rid of your pets even though you're allergic to them and they can trigger attacks. These sprays are non-staining and destroy allergens from dust mites, pet dander, pollens, mold and mildew on contact. They are non-toxic and safe for pets and people.

Other Asthma Products

Masks can be used both indoors and particularly outdoors to prevent allergens from getting into the lungs to trigger asthma attacks. Peak-flow meters are devices that enable you to measure the pressure of your exhalation to see if it is diminishing, which is a sign that your condition is worsening. Peak-flow meters provide early detection so that you can intervene before the asthma becomes worse. There are many products available to lessen allergen exposure and improve the condition of people who suffer from asthma. Using these products can help you lead a normal breathing life.

Sophia Dillard is a researcher on products for households and a contributing writer on the subject of asthma products. Save time and money by getting a FREE in-depth review of this product, including discounts and best prices, at this blog:

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Healthy Diet for Asthma Patients

Asthma patients should be very careful about their diet. They should have an asthma diet plan in order to prevent unhealthy lifestyle. A healthy, nutritional, no-fat diet will help them stay away from the adverse affects of asthma. They may also prone to food allergies due to improper diet.


Turmeric acts as a preventive and curative for asthma. It can be taken in any form. 1 tsp of turmeric everyday helps you prevent or cure asthma. It can be taken either with honey or warm milk. Take 1 tsp of turmeric mixed in 2 tsp honey on empty stomach. (Or) Take 1 tsp of turmeric mixed in a small glass of warm milk two times a day.

Helpful Diet for Asthma Patients:

• Coffee helps to control the severity of the attack. This is because of the caffeine present in it. Caffeine makes breathing easy for asthma patients.

• Onions helps in controlling the inflammation of the airways. This is because onions have anti-inflammatory components.

• Spices like garlic, cumin seeds, long pepper, black pepper, cloves, cinnamon and cardamom are taken regularly for being healthy.

• Coming to the type of milk, goat's milk is very useful. Buffalo's and cow's milk should be avoided.

• Vitamin B supplements like green leafy vegetables and pulses should be taken in large amounts.

• Dried figs, which are rich in magnesium helps in improving the health of asthma patients.

• Whole meal bread, maize, jawar and millets which are also very useful for asthma patients.

• Vegetables such as spinach, bitter gourd, pumpkin and green banana and fruits like grapes, raisins and papaya are preferred.

• Hot foods like chilli, hot mustard helps in dilating the air passages by opening the mucus and thus helps in easy breathing.

Avoidable Foods for Asthma Patients:

• Buffalo's milk and cow's milk should be completely avoided.

• Fatty food products like cheese should be avoided.

• Food products that contain preservatives and added colour should be avoided, as these may cause irritation and allergy.

• Should be completely away from wine and beer.

• Legumes and roots should be kept away.

• Eggs, fish and nuts should not be taken.

• Cool drinks, citrus fruits and sour fruits should be avoided.

• Dairy products, chocolates, cakes, muffins, bread and white sugar should be avoided.

• Salt intake should be reduced. This can be substituted with spices which add more flavour and taste to the food.

• Fish that contain omega 3 fatty acids can be consumed in small amounts but should not be taken in large quantities.

Diet that should be taken at night:

Asthma patients should take proper care of their diet at night. They should take a very light diet at night and follow their asthma diet plan. This is because of the inactivity of the metabolic rate. The digestive system is inactive and the metabolic rate is very low at night. Because of this, heavy food may cause irritation. Black pepper should be taken, as it has digestive stimulants, which helps in easy digestion of food.

It is even better to skip food at night. Instead of food, it is advised to take coffee or tea with ginger added to it.

To more about facts and information about asthma you can visit my website on where you can find lots of detailed information about the treatment of asthma.

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